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this man reincarnated just to find his master lol


Chinese Cartoons

This show is so god damn stupid in a good way lol Also please check out Ya Boy Kongming when you have an open slot!


Yall should check out "Baccano". It's so upbeat and crazy good.


Don't mind me, just dropping Magi petition her lol #MagiNext


Yoooo baccano is so good and soooo slept on. Also hands down probably the best dub of all time

Cole M. Phillips

as usual imma recommend generator rex so i've read the manga which got cancelled cus I think the artist got sick with cancer so give an arc or 2, i'm blind going forward for this one as well

Adrian Monroy

Well now that I see a lot of people recommending anime I'll do it too, STEINS;GATE, I know that me and a lot of other people will be happy to see you guys watch it

Manuel Cerda

sitting here waiting for batman:'(


Pretty sure they saw it in theaters might be wrong


Man, just by entering the room he caused multiple orgasms to occur. That's a flex.

Jazmyne Mattucci

nah they said they uploading it tonight but idk what time since its a long ass film

Devin B

Only Lupa saw it, Roshi and Sheera didn't see it yet


Teacher's purpose is to stand there and look hot. As long as she keeps her mouth shut, she's all good. LOL.


Lupa said he hasn't seen it and was watching it for patreon lol

john segun doe

I know yall are mad busy but i’d love yall to watch this new netflix anime movie Bubble, by wit studio


Good dumb fun, but with a decent story


I’m glad y’all are liking the story it’s so good imo

Jacob R

Yo best girl, the fan club, is here.


Speaking of stick swords, y'all should watch Thunderbolt Fantasy. It was created by Gen Urobuchi. It has three season and two movies. Also, get this, it's a puppet show and it has amazing action and a fun story


Alright Roshi you've pranked us enough already. You're taking this month long April fool's joke far too seriously. You can drop Misfit now.


bro just shut up i see you every post complaining like a lil bitch🗿💀

Silver Delgado

Bro I don’t wanna spoil them but they joke about things that are true so much😂

Clayton Fox

Fuck #maginext go for #sinbadnext (still magi but shhhh)


I swear if anyone spoils ANYTHING in the comments about what happens I am gonna be pissed. DO NOT TALK ABOUT SPOILERS OR ELSE IT WILL RUIN THE REACTIONS.


Fuck off. People like you need to learn to not say shit and ruin the reactions for everyone. It doesn't have to be directly a spoiler. Roshi reading this ruins a lot of what happens later on.


Roshi don't read the comments on this one. People spoiling and ruining shit in the series.


Bru it’s not a spoiler I’m saying I’m making my guess there Personalities are to different


You stupid I’m making my guess there personalities are to different


Know one is spoiling that is guess y’all stupid you is over there spoiling for them everyone makes a thought in anime


why would they drop a show that they enjoy and that is actually pretty good? story is okay with most characters being decent and with decent fights. But the main thing is the really good mc that is really good that we already have alot of memes about. A unique mc that stands out compared to most others lame main characters like in most male mc shows.


You are misunderstanding what the hero with the holy sword and the demon king have in comparison. The demon king is more overall powerful than the hero but the hero couldn't be killed under normal circumstances. Hero has top tier power but anos is definitely a lot more powerful than the hero or else he wouldn't be able to kill him so much.


That movie was so good, i hope they watch it. I put a request for it in the community tab but then someone decided to spam like 5 posts asking for Magi so they might not have seen it.


@Nasty A unique mc can only carry a show so far. I do like the mc but the other aspects of the anime are far too bad to even call the show decent . Side characters are either on Ano's dick or complete haters, literally no in-between. The villains or characters not part of Ano's harem are complete idiots and have no meaningful dialogue, they only serve to make themselves look like complete clowns and to make Anos look cooler than he already is. The fights are too one sided and have no tension whatsoever. At least in OPM they had a strong cast of side characters who had really good fights with the villains who may or may not win the fight and while Saitama was broken, the main tension was whether or not Saitama would even show up for the fight since he himself is an idiot and isn't always there to protect the heroes. The harem is too forced and not even slightly earned unlike other well written harem like chivalry of a failed knight. The girls in the harem themselves can't even be called characters and only serve the purpose of boosting Anos/ the self inserting audience's ego. I can go on but yeah I don't think this anime deserved a reaction. You can only turn your brain off for so long in order to enjoy this anime until your brain actually becomes mush.

Brianna Jenkins

Y’all are too much, especially Sheera with the sword metaphors 😂😂 honestly Sasha’s robe just reminds me of a Inuyasha


@Mad4Life It doesnt have to have great writing to be good reaction material. The chemistry this show has with the trio is the reason it was so heavily voted for. They love making jokes and the ridiculousness of the show feeds that. It probably wouldn't work for other reactors but it's good content for them.

john segun doe

fam just dont watch it omfg. u complain on rt tv's comment section as well. jeez i bet you're just a hoot to deal with it irl SMFH


Others may not care but I second the petition above in the comments for #maginext; hope the gang sees this. Lol


You legit told them a spoiler and deleted your comment after you got called out for it. I am glad you deleted it but you still made the comment to let them know something they didn't need to know.


Its the one thing at the end of the series that is actually a decent plot twist. It isn't predictable to everyone.


danmachi next. everyone been asking for it

rickie woodson

i was shipping anos and kanon but now im shipping anos and ray. ray is so bae!


Some Maidenless behavior right there. While I do agree that the show isn't winning any Anime Awards for its writing any time soon, it's nice to see the gang laugh and enjoy the ridiculousness of this show. At least that's why I joined their patreon, but don't know about everyone else. Love their reactions and jokes XD

zILovePelmeni _

its never mentioned but anos is surpressing 49.99% with 49.99% of his power. He literally uses 0.02% of his power

Weltall Gaia

I don't remember, does that get revealed in season 1 or is that a later thing?


wasn't that core stuff explained this episode. so Kanon is abicially unkillable if he is careful


The opening is the best things earth has ever been blessed with


then leave and watch something else are you stupid or something.

Alex Omega

I'm glad that you guys are liking the series. Hell, I knew you would ever since I saw it a while ago.


It is mentioned in the light novels, but like 300 chapters after this and after he regains more of his power lol


MAGI next MAGI next. I'm going to spam Magi until a spot opens. Hopefully, it'll be on the next poll.


Hope Magi is on the next poll, them oddtaxi fans be pissed every poll 😂


I’m about to make them mad on purpose, ayo roshi you can go ahead and get rid of oddtaxi and put MAGI on there 😂


Like it’s never gonna win a poll, definitely not no trio poll


Go on ahead and hop on the train and welcome😂, a lot of people want magi to be on the next poll


Nahh Sinbad after season one of Magi but yeah kinda


Roshi 5Head

Lupa is Dadi

Nahh I need me a loyal friend like this mf fr. Man's really asked to be reincarnated just to hang out with his homie in another lifetime 😭

Lupa is Dadi

Nahhh Mari Kamari you foul for that 😂 them odd taxi mfs been fighting since the start for ever ever 😭


😂, it’s true though, it’s been on like 6 polls and always been LAST, not even SECOND OR THIRD, always LAST, no disrespect to the oddtaxi fandom but at some point they gonna have to give up that spot and put another show in its spot, like it’s a waste up space at this point


Bro just don’t watch them react to it, it’s that simple


Yeah they should watch sinbad after season 1

Clayton Fox

I just like sinbad so much, pretty much only reason I watched/read magi stuff.


sheera is just too much lmaoo

Quinton Campbell

"Dey know we talk dat Stick Talk" - Anos


Sheera gave a whole new meaning to two guys dueling. I will never unsee that now thanks XD


This was too funny

King Kryptic

Like the scissors from Kill la Kill