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Ains is too much



did you know nigun's voice actor is the va for dio :)


New Infos. Maybe not 100% true or accurate because my Memory fails me (and I do hope none anime spoilers) The group Ainz fought was the sunlight scripture. One of 6 elite forces. Its speciality was the extermination of demi-human villages. Normally the tasks like hunting Gaseff would be done by a different group but they were busy Ainz was so disappointed by the ultimate attack because it was said to be the top angel but this thing is a middle-rank in Yggdrasyl So he was on guard against small fry. A funny reminder: That angel used a 7-tier spell. sayed to be OP and no Human can either survive nor cast it. The first spell Ainz used last episode was Tier 9.. thats 2 higher Now the Slain Theocracy is a really racist human nation Because humans are weak and they try to bring their race to the top they don't really care about other races. If I remember correctly the hate against elves had another additional, kind of understandable, reason The nation worships 6 gods and each of their scriptures / elites forces has one of them as head god But I won't go into more detail Ahh only one thing. The survivors of this battle were taken hostages for information torture

Eduardo Garcia

Y’all blessing us with These overlord uploads lol thank you 3 episodes since Friday thank you guys


When facing Ainz you might as well do as they say and just wait patiently to be killed


and to be fair its usually holy people irl who are the worst too, trying to impose their beliefs on others, burning people at the stake and such for being heretics and witches, or gay despite them being kid diddlers alot of the time etc, the crusades


Best line of the episode.( Roshi - somebody gotta get hit with lightning. ) 😭😭


Death is a mercy in Nazarick. Would not wanna be those prisoners of war at all.


one way the other players could have taught the people in this world magic is maybe they came at a different time in the new world, like they could have been there for centuries while Ains just now appeared even if they left the game at the same time we dont know if everyone spawned in the same time period or not


Absolutely loving these Overlords uploads, been a big fan of this series since its start(anime only) and now seein u guy rewatchin the first season with Lupa is gold, thanks !

Beef Gristle Mill

JoJo's has ruined me, I can't hear Takehito Koyasu's voice in anything without immediately thinking of Dio😩


You’re right every religious person is a child predator just like every black person is a criminal, that’s just how it works


My theory is that IF other players came to this new world they came here far earlier than Ains. So basically time displacement. That would explain why the Slane Theocracy would have enemies from the game and know spells as well. Mind you I am basing this off dialouge from the anime and haven't read the books


Loved the Erwin charge joke, especially since the Slaine leader's voice actor is the same as Zeke's

None None

Never forget, there are people who really don't like Christianity and are willing to oversimplify historical incidents to use as propaganda against them. The Crusades are probably the biggest example of that. Most of them were legitimate disputes over ownership of Jerusalem, not the "Deus vault! We're purging the world of heretics!" pop culture likes to paint is as. The more infamous ones (like the third crusade) had little to do with religion and happened because a king essentially hijacked the crusaders and started using them as a personal army to attack random shit. The witch trials are another example. It's usually painted as "religion goes out of control and people start burning each other", but the reality of the situation was much more mundane: Two rich families were beefing, and one had the bright idea to cancel the other by claiming they had ties to witchcraft. Then they accidentally set a legal precedent for anyone to take anyone else to court that they didn't like under the claim of "witchcraft". Even the churches in other towns were telling them to knock that shit off and the judges were pretty annoyed at having to listen to Abigail Willaims' bullshit for the seventeenth time. Tangent aside, the reason the evil chruches in anime are so common mainly from Japanese period dramas. That's also why Amakusa Shiro pops up as a villain in everything involving samurai.


From what I've seen in the discussions amongst the fanbase, that's a pretty common theory, and it's one I think is true.


So hyped you guys are putting these reactions out so fast. I went back and re-watched the first time you reacted and I'm so excited to see you get to the new seasons.


READ THIS, you forgot to watch the end credit to episode 4. Please watch it before you go to Episode 5!!! SOMEONE TELL THEM PLS


I mean you ain't wrong per say but I always saw that more as a flaw with the individual or group of individuals rather than a flaw of the concept of a holy person or religion in general.


Accept my TURD token of friendship!

Stephen Choi

Theres usually an end credit scene for overlord. Not necessary but does help

Reaper General

Primal reactions would be legendary!!! Roshi you got to add it to the voting pool

Dark Shogun

Why is it always the holy people that are bad in anime? I think it is because people in organized religion can be fanatical. They can be like, if your not with us your against us or we're right and you're wrong. Just to be clear, I'm NOT saying this is the way all religious people act.

Joseph Tom

dam the double and it isn't even Friday

paladar blade

Whoo double release!! Sad that they didn't see the after credits scene though.

Daaylen Watson

So happy these reaction coming out, keep doin your thing squad.

Devin B

My theory is that the day that the members of Ainz's old guild stopped playing is when they got transported to that world. Ainz obviously was the last one to get there since he stayed till the Yggdrasil server shut down and he said it's been a while since they started playing so maybe when they quit the game is when they got teleported to that world and they've been there since which is why those people from Slane learned Yggdrasil magic.


did i say all in my comment? nice whataboutism kiddo, i said a lot. What are priests known for? oh right diddling kids, what other profession has that kind of stigma? Go on ill wait.


not to mention many terrorists are indoctrinated through religion. Im not pointing out any one religion either because it all leads to extremism when you think your fighting to make it into heaven or to please the almighty.


Although religion is not a single, simple causal factor in terrorist violence, religious elements often feature strongly in the belief systems associated with terrorist violence, and can also feature in other important fostering factors for terrorist violence, such as the use of rhetoric.


this has nothing to do with Christianity alone, it has to do with religion in general, ever heard of ISIS or the Taliban? its not something thats restricted to one religion. I also like how you used people burning at the stake as a one off scenario of one situation to say that it happened because 2 rich families had beef LMAO clown


This is a list of people burned after being deemed heretics by different Christian Churches. The list does not attempt to encompass the list of those executed by burning for other reasons (such as victims of witch hunts or other persecutions). The Catholic Encyclopedia states that "with the formal recognition of the Church by the State and the increase of ecclesiastical penalties proportioned to the increase of ecclesiastical offences, came an appeal from the Church to the secular arm for aid in enforcing the said penalties, which aid was always willingly granted...deviations from the Catholic Faith, were by the State made punishable in civil law and secular penalties were attached to them."[1] Canon 3 of the Ecumenical Fourth Council of the Lateran, 1215 required secular authorities to "exterminate in the territories subject to their jurisdiction all heretics" pointed out by the Catholic Church,[2] resulting in the inquisitor executing certain people accused of heresy. Some laws allowed the civil government to employ punishment.[3] After they were convicted by the Church, they were turned over to the local government for execution because of religious restrictions that kept ecclesial clergy from actually carrying out the executions. so you think "its just because some people hate religion" when really its religion forcing their way of life on other people and getting people killed or opressed because they want to believe in a fairy tale.....

Drake Rage

Actually GOATED for dropping more Overlord episodes. Would love more and more of these Overlord episodes every week. Edit: Apparently y'all missed End credits again? Jeeeeeeeez just check every episode man, you can't guess which episodes have end credits.. you just have to check every episode, as an anime watcher. Y'all years deep into anime, come on now, lol.


its totally not like Christians in Texas are trying to make having an abortion the death penalty or anything /s OH WAIT THEY ARE, SURPRISE SURPRISE. Go open a history book kiddo. https://www.texastribune.org/2021/03/09/texas-legislature-abortion-criminalize-death-penalty/


Is the blond haired guy Dio’s va?

rafael salas-garcia

I personally think the dub for this episode is better.

Random Guy

in fantasy settings its always the church people that are bad because historically thats what they all did and they had more than enough power to do it.


You guys should consider watching DanMachi/Is it wrong to try to pick up girls in a dungeon. It's one of my favorites and I think it would be perfect for all 3 of you to react to.


What's funny is that they remembered the post credit scene in the OG reaction lol.

this guy ?gae

since you guys watching anime 12 episode you should try rakudai kishi no cavalry, that anime haa good plot and top tier animation. its rare to see an anime that has 13 episode and has god tier animation


Dio as well as Zeke (AoT) and Roswald (Re: Zero). He plays a lot of characters but those are his biggest roles.


How far did they get into Overlord before stopping before?


They watched all of season 1. Check YouTube


I need this continued suspicion of Demiurge! It’s way too funny lmao

Random Guy

lol no offense but that was garbage. It aired together with asterisk war and they had almost exactly the same start. Asterisk was slightly better but that wasnt any good either.


12 episode anime ? I'm pretty sure they are goin for all 3 seasons since there is a 4th one droppin in summer season


Why are they watching this again?


Cuz democracy Lol no, for real, people wanted them to finish what they started before they gave up due to over-toxicity.


isekai quartet reaction when


Brooo yess. I think after they catch up with Overlord they should definitely react to it because they'll have full context to all the funny jokes xD. Heres hoping


Just as a mental note to remember this episode highlights what makes Stronnoff such a great commander and worth of being so valued and respected among his troops. He didnt give up and was willing to fight to the very death defending his country and innocent villagers that depended on him. Compared to the Slane Theocracy's commander who was willing to sacrifice all of his troops so he could get away. Perfect example of why Ainz respected him enough to even bother saving his life, given with how little he currently cares about Humanity in this new world.

J Miller

TARNISHED ONE! all the elden ring references are funny. Glad y'all came back to this one. Hope these fools don't act up again.


Is Stronoff based off Guts from Berserk? He reminds me of homeboy so much

Don Keedick

Are you guys gonna continue until S3 to prep for S4? This was great.

The Pebble

Don't insult Guts like that...Like seriously they aren't alike at all

Daniel Borrego

so ainz is basically probably like level 120 or 130 with all his special armor and everyone in this world is like lvl 30 ish :D i think level of spells probably corrisponds to level of caster. so level 5 magic would be a level 50 caster ect ect. if thats true, then the final angel was a level 70 summon, which would have been ultra powerful in this world, but basically trash to someone of his level.


Yo I think the angel dude had claymans Voice actor from slime


Nabe can use 8th or 9th tier magic and she is only around lv 50 Ainz = lv 100 the angel summoned was lv 40+ (it used 7th tier magic but that was a 1per day trump card)


oh no they missed the end credit


Blonde dudes voice was clayman right or am I tripping ?

Ben Lane

"the McDonalds sandwich" im dead

Paul Tar

"this is Detroit" killed me