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Liking the way the story is going so far!


Coping McCoperson

damn yall caught me layin down to go to sleep. Fuck sleep then

Kodyak Combs

I still can't figure out where the story will go for season 2? Gods, Spirits?


Kaguya-sama waiting room.


Can't believe people actually voted for this


Don't take this show seriously and it's entertaining ppl are such children about anime it's rediculous


People need to treat this show like its a reality show. Its trash everyone knows its trash but you still like it. Like a comfort show

Lil Uzi Vert

Got my shrooms and xannies, ready to binge some reactions


I can’t blame the classmates man, if the transfer student in my class said he was Jesus I ain’t believing shit from him lmao


It’s good trash like domestic girlfriend lol


Hes got like 40 mins until the shrooms kick in, he'll remember this episode lol

Abraham Perez

But he's also not hiding his power and knowledge, would you believe the classmate if he began walking on water or curing people of illnesses .


Please watch Daily Life of the Immortal King. You will love it especially if you like OP main characters.

Devin B

I wouldn't believe him at first but if I saw someone kill someone and revived them multiple times I would have to believe them


If a transfer student claimed he was Jesus but started walking on water, turned water into wine, starting multiplying fish and bread, died then came back to life after 3 days and you saw all this with your eyes you'd think he was Jesus as well. The characters aside from the main characters are just really dumb.


Can’t believe people are still complaining about a single series out of the dozen that they’re reacting to almost three weeks in


Idk bro, if someone claimed they were Jesus and then picked up my entire apartment block and threw it with pure strength I would hesitate to think they were lying.


All y’all have proven is you underestimate how willing people are to deny reality right in front of them lol


Also forgot to mention you are going to a school for the soul purpose of finding Jesus amongst your fellow peers. So at this point you gotta take the clown shoes off and admit the new student is Jesus.

Bart the Beard

If this was just a power fantasy then it would have been just trash but this is a parody show that plays power fantasy elements super straight without winking at the viewers. You just gotta sit back and enjoy Anos' ridiculous power and lines, which will come nonstop soon.


I always felt the writing of this show was top tier


To be fair, it is bad. But I did binge watch it uncontrollably after watching their first reactions.


Except that they worship the demon king so much, they probably think that he’s going to descend from the heavens like a god, and even suggesting that he is going to be reborn like a normal person is blasphemy of the highest order. Jesus isn’t supposed to be reborn, remember? He’s supposed to descend from Heaven. And suggesting otherwise could get some people to damn near rip your head off.


But the dumb classmates and teachers ruin it though. I can accept the power fantasy aspect but I can only suspense my disbelief for so much when it comes to how some of these characters are written. The only saving grace in this anime is that Anos doesn't act like the typical blank self-insert like Kirito.


Damn! This guy knows exactly how long before the shrooms kick in? Gotta give it up to these pro stoners. They know their job well!😂👍


it's me, I'm hoes. I'm just salty we get this instead of odd taxi, but I'm glad everyone else is having fun


Sadly thats how kirito's portrayed in the anime. In the light novel, Kirito's character is a lot more complex


Yeah its a bit hard to believe but I mean half of it is that theyre so racist they refuse to think this "lesser" being could be their superior because they think their superior would never choose to be reborn as a lesser being. And the other half is basically like if Someone popped up in modern day America and was like Im the real first President Henry Franklin reincarnated. George Washington was a fake inserted into history instead of me to steal my legacy. You dont believe that person.


Roshi, if you like overpowered anime with a great comedy and fun, you should try Saiki K too after that!


Guys covid is still happening because people refuse to look at reality. People are and will always be this stupid. We live in a society.

higgins8000 .

I rank Saiki up there with grand blue and konosuba for amazing comedies


Lol I’ve already seen this show and the thing I don’t get is when Ivis gets face palmed and let’s Anos go the female teacher is like we’ll expel him immediately but they wonder why he gets off scot free, it’s like lady he’s strong enough even try and challenge Ivis with no hesitation and y’all consider him god level. You think he can’t just blow up this whole building if y’all “expel” him lol they lucky Anos is such a good guy


I second the Saiki K recc!


The dumb side characters are part of the parody. The setting is your stereo typical power fantasy world. What is the main difference is the MC, him not playing into the entire trope that the entire rest of the show is based on creates a great contrast which naturally aids the comedic elements. Im not pretending it's god tier shit, but comedy wise shows solid imo.

Eric Keatts

Oh god, I need episode 4 so badly, its so good lol

Jdogzero Silverblade

the reason they dont bother thinking anos is the demon king is because of 1 their stupid pride 2 the fact that his name wasnt passed down during those 2000 years and 3 yea they are stupid.


Where episode 4? :v

Liudmila Duk

1 day saying to roshi to react to kanata no astra


I mean, to be fair we know he's the demon king, but if some guy showed up one day and was like " I'm a reincarnation of Jesus," and his proof was that he was really good at shooting a uzi. Everyone would think he was full of shit..

Rerere ZERO

we wont be getting any, they did summertime render yesterday in exchange for 1 ep of misfit

Jdogzero Silverblade

using magic that was lost 2000 years ago having more knowledge than anyone else throwing castles countering the strongest fire spell with the weakest knowing the exact location and shortcuts in the demon lords castle. sorry but no hes constantly shown proof after proof.


Yeah, everyone just thinks he's delusional and dismiss everything. Smh.


Honestly you gotta watch E4 ASAP. It was painful waiting a week after this episode, cuz you KNOW (or should know) that there's so much more than meets the eye here, and you want to know the details. You can see how desperate Sasha is, to go that far in pretending to hate her sister. It's clear there's something deeper than just Misha disappearing. But the episode ends right there, at "Misha Necron never existed," and you're like, "TELL ME MORE GODDAMNIT." XD


The problem is that he hasn't shown much proof yet. It's like two episodes in and we already just realizing they think a different dude is the demon king. It makes sense that they wouldn't just believe him on the spot until he drops his balls on their face.

Jdogzero Silverblade

i just stated him giving proof. not sure what you mean by not much proof. literally no one else can throw a castle. so yea its not a matter of enough proof its that the story basically is forcing them to ignore it for the sake of plot.


No. If they had told the story from somebody Elses perspective and made it about them. Established another guy as demon king early on then in Vol 100 chapter 249 this random guy showed up claiming to be a reincarnation of a demon king of the wrong name. We'd think "Wow this guy is a savage," but think that he was full of shit.

Jdogzero Silverblade

IT WAS DONE IN A SCHOOL TEST. WHAT FULL OF SHIT. i mean dude really. all his exploits were public and shown to teachers. so sorry but no its 100% just for pushing the story along. literally no one else can do what he can do. now i would understand it if students that never saw him do these things didnt believe him but the ones who do not accepting it is just plot.


lol they are indoctrinated into believing someone else is the leader. 2000 years' worth of indoctrination can't just be undone in a day just because the guy is strong. The guy could literally become new demon king and people would probably think he was full of shit about the reincarnation and just reluctantly serve him.


That's p based, I voted for both but I think this is a more fun reaction just cause of the parodies

Drake Rage

Sheera: Oh he knows him Sheera.... they just said he is one of the 7 subordinates Anos had created.... of course he knows him, wtf?? LMAO.

Anbu Bunny -3-

Man Patreon is so fucking ass, videos keep getting errors and sometimes it won’t even play at all


Get her a cake for her birthday roshi? But why? She already got cake.


Maybe it would change if you tried switching to a different browser.... At some point I started having problems for some reason and I tried a different browser on my computer and it worked somehow. Although I haven't had any problems for quite a while no matter what browser I use. I think I tried firefox when google chrome was having problems.


Please drop this series and focus on summertime rendering 🙏

Junior Bello

summertime rendering airs once a week, so dropping misfit completely makes no sense as there’s gonna be an empty space in the schedule.


No Why would they drop a show they actually like. This anime is cool


Next Episode is really fire


I’m just guessing that they’re going to wait for a spot to open up in the schedule for them start reacting to summertime rendering again


I like misfit as well so if that’s the case, I don’t want them to drop it for summertime rendering


@junior Bello you’re right, they should drop it anyways 🙏


homie if you don't like it don't watch it lol its that simple

Kiril Kupenov

@destroyer Can you stfu? No one cares about your opinion. Go spam your hater comments somewhere else... Jesus, the kids these days got no chill.

Daniel Borrego

well imagine if some guy showed up at your church and declared himself jesus :D no ones gonna take that guy seriously for a while.

Grand-Daddy Longnuts

If I remember correctly this is that kind of show that you like when you're a teenager watching anime for the first time before you realize it's shit


Wouldn’t let nobody talk to me like that @destroyer🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️, just sayin 😂


Bruh the preteens took over, have you not seen the line up lately LMAO. Inb4 30-years start replying how they watch these shows. Das yikes

Drake Rage

I mean.. they still thought he was not the real deal even though Anos had already recognized him and greeted him, lol. I guess my thinking was that there was no reason to even question if he is the real deal or not since Sasha had given an explanation about them and Anos had confirmed creating them in the scene right before that.

Scott Brown

I refuse to believe this show wasn't made ironically. Enjoy it ironically.

Scott Brown

So many people not realizing that a show can be enjoyed ironically or because it's so absurd and blatant about the power fantasy.


This show is peak power fantasy garbage and I loved every second.


I legitimatley despise some of these comments lmao. Stop whining. You aren't too mature to like the shpw - and if you are - shhhhhh because it's not about you, Some of us enjoyed this show when we watched it (for whatever reason) and wanna see it in the form of a reaction. Tf? Stfu it's so pitiful seeing people try to flex their bigbrain by expressing their disdain for the show


absolutely. it depends if you like op characters or not. if you can find enjoyment in their existence and portrayal - you can enjoy this show without annoyingly hating on it


what if he started performing miracles though?


everybody responding to this like they would have been an apostle.


Power trip is the best, one of the best among titles like solo leveling and overlord.


"I don't like thisshow, let me whine about it while disregarding every other opinion", I would've started whining about Young Justice if I was as dumb as you.


The results of these last few polls have been brutal. Off the top of my head they've got like 3 trashy power fantasy shows going right now. Banana Fish, an all timer, just got clapped in a poll by an incredibly meh show.

Giovanny Barrera

Thats different though. They have powers in their world but not ours so it would be easier to believe in our world.


right ? They watch 12 fucking different anime in one week and retards come here crying" uu I dont like it so drop it and go watch anime that I want....". Fucking idiots

Touch Me

Yeah.. for some reason people think by appearing to be "mature" and saying shit like " Ughh I'm too old for this , I would've enjoyed it like 5 years ago but no thanks" they are somehow cool .... No bitch that's just sad I ain't 15 anymore either but I can enjoy something a little childish or a trash isekai or mid but amusing show like this .... You ain't cool because you're too old for something , just don't watch it and move on lol

Friendly Elites

bruh he spun a fucking castle on his finger like a basketball why are you taking the show seriously when even it's doing it ironically. The main character says some sort of variation of "Did you think killing me would make me die" every single episode this isn't a serious anime its a gag anime that works because of how seriously it pretends to take itself.


One show I'm surprised has never been recommended to the group is Kenja no Mago. You either love it or hate it but I feel the group would really like it.


i dont like this anime but im glad roshi and them are having fun watching it, as well as people who do like this show.


Yes, we need to KEEP recommending this. Post it in the suggestions page on here. Get them to react to it.


Yeah I am not sure how people aren't understanding that. If you take the show more seriously than it takes itself, you're going to hate it. The show is meant to be fun, not a marvel of anime history lol.


this is a nice and thoughtful comment. more people should be like Asellian.


This anime personifies the "Its not that deep", its just pure "fun"


So its like your name..? I enjoy watching anime and appreciating it for what it is, and everyone has their own tastes, but thank you for your opinion anyways. Have a nice day :)


Just let them make a fool of themselves, all the kids are entitled these days anyways lol. They think if they make a comment the whole world will change to make them happy.


how entitled do you have to be to tell people to drop a show they like just for you


The manga for that show is actually pretty fire. Monthly release at 35-45 pages each he's op but not grossly op.

The Anime Dude

Hate this show so far, but glad to see them enjoying it, and happy for fans of the show. This is a great way for me to give the entirety of the show a chance since I couldn’t get into watching it all by itself.


i genuinely dont understand how you cant hate the show. it doesnt take itself seriously at all. its literally just an OP character stunting for 13 episode and actually has a good plot

The Anime Dude (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-20 01:19:56 Just not really for me, though I will say I’m glad I gave it another shot and rewatched with Roshi & Crew. Still don’t necessarily love it, but was able to see it in a new light, and actually had fun with it by the end. Will probably watch S2 once it comes out too.
2022-11-08 23:06:09 Just not really for me, though I will say I’m glad I gave it another shot and rewatched with Roshi & Crew. Still don’t necessarily love it, but was able to see it in a new light, and actually had fun with it by the end. Will probably watch S2 once it comes out too.

Just not really for me, though I will say I’m glad I gave it another shot and rewatched with Roshi & Crew. Still don’t necessarily love it, but was able to see it in a new light, and actually had fun with it by the end. Will probably watch S2 once it comes out too.