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its just keeps getting better lol



"Its an ambush! A lone woman---" that made me laugh. the irony i guess, an ambush but its just one person like lmao these jokes Lol

Jamaal Ellison

This evil bitch was really gonna throw scalding hot food on them outta jealously?!


Nice hair!


Been waiting for this

Mozart Waddell

The scene of Yor kicking the platter definitely solidified the series for me 😍 I kind of wished she kicked platter back in that bitch face. Have her smelling like 🦐 juice the rest of the party The vows at the end with him sliding the grenade pin on her ring finger was beautiful. I wish Mission 03 was out already 😭

Son Gokhan

Ishigami told us kaguya was a trained killer feel dumb now

Nicole Guerrero

I can’t help but see kaguya but also coolest proposal ever


Yor is Proof that Thicc Thighs Save Lives.


Used to pray for times like this…

mitch anderson

Do Nasa and Tsukasa have the record for fastes anime proposal and marriage? I mean it happened in episode 1 but technically it was months in between them meeting, this one happenend in days lol


Every Monday Sheera wakes up and thinks "how can my hair be cooler than last week?" and I'm here for it.


i don't think she saving that much lol

Fabian Hernandez

Are y’all finna watch the Batman since it’s on HBO now?


sheets educating Lupa got me rolling son 😂😂😂

Johntrayvious Jones

the singer for the op is the one from tokyo revengers

Layla Samoa

This hair color on Sheera is looking sooo BOMB!! My favorite so far! Also YES! This anime keeps getting better! I can’t wait to see where it goes!

Son Gokhan

Favourite thing about this series is just the amount of dead bodies that are left in the main characters wake


the "27 and single" being suspicious is pretty accurate for how absurd rampant suspicion and propaganda were in the world from WWI to around the end of the cold war.


Not gonna lie Anya set that shit up perfectly lmao 😭


This is a great manga and will totally be a top tier anime.

Junior Bello

nah lupa predicting that scene with yor sneaking behind twilight had me crying, had to rewatch it a couple times

Kévin Chamberlin

Lupa calling the lines right before it happens is the funniest thing ever I swear lol


They was saying it was suspicious most women were married after high school in the 60s plus it’s was also around the Cold War so everyone thought there were Russian spys everywhere


sheera's hair on point!


I love that through the whole episode they keep thinking Loid and Yor are playing each other but actually they're just idiots

David gonzalez

Word on the street is that that's how roshi proposed to sheera🤔

Asante Upshur-Benson

Fun fact: the mangaka of Spy X Family used to be an assistant for the mangaka of Chainsaw Man/Fire Punch


Anime of the year candidate =)


Gonna take them a while to realize that for as smart as all the characters are theyre also VERY stupid.


It an anime version of Mr and Mrs Smith (brad Pitt and Angelina jolie)


The animal sounds tell him which code they are using in the message being passed. Which is why the first person barked in episode 1 and this guy said ribbit. It'll probably happen a few more times but you guys seemed confused lol


Surprised they haven't said how they could be Kaguya and Shirogane in the future


Kaguya x Family https://i.imgur.com/dWYOKak.jpeg


Idk if you've noticed but ppl have said that Yor is Kaguya, Loid is Shirogane, and Anya is Chika. It's basically alternate universe kaguya sama

uchuu kitsune

for roshi question(Maybe spoiler warning): yeah basically all the plot is that none of them know what each other are except for Anya of course she enjoys the daily life reading the spy and assassin minds XD

Vinh Dinh

The voice actor for Yor voices Shinobu from Demon slayer and to me there really isnt much difference. It fits so perfectly with Yor. Also remember in episode 1 Loid is a Westalis Spy undercover in the country of Osteania. Which means Yor is part of Osteania. I dont know whats happening in the future but if they found out i feel like there would be alot of problems.

Ara Araragi

Yep, although the first time was a "meow" to indicate a C (for cat) cipher. This time was a "ribbit," so Twilight thought it was a T (for toad) cipher before realizing it was F (for frog).

armaan newaskar

My man Lupa just activated the Mangekyo Lupagan with that prediction

Ara Araragi

Sheera was right with her first guess on the OP. It's by Official Hige Dandism, who also did the Tokyo Revengers OP "Cry Baby."

rickie woodson

now the family is complete


"Can't send em a text bro?" Pretttttttty sure this takes place with rotary phones, soooo no. They cannot text lmao.


The animal noises when "Loid" receives spy info is to help him decipher the message with a specific cypher. "Meow" in episode one for Cat a C Cypher and "Ribbit" in this episode for Frog a F Cypher. That's also the reason why he says "T Cypher? No, F Cypher" He first thought it was a toad.


Nah, from the moment she asked "Does boogers make coffee taste better?" you should know Yor is a little...odd. Even the brother commented on it. She's Gullible as hell.


They didn’t watch it yet. If they didn’t it’ll be dope to see them react to it


Mr &Mrs Smith vibes

Leandro Da Silva

The opening sounds similair to Tokyo Revengers because they were both Made by Official Hige Dandism


lol, cant text back in those days. I think this is 30s-ish cold war era

Quinton Campbell

it would've made sense that he would have a ring since they already talked about pretend marriage. but the grenade pin is definitely more appropriate lol

Devin B

I think it's less about them knowing the truth about each other and more about them trying so hard to hide their secret that they're not thinking about anything else. They're willing to believe all these crazy things about each other cause they both fulfill each other's criteria for their motives.


Yeah, I believe Westalis (where Loid is from) is meant to be a western European country while Ostania is more Soviet Block.


"I get that you're looking out for your sister, but you're doing the most" Roshi has no idea


lol yeah. They're both so hyper focused and great at their jobs that they get so caught up in being "perfect" that they either ignore or don't see the obvious signs. they're like a deadlier version of "job/book smart but not street/people smart" lol.

ATINY_ Treasure

Yeah, the show mostly focuses on them trying to hide their secrets for the sake of staying together for their own motives. Also, Yor was raised as an assassin from a young age as it was mention, so she is always trying hard to be "normal," which in turn also makes her gullible because she was never in a place where she could really just live a normal life. She was raised so she could kill by command and do nothing other than that. So I guess you can say she doesn't really pick up on social cues well. As for Loid, we will see later throughout the show, but he doesn't pay attention to things he doesn't deem a threat or important. As a spy he is constantly honing in on loads of information around him so he has to filter out a lot of things, the reason why he doesn't question Yor is because he doesn't see her as a threat but essential to his mission. And as we all saw Yor was able to get behind him without him sensing her at all so there is that too, she is someone who is a bit challenging to him.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Roshi: "I'd let her do it." Right, my dude? Same! It's not even about simpin', it's just that you rarely find someone who offers that level of courtesy. Like if someone asks something SUPER kindly and cordially sure you're not automatically gonna agree, but it makes every request sound a hell of a lot more reasonable.

Omar Bautista

Waka wa is my new favorite Japanese phrase now


Did you get my telegram? I said let’s meet up! Uh. When did you send it? An hour ago!


Lupa with the calls! I didn’t even sense her presence!


saying "i promise i dont have any ulterior motives" seems like a red flag lol


You should watch the Code Geass Movie that came out!


That's right! The theme song is the same artist as Tokyo Revengers. It's a different artist, similar to that of the Ranking of Kings.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Damn, it really be like that. This show brings a whole new meaning to, "All the single ladies, now put your hands up!"


No point. Code Geass is coming back but that sequel is the false sequel/what if


They’re both really shallow, that’s what it looks like

Candice Blair

I can't wait until the domesticated episodes happen when they are just at home and something happens.

rickie woodson

she reminds me of Imogen from the comic Decorum. she has many philosophies in regards to this. “Manners are a sensitive awareness of the feelings of others. If you have that awareness, you have good manners, no matter what knife you use"....BOSS BITCH! the comic is about a well mannered assassin who is the best in the universe, space vishnu, and all kinds of other craziness. trippy but good scifi book


Question: did they just kill Franky the informant?? Damn son.

Don Keedick

I'm guessing it's gonna be a lot like Mr. and Mrs. Smith but with a telepathic toddler.


Saori Hayami voicing Yor <3 Shinobu in Demon Slayer, Anju Emma in 86.


Next season OP be like : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DmEIDXDweqs


spy X okay spy X family not spy family come on guys havent we learned from hunter x hunter


Re: Gabriel What are you talking about? The concussive recovery method is the latest in modern medical practices.

Damian B

speaking of pink panther, i dare yall to try and listen to that theme tune during any tense scene in a show without laughing

sotonye ogan

"stock up on them peanuts" anya so cute and funny lmao


Mr and Mrs Smith but with a kid lol


its like the movie Mr & Mrs. Smith


Dang! Sheera is so anime! Love the new hair color changes all the time.


In Hunter x Hunter you don't pronounce the x. Look : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D9ZB2dCoOYA You can see the V-Tuber pronounces "Hantaa Hantaa", there is no "x".

Solivigant Kaiba

HIGE DANdism did both thr Op gor Tokyo Revengers AND Spy x Family ☺️


I was hoping she'd kick that pan of shrimp back into that bitch's hands soooooo bad lol


Fun fact: Franky, the dude who tried dressing up to be Loid's wife at the beginning, shares the voice actor of Present Mic from MHA!

Louis Kalman

I binged Spy X Family up to its current point in two days after watching this episode. 10/10 manga. This year is going to be GOATed for anime between this, JJK next season arc, and chainsaw man.


it was probably just a joke when lupa said "why don't you just text her?" but just in case it wasn't a joke Spy x Family is set in the 1950's in two fictional parts of Germany.


I'm not caught up on the manga yet, but I've read the first few volumes. Prediction: Yor will be assigned to assassinate Twilight and that's when all 3 of their secrets will come out. Likely Anya will be the one to tell. Love this series, likely gonna be my Anime of the Year. Can't wait for the next episode/reaction!


I fw this series heavy, gives me major Incredibles vibes. Loid & Yor are some G's!


I’ll be shocked if JJK s2 is this year lol

rickie woodson

between the tightness of the dress and the possible pushup bra or corset, could all be cosmetic enhancements. there are also ways to conceal the ladies with baggy clothing or binding them

rickie woodson

thorn, briar and red eyes. nope, she has NOTHING to do with roses ;)

Devin Witt

Oh shit, the whole East/West conflict makes more sense now too.

rickie woodson

yes! i was thinking that same thought in that ending fight/chase. so jackie chan. also very mister and misses smith where husband and wife are assassins and they both dont know


I understand the jokes but i think theyre forgetting what time period this is in

Weekly Flo



roshi realized at the end but looking back to those times now it still seems ridiculous

by chances

Anya's so cute


AFAIK it's supposed to be 1970's or thereabouts, based on author comment about the series


wait how much of the manga is out? so far in the manga they still haven't found out yet?


"I'm being sold off somewhere" 😂

Lloyd Edwards

We spell our names differently but I'll take being the protagonist for once!


I usually wait to watch the episodes with you all but I couldn't wait for this one lol I was so excited to see yalls reaction when they were fighting the guys together at the end

Balázs Börcsök

This is a comedy so expect them to be oblivious to stuff like this.


I think the time period is around the cold war era, like East Berlin and West Berlin

Keonja Hazel

Ngl this kinda reminds me of YOU but with spies. The blonde reminds me of Sherry but more bitchy

Louis Kalman

That makes sense I guess. 2022 will be GOATed then maybe 2023 will be GOATed afterwards.


They also have colour TV, which they didn't have in the 50's yet. And yeah, it's set around the cold war era when spies ran rampant. So roughly the 70's.

Mirz Mirz

Reading volume 3 rn lol


Bro we'll have to wait until October for Chainsaw Man. The wait will be long as fuck.


I'm not sure if you caught it but they based the time period off of the red scare during the cold war where everyone was reporting each other as spies to the government. And Twilight as the "creep" who broke into her work and stole the files on all the women so the office woman was right the creep who broke in actually did want to go with her.


Twilight didn't do it though. It was Franky who broke in. Twilight was just the one who asked him to do it.


brooo i was literally thinking the same thing

Omar Bautista

Wit and clover works couldn't decide on a style and just said use them both

Ara Araragi

Please watch the ED in episode 3. It's the first time they've actually shown it. We only got the song in ep1, and we didn't get anything in ep2 because they wanted to focus on the proposal.


Its like Mr and Mrs Smith but with a kid that can read minds


Yeah, they do send their messages with secret frequencies. They even stated how Anya just used the regular ass frequency that anyone can intercept.

Erik Salazar

I am so glad Shirogane and Kaguya got together! XD


Lol they do look like them. I always knew Kaguya was an assassin