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sequel gonna be like X-Men lol



is literally anyone surprised the guy whos sole trait was that he had a cool sister died?


Have you checked out their reaction to it..perhaps you mistook it for another show?



James Woodson III

Fire reaction as usual! Glad I get to watch shows with y’all like this.

Omar Bautista

This show should get better writers. I get it, Everyone dies but it has no payoff, why do I care about characters that make the most dumbest desisions. For once they know zombies exist in the media but 80% of the time spend standing still, tripping and looking dumb founded


ahh so this is how tokyo ghoul started


Be careful, Atlantic is that petty lol


Funniest ending lmao "It's them" *Refuses to elaborate, jumps off building* *Roll credits*


Oh shit am I Roshi's alt account?? I commented the exact thing he said in the outro discussion like 6 hours ago lmao

rickie woodson

guess im not going to bed til 2am. gotta watch both eps 11 and 12 and classroom of the elite. LETS GO! ill just take a nap in the afternoon. who needs sleep lol

Ntongmo Noubissie

Y'all need to check out the Sk8 the Infinity dub for the next poll. I think you'd like it.


yeah it was frustrating but I'm glad we didn't lose almost everyone


something that confused me for the longest was the baby and how she had the baby how the hell do you hide a pregnancy for nine months at your school with no baby bump or anything and then have the baby in a bathroom and run out like it was nothing.


Kingdom next pls another Korean zombie drama but historical setting this time and better imo


Yeah, I don't even have a conspiracy theory to explain that one for u

Laxus Poldesh

During my school years, I've seen 2 instances where they were able to hide their pregnancy throughout the entire nine months by wearing baggy clothes. These two individuals' baby bumps were on the smaller side so they were able to hide it. I don't think we ever got to see how big the pregnant girl's baby bump was on the show, given that she had on baggy clothes the whole time.


I'll give this show a 70% on RoshiMeter. I really hope these kids risk their lives again for a playdate

Lead Apples

If yall want more zombie media, black summer is a pretty good zombie series.


Black Summer is good and then for a comedy zombie show I'd recommend Z Nation too


y’all gotta watch the korean movie parasite

Adam Gleaton

you gotta read the webtoon

Oscar Guerrero

I would love to see you guys react to Sweet Home. It is another Netflix show based on a Korean webtoon just like All of Us Are Dead. Also The Silent Sea another Korean show from Netflix. This one is a bit scary, but also original. And there is an actor from Squid Game that you might recognize.


haven't seen the other one, but i enjoyed Silent Sea, i binged watched it in one day

Oscar Guerrero

Sh!t, I forgot to also recommend Helstrom. It's a Hulu, I know fuck ads, series based on the anti-hero duo from Marvel Comics. I believe you will like it now that you are watching Mune Knight.


this was one of the most frustrating shows ive ever seen.


I am recommending “Sweet Home” not really high top tier show but still really good for me and also would be nice if you always had at least 1 korean drama to react to all the time.


Can you guys watch Jujutsu Kaisen 0 if it is out already!!!


yall gotta watch My Name(Action) or Extracurricular(Thriller).

Smash Bran'Discootch

She didn't say there were more hybrids. She said "there are others like me out there", but she was just talking about zombies. Thats why On-jo told her "You're not a zombie". Also, the reason that character arcs started and got dead ends is because it was bad writing.


To the people who were like "it's like real life so it's fine". Yeah? Like how the dad dodged 5 people with AR's shooting at him? This show is enjoyable but far from being realistic so don't play yourself lol.


Damn yall gotta watch Kingdom plss.. it's a way better zombie show than this in pretty much every way. It's like game of thrones meets train to Busan. I'm sorry but this show was trash. I mean so many inconsistencies and plot holes. Gwi nam having the greatest plot armor in the history of television. The deaths didn't hit that hard be cause it could've been avoided in several ways. I mean when I saw the dad dodge 1000 bullets point blank I knew I was in for some great writing lol. Namra man how are you so useful but useless at the same time. Please consider Kingdom tho it's got 2 seasons and a movie which is rare for kdramas to go on that long. It's on par if not (in my opinion) better than train to Busan.

rickie woodson

chipmunk just gave me an idea. do they need to eat human flesh or just something alive? eun ji ate the goldfish, maybe the hombies can live off of animals like "good" vampires do

rickie woodson

you are in an abandoned city.........GO INSIDE! break a door/window and hunker down. get some food and rest not stay in the streets exposed


Personally I enjoyed the show. I don't think it was anything amazing pr groundbreaking but as some one who is a big fan of horror and zombie flix I thought it was perfectly fine. I thought the zombies looked good, there was plenty of tension throughout the episodes, I enjoyed quite a bit of the humor and there were a couple characters that I really liked and was rooting for. If I had to give it a rating I'd probably give it around 6 or 7 out of 10. There's so many trash zombie movies out there that this was honestly a pleasant surprise. Thanks for reacting to it.


it is verifiably a thing that happens for real.

rickie woodson

cant believe cheongsan didnt come back int he finale. surely thought he would be a hombie and survive the fall and be with namra's crew. oh well. the ending isnt fully satisfying but the series over all was good

rickie woodson

doesnt mean they killed her, that just means they moved her (eunji i mean). the men in black did take the scientist's family for experiments so they are definitely not killing their ONE hombie. as for the youtuber, he can be seen in the "3 months later" section walking out with everyone else going back to his regular life. kdramas RARELY have more than one season, one of the many reasons i love them. but seeing as it was a big hit and produced by netflix they could easily use the american model of multiple seasons. we will see

rickie woodson

did some research and there is a RUMOR there will be a season 2 in 2023 but netflix has not made an official announcement. the closest i can find to anything official is a remark from the director and he said "i would love to continue the story but that depends on how well the first season does" so i guess press replay everybody if you want a season 2. just have it playing while you're off at work so it can accumulate them hours

Lord Of Frog's Congolese Uncle

this show was fucking dogshit but jesus christ did every actor play their role to the fullest


i think Kingdom is a more solid show to start than Sweet Home


thank god i am not the only one that thought the writing in this show is beyond goofy


The way that chick jumped off the roof on some cat woman shit made me sick lmao what a trash conclusion


What in the Tokyo Ghoul just happened at the end


Did they watch The Boys yet? Anyone know?

Random Guy

Imagine if cheong-san became a hambie


If yall want another kdrama you would like the uncanny counter


All of us are dead.... idk man at times this show was so good (mainly the beginning) and I was like wow this is amazing, reminds me a lot of train to busan acting and cinematography was so sickl but then it slowly became so weird and it kinda seems like there were multiple people writing the show as if there was like 1 guy who is a great writer and 5 other guys that don't know shit about what they do and they create this randomized story with so much lazy writing. Feels like they took turns in writing certain part of the story, this show left me with a really bitter taste and it is really inconsistent in what it wants to be and what it does kinda sad this series was "ruined" in a way. Still you guys reacting to it made it enjoyable anyways man I love you guys so much all these stupid jokes and comments get me everytime <3


i loved this show at the beginning, it really caught my attention and i wanted to see how they would carry every character's plot to the end. but this season finale left more questions than answers, and i honestly was really disappointed. like another comment said, hopefully if there is a season 2 they'll have better writers. great reaction though, guys.


Y’all should watch sweet home if you life this serious. I personally like sweet home better


Honestly the actors, set designers, makeup artists, and stunt coordinators absolute broke their backs carrying this show.

john segun doe

Parasite Movie Reaction Plz

Erica Collins

notice how we didn't see that female teacher as a zombie after saving pink sweater girl and getting bit....... I think she turned into a hambie

Charlie baker

Check out sweet home plez

Charlie baker

Black summer was trash what are you guys talking about,both seasons were awfull and inconsistent. That how was critically panned aswell if I recall. Its not even close to as good as the series it spins off of

Savage2fresh 60

i hope that one day you guy watch the last kingdom


peaky blinders please

Spearbearer Josh

Wait that was it? So many loose ends. The scientist teacher turned into a hambie too. And didnt Onjo get bit by the patient zero at the school?

Tyrone Arcega



On-jo hurt herself avoiding getting bit. It was mentioned waay back in that episode or the one after it iirc.


it's based on an old webcomic written back in 2007 or so iirc.. Don't think the writers can be completely blamed when a lot of the plot is following what the OG writer did.


Tbh better writers aren't gonna help much if they have to follow the plot of the webcomic. This ain't some original series written up by the writers of the show.. it's based on a webcomic.


Well, now you have to watch Kingdom Season 1 and 2 + movie. ^^

Ivan Chardakov (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:20:23 kingdom is even better than all of us
2023-11-27 06:20:23 kingdom is even better than all of us
2022-04-08 20:39:26 kingdom is even better than all of us

kingdom is even better than all of us


SWEET HOME is an S Tier show with actual good writing you guys should check out !

Brandon Delacruz

Pls watch the last kingdom or my name

Brandon Delacruz

The last kingdom needs to be seen one of the best shows


What?? She clearly meant hybrids, idk how you came to that conclusion. She even said it herself that shes not a human or a monster but something in between. How zombies still gonna be roaming around 4 months after they "sanitized" the area?? Make it make sense.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Now Marko, you've really got to stop replying to my comments. Because all you do is come with some dumbass bullshit and then get salty when I put you in your place. I'm honestly just tired of having to school your ass. Now you've already proven multiple times that you havent been burdened with an overabundance of schooling, so I'll use small words. Watch show again. Pay attention to mouth words. Then wont be confused. Eh, but knowing you, I doubt you'll get it even if you rewatch it 5 or 6 times smdh.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I mentioned towards the very beginning that there are MOMENTS where the writing in this show is good but on the whole it's pretty bad and people LIT my ass up lol. I think the character interactions and relationships were done well, but literally everything having to do with the zombies is really poorly written and constructed. So it's like 70% bad writing and 30% good writing. And I might be being generous here.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yes, they did. I dunno if they've watched the animated thing and I dunno if the new season is out and if it is I dunno if they've watched it.


Sweet Home would be a cool show to watch after this.


LMAO what an internet intellectual! So hubristic and bumptious, very telling. "Putting me in my place" is apparently your cover up for being unhinged? Well I wouldn't doubt it considering you're a 30 year old lonely loser who digs holes for a living and has no significant other, children, or friends even. So all you do is argue with people over the internet out of your own derangement. I hope you get some help son, even if it's help you definitely don't deserve.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Aww that's cute; what did you google synonyms for "arrogant" and ended up using words that, while synonyms, arent applicable in this context? Cause I'm pretty sure that's what you did. Which is pretty pathetic and honestly just makes you look dumber. Kind of like when you use the words "unhinged" or "deranged" to describe someone who disagrees with you on the internet. You've got a really bad habit of using words that you dont seem to know the meaning of. You know what's unhinged? Memorizing details about someone's life from a comment made weeks ago. How pathetic is your life that a comment I barely remember is ingrained in your memory, you weird ass stalker? Or is it that you went back and looked up that comment in a vain attempt to get some "ammo" to use against me? My gods, that's really pathetic. So which is it, are you a stalker or are you so pathetic that you proved my earlier point about how all you do is get salty when I put you in your place? Either way, you should really get some help. And learn to shut your mouth when grownups are talking.

Isaac Robinson

I think you guys would really like Itaewon Class after this show. mainly cause this show was a little ridiculous sometimes LMFAO


"Based" it is really a good adaptation? That's the real question, we all know productions can do whatever they want with the scripts.


Great reactions, hope you watch "Chernobyl".

Joey Zero

Gotta watch Ace no Diamond! If you like Haikyuu, Ace no Diamond is similar and just as epic

Iago Leonelli

broooo yall sleeping on HELLBOUND, korean series that took the most watched globally (weekly) from squid game when it released


Please watch Final space i think you'd like it

Champion Bescos

It’ll never happen bro. Squid Game ranked worldwide for weeks, whereas Hellbound’s reign was short lived. Similarly, it hasn’t been nearly as critically acclaimed. This is coming from someone who somewhat enjoyed what I’ve seen of Hellbound and ultimately disliked Squid Game. It’s just not as trendy, as evidenced by all the big YT reaction channels electing not to watch it. Sorry man

Ian Hover

Final space is goat tier television ngl. I started off thinking it was sun silly shit but then it turned into what if Rick and morty took themselves seriously and had an actual long running main plot.


them niggas said they wasn’t gon forget bout hellbound and it was on the schedule foh this month them niggas was capping tha whole time😭

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:20:23 You guys should really watch Mouse. It's a crimer triller Kdrama
2023-11-27 06:20:23 You guys should really watch Mouse. It's a crimer triller Kdrama
2023-11-27 06:20:23 You guys should really watch Mouse. It's a crimer triller Kdrama
2023-11-27 06:20:23 You guys should really watch Mouse. It's a crimer triller Kdrama
2022-04-10 06:34:35 You guys should really watch Mouse. It's a crimer triller Kdrama

You guys should really watch Mouse. It's a crimer triller Kdrama

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2023-11-27 06:20:23 I know people complain that a lot of characters were killed but I actually think too many survived. Like the pink sweater one. What even is her character trait!? She literally looks like one of those expendable characters in the main group that gets taken out early but she literally outlived Cheong, the freaking lead
2023-11-27 06:20:23 I know people complain that a lot of characters were killed but I actually think too many survived. Like the pink sweater one. What even is her character trait!? She literally looks like one of those expendable characters in the main group that gets taken out early but she literally outlived Cheong, the freaking lead
2023-11-27 06:20:23 I know people complain that a lot of characters were killed but I actually think too many survived. Like the pink sweater one. What even is her character trait!? She literally looks like one of those expendable characters in the main group that gets taken out early but she literally outlived Cheong, the freaking lead
2023-11-27 06:20:23 I know people complain that a lot of characters were killed but I actually think too many survived. Like the pink sweater one. What even is her character trait!? She literally looks like one of those expendable characters in the main group that gets taken out early but she literally outlived Cheong, the freaking lead
2022-04-10 06:44:40 I know people complain that a lot of characters were killed but I actually think too many survived. Like the pink sweater one. What even is her character trait!? She literally looks like one of those expendable characters in the main group that gets taken out early but she literally outlived Cheong, the freaking lead

I know people complain that a lot of characters were killed but I actually think too many survived. Like the pink sweater one. What even is her character trait!? She literally looks like one of those expendable characters in the main group that gets taken out early but she literally outlived Cheong, the freaking lead

Scott Riley Adrueno

Yeah, Roshi, your criticisms are spot on. I do stand by my own take on this too. The highs are high, but the lows are REALLY low. Sometimes it feels like it's directed/written by two conflicting parties. Also, the payoffs man. I understand not everything has to have payoff but c'mon.

Steven H.

I was really hoping cheong su was gonna be a Hambie at the end


Heavy Tokyo Ghoul vibes for S2

Sidney Louis

The Last Kingdom is similar to The Witcher but way better


I agree with so much of what you said Roshi. The more I watched, the more annoying the show got. I only got this far cause you guys are funny lol. The show felt all over the place, just kinda doing stuff just to do it


Lmao the military guys be moving like MGS characters


You guys should watch Happiness next its a kinda similar genre to this one, don't let the name foul you though

Erica Collins

@Onyekachi Nkenke, no they didn't. They showed her about to "turn" but remember they did that with the other 3 hambies aswell. And when they showed a moment before the bombs hit they showed all the characters who had actually turned. I don't remember seeing her in that crowd. I feel like they would've specified that

Tim Chaos

Did I miss something? What happened to the teacher?? Also, I like how the mad scientist guy told the cops “get my laptop it has all the answers!!”, and when they get it the video literally just says “there’s no cure lol”

Charlie baker

you guy should watch kingdom and sweet home next

Dope D. Aj

Watch Kingdom!!!!!!!!!!!!


So it’s gonna be the main squad vs Aogiri Tree in season 2?

Baren Nerab

wait, so if you get bit but dont find a purpose strong enough you lose yourself, but if you do, you turn to a hybrid, this some dark souls undead curse maeeen.