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FBI got eyes on everyone watchin this, not gonna catch me lackin nope! lol



Roshi really found a scapegoat for his unhinged comments. lmao


i’ve rewatched this show so many times and it’s my first time noticing a poster for the manga she cosplayed from in the background of the home date scene

Julio Morales

dont lie roshi. you watch this later when sheera aint there like lupa with that lotion. 🧐


Today's reactions are sponsored by the FBI. "WE GOT EYES EVERYWHERE" SN: It would be kinda funny to watch y'all react to one of the Sailor Moon movies, given all the reference material here.


Roshi: Is that what I look like to you? Sheera: sometimes Roshi: 😎👉


I just wanna say as someone who cooks and takes pride in it as a hobby, watching Marin cooking was hard to watch 😂

Julian R

These Patreon comments really be out of pocket sometimes lmaooo


Nah that disclaimer had me crying 🤣🤣


Man, i really want to see the three of them watch Madoka.


Insert Sailor Neptune & Sailor Uranus moment. I think there was Toei Animation joke (spelled Toe-A) in here too.


no sirry bob indeed

Taylor Moon

Juju's cute as shit, and shinju hit different

Devin B

Lol at least it taste good, she just needs to work on the presentation

Ara Araragi

The random horse scene when Marin was making the omurice was a pun. She was saying "umai" (tasty) in a cutesy way that sounded more like "uma" (horse). The subtitles translated it as "ta-hay-sty" which I think is supposed to be a "hay is for horses" joke that's in the same spirit as the original pun.


@Tayler Moon nah dawg you’re doing too much 💀


the line that killed me is " she has to be pregnant because those titties are full of milk" IM DEAD

Sunshine Hall

From the two boys I was getting those Cardcaptor Sakura vibes and the character designs give me PreCure

Connor Grynol

I also had to go back to check her eye colour, and I read the manga.

Jazmyne Mattucci

listen man, anime back in the day had long af episodes. 126 is on the LOW end of how long they be

Jazmyne Mattucci

But now i feel like yall really need to watch Madoka Magica cuz that shit fire

Rue Ryuuzaki

yep. i miss fansubs giving information about these kinds of things in the subs

rickie woodson

vox machina ep 9.............incoming?


Honestly the ages in this show for anyone make no fuckin sense. Goujou and Marin could pass for 3rd years/early graduates and obviously she doesn’t look like a middle schooler lmao. It’s like the author does it just to fuck with people.


You good, It ain’t illegal to look at some drawn anime tiddies lmao😂


WE WILL NOT STAND THIS ONE PIECE SLANDER! Its 1000+ eps not 900. And worth it but not the point!


man that anime they were watching was literally madoka LOL

sotonye ogan

damn didnt notice just thought the horses at the backgrround was random and funny as shit 😂


It’s still weird to over expose/sexualize middle schoolers💀 (and I know not everyone watching is 40 years old still but still.)


I mean their high schoolers but it’s everywhere in anime. I get being feeling weird about it but Japans culture is different from ours where they can separate reality from fictional completely. Anime tiddies are just that. Anime tiddies😂 plus hentai exists so there are tons of people who can separate reality from fictional but I totally understand if people are weirded out by it lmao


Look at me, LOOK AT ME. I am the big sister now


“Let’s depict this character with huge honkers as a junior high student and then continue to sexualize her and put a large emphasis in her chest area down the season, surely that will help pedophelia”

Luis Gonzalez

Roshi: Is that how I look to you? Sheera: Sometimes... Roshi: 👉👉


i dont see why an anime character would have an effect on real life. ive found some loli characters to be cute but never EVER found real life children to be the same. shit sounds like a personal problem when u cant separate real life from 2d.

James Ancester

Yes, oversexualisation of minors in anime is very much weird and questionable, but that isn't gonna turn people into pedos.


its the same kind of bullshit like people shooting in schools because they played GTA... If person in fucked up in the head from the beginning ,then one game/anime or whatever is not gonna change or fix it.


well sometimes parents look younger then their kids so its normal in anime xd


Honestly, JamiUwU was the only reactor to notice Marin's eyes were a different color lol. That was the first thing she saw, didn't even acknowledge the boobs XD


Roshi looking like...so you just gonna talk about me like that to my face. Lol


If lolis are wrong because of how they look, regardless of their age, then she is not wrong because she looks like a supermodel, despite being like 14 or w/e, by that same logic...


The reason Japan has this shit, is because they are culturally obsessed with the CONCEPT of Youth, which is kinda yabe if someone directs this cultural obsession into pedoshit or w/e, tbh

Julio Morales

roahi reading these comments taking pics in 4K right now on how down bad everyone is 🤣

Daniel Borrego

its gonna sound like a very silly comparision but gojo is almost like joe rogan. Stay with me here. joe does EVERYTHING for his stand up comedy, but he kinda sucks at stand up comedy. But its made him AMAZING at interviews because all the rediculas research he did for his comedy and the confidence and speaking skills he gained form doing stand up.


Idk fam, watching her cut the onion was stressful and cringe😂from the way she was cutting it Gojo might’ve found more than onions in his food


You gotta remember our culture doesn’t represent every other culture. While it’s weird for westerners it can be normal for people in Japan but that doesn’t make them pedos. It’s like the tan gyarus in Japan, some people it the west will call it blackface because they tan their own skin to look darker. This does not make them racist because the gyaru culture has always been it’s own culture with its own meanings while blackface in the west can be a form of racism. All I’m saying is different cultures exists and people in those cultures shouldn’t be called pedos or racists unless they actively are enacting on said terms with the intent of being a pedo a racist.


You shouldn't make comparisons anymore


the horse shown when she ate the rice cause in Japanese uma means horse but sine Marin is the cool cliché she uses slang and instead of using oshii which means delicious she. used umai and dropped the i which left it as UMA horse. the staff wanted to make a pun pretty much for the Japanese viewers or anyone that knew japanese


Tatsumaki/Fubuki vibes w/ the sisters


Jesse what the hell are you talking about


Who is this Maryn he keeps talking about? I don't recall a character named Maryn in this show. Don't recall any Americans in this show. I think it takes place in Japan?


Anime with the well-endowed middle-schoolers. They really baiting us so hard. Honestly it's cruel and unusual punishment if you ask me. "Hehehehe time to get the viewers arrested!" -_-


IKR? Except much younger. At least Tatsumaki and Fubuki are both adults though. Tatsumaki being 28, and Fubuki being 23.


Am I the only 1 that noticed the sister look like the girl from lucky star