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this girl just dragged my man into her bullshit lol

one more upload coming tonight lol the next Komi episode



keep the uploads coming don't stop


The ed is different and they’re still not listening to it :(


My favorite aspect of this episode is how Mai handled this misunderstanding. She told him not to talk to me, but she actually did want him to come explain himself because she trusts him, and when he didn’t for a day or two she took the initiative to go see him to get an explanation that she knows exists

Javier V2221

The reason she doesn’t want to flat out tell the guy no is because she thinks she will turn into an outcast of her friend group because of it. Since one of her friends likes the guy who’s asking her out. So having Sakura pretend to be her boyfriend will keep her status with her friends clean and keep the boy asking her out away.

Devin B

At this point Sakuta has no choice but to go along with her lie cause until she decides that she's okay with the consequences of rejecting her friend's crush she's gonna keep avoiding that situation


Im so happy that you guys are catching and understanding everything so far


To a degree yeah, If it’s not clear already both Mai and Sakuta have a very dead pan and snarky sense of humor, they both enjoy teasing each other, she just wanted to give him a bit of a hard time and make him work for it. The redeeming part though is that when she doesn’t get her way she doesn’t double down or act worse, she takes initiative and goes to get what she wants. A more generic Tsundere wouldn’t go looking for him so he could explain himself


I think they encourage people to ask their crush out because it's kind of like a "you miss every shot you don't take" type of situation. It's better to ask them and be rejected than to hold on to it forever and just suffer or regret that you never did it.

Alexander Brown

Yeah Mai sang first ed and this new girl sings this ed


Endless Eight enjoyers rejoice! lol


hee hee i wish i had a time machine


This episode reminded me, have they ever seen the Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya?


Sounds good! The ed changes when a new problem occurs. Just letting you know in case you think the ed changes after every episode 👍


I'd love to see them react to it. So long as they go through all of E8. We all gotta do it once


well eventually they would. Mai definitely has a bit of Tsundere in her but definitely not shown as over the top.

Ara Araragi

FYI, when Futaba references "8th grade syndrome," that's the English translation of "chuunibyou" (like Nakanaka from Komi-san). She was asking Sakuta if he was delusional because she didn't believe he was reliving the same day.


Just gonna say it. Koga is my favorite girl in the series. Although 50% of that is because I love her VA in every role I've seen her in (especially Oregairu). Also, the character does get much better. Glad you guys are enjoying the series so far!


Mai is waifu asl


Try not to go in hating anyone off the bat no one in this show is intentionally malicious except kunimis bitchy girlfriend lol this show deals a lot with characters emotions so really pay attention to everything they say or talk about


Make sure y’all watch the movie after u finish the season!


Why doesn't she just tell to her friends "I refused him because it'd feel cringe af since I know you like him already"?


I think you guys might have missed it but they already explained why she can't just say no. If she said no to the most popular guy in school she would be outcasted and her friend who has the crush would most likely stop being her friend. Is it her fault? No, but that's Japanese high school in a nutshell.

Daniel Borrego

the solution was simple, and i thought he was going to do it. just walk with the girl to mai's house and explain the situation. would have solved everything lickedy split.


Idk if its the animation or the way they interact with each other but this really gives me the same vibes as Hyouka

Liudmila Duk

1 day saying to roshi to react to kanata no astra


If she says no her friends will dislike her, its just the typical teenage girls are bitchy plotline you've probably seen before but they handle it well here


Its kinda like this anime but with non supernatural mysteries. Idk why but anime like that give me a bubbly feeling. Some others are Natsume Yuujinchou, Uchouten Kazoku and 3-Gatsu no lion off the top of my head


It's like when your game crashed after a long cutscene, and you start it over from your last save point or checkpoint, and then you just press Circle to skip the cutscene lmao.


mai was best girl 2019 for a reason

Jay rellim

me as soon as the day repeats: bites za dusto???


watch the movie when you guys finish


If Sakuta tells Mai, and Mai forgives him and they start dating, the illusion of Sakuta and the other girl dating is over, and the guy will go after her again. Then the day will repeat all over again.

Kévin Chamberlin

they need to pay attention to the ending


Make sure to watch the movie after you finish


Bunny girl Sen🅿️eak

Devin B

3-Gatsu no lion is a dope anime. Also I think that bubbly feeling is just the slice of life effect cause nothing supernatural happens but just the fact it feels regular makes you empathize with the anime more imo

Taylor Moon

Tomoe is great, I love her hair she's so cute


Only 2 episodes a week? 😭

Ranginald Vagel

Asugazawa based man brute forced his way through the friendzone without being a creep

Joey Zero

Because that's basically telling your friend "sorry, but the guy you like actually likes me." and she doesn't want to do that in fear of them ending their friendship, making her an outcast in her eyes.


i’m so glad you guys are reacting to this. imo it’s one of the best animes out there, and seeing these reactions has got me wanting to rewatch it myself for the 4th time. you guys are gonna shed some tears if you end up watching the movie

Salty MF

Love this show. Glad you guys reacting to it :)


thats how you know they a good pair and shes a good girl. She knows there must be a reasonable explanation for what happened and was just waiting for him to come explain lol

marco arellano

I can see the similarities between this and hyouka but that one didn’t have a lick of romance. It was more like super smart but apathetic guy learns to love mysteries because curious girl begs him too.


He is getting Ground Hog Day-ed


pretty sure you missed two after credit scenes already, they add a little bit to the episodes


oregairu next plz!!