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Bet yall thought this wasnt comin tonight huh lol



I did not


I had faith in the schedule


I doubted you, I'll be honest. You should watch the intro to "Love After World Domination" and considered adding it to your duo watch list.


Well, tbh, I kinda didn't.


Easter miracle drop


can u niggas shut up about batman


i think Japan does have school on Saturday, like a month of summer vacation, and graduation/grade shifts in March/April


Remember how thus far we've always seen Hanekawa just walking in the middle of nowhere, even when Araragi is just phoning her to ask a question? And how even in those situations she was "studying?" The situation with her not having a room is the reason why (at least, as far as I know).


Ong, they’ve probably been saw it in the movies. All I want to know is if there going to watch every single gatari series

Ara Araragi

If we're throwing out recommendations, I'd like to add "Ya Boy Kongming" to the list. You should check out the OP at the very least. I'd love to see you try and guess what the show is about just based on the OP.


Yeah. Every time i play a Persona game i'm like "these poor fucks have to go to school on Saturdays lmao".


I thought they watched it when it came out

Jacob R

Hanekawa is so big brained that she turned a scrub oddity into a super saiyan by just letting it know what she knows.

this guy ?gae

you guys should try to add combatant will be dispatched to your poll since ive heard it has the sane author as konosuba at its damn funny as hell

James Ancester

I really like how the show differentiates Araragi's feelings for Hanekawa and Senjougahara into the two concepts of "would die for her sake" and "would keep living for her sake" and the way there is actually more value placed on the latter which is kind of rare, especially in anime. Also a nice throwback to the time where Araragi could've died for Hanekawa and satisfy his hero complex along with his feelings for her but ultimately chooses not to since that would greatly hurt the one he actually loves.

Mubarez Ahmad

You guys should check out Monster, its the best thriller Anime ive ever watched


They didn't really enjoy Konosuba as much so... this would be pretty bad. They confirmed it on a collab stream with RTTV.


sheera can i get a source for that jojo shirt?


type "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Star Platinum Soccer Jersey" on google


Monster is currently on Japanese Netflix :D hit that japanese VPN server


They probably already watched it in the past. It's famous as fuck.

Lucy Thao

Love watching your reactions!! Pls watch fruits basket (2019)