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it would be this guy

also, the subs we have for the edit is different from Netflix but seems more accurate...him saying "I'm God" makes more sense than "I'm in Heaven"


Victor Grubbs

I love Sheera’s optimism for how these characters arcs will end smh

Lily Rose

coming back to life after being attacked by zombies and saying "I'm god" not only sounds cooler, but is more accurate. "I'm in heaven" sounds cheesy.

Lily Rose

it wasn't out of no where seeing as though it happened with the dad first, pay attention.

Benngy Louis

oh yeaa been stalking this




oh man just in time...now finished prepare some snacks

Damion Middleton

Was gonna watch Dororo, then this Drops... lol


I think I’m in heaven actually kinda makes sense because the man is fucking crazy lol, so of course him being able to live among zombies as kinda their “leader” he’s hype. Cause he’s always been a fucking runt so now that he’s bite he feels like he’s running shit. Like he’s in heaven 🤷🏾‍♀️


Also when y’all say different subs does that mean y’all are watching different subs too or still watching the Netflix version and changing them for the edit?


another series where roshi gets abused by lupa 🤣

Raul Gonzalez

Any chance ya'll consider watching Encanto? It is great, my favorite movie of the newer Disney.

Darren Banks

Lol nah. Lol censorship is never to prevent lies, it’s to stop the truth. They don’t care about that people playing pranks. They care about another country nuking them cause they have zombies. 🤣


I actually expected Gwi-Nam to be different cause he had the strongest will to survive, maybe even stronger than the virus. It's consistent with what the scientist said.


While that might ring true for this show the idea that censorship is never to prevent lies is just obviously untrue. Take Germany's censorship of Nazi iconography as an example.

Scott Riley Adrueno

Yeeaah, the highs of this show are high, but the lows are really looow.

rickie woodson

2 men and a zombie baby. i'd watch that spinoff

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah but like...."will to survive" isn't something that is quantifiable or really something that can be consistent. I wouldn't count "will to survive" as something that you can count on to determine what kind of zombie someone is going to be.


Well I mean specifically at their point of turning, they were deadset or focused on a goal...without fear. That's my point. I think the fear of turning itself determines how quickly you do. Like Isak wasn't showing any symptoms until Onju said she was cold.


roshi at 6:50 just told us all how he really feels.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I'll give Sheera the benefit of the doubt. She probably could keep her head in a messed up situation and be able to act immediately. But as far as Roshi and Lupa being like, "Man all y'all talking about shock, I'd be doing something IMMEDIATELY!" bruh, who y'all lyin' to? We've seen y'all play videogames and get totally clapped when y'all have been surprised lmao. We have documented video evidence of y'all folding under pressure XD no shade, no judgement, just tellin' it like it is. Love y'all!

Smash Bran'Discootch

Wait wait wait....did Sheera just suggest stabbing that child in the head and MILKING her?! I take back what i said about her being able to keep her head in a stressful situation XDXDXD

Smash Bran'Discootch

Y'know, that actually makes a weird kind of sense. I'll straight up give you that one, fam cause i can't argue with it lol


My boys were looking just like me watching that b.s gang fight at the end of tokyo revengers before I turned it off halfway through the episode lmao. Story telling is getting bad enough to make me wanna write my own shows and stories these days lol


Yeah we all wanted that dude to die but instead got something sinister. Love the reactions as always.

Jamel Valentine

Yall are funny as hell lupa trying to choke Roshi lol 😂😂😂😂 I'm dead

KSR Petite

I think the screen writer mentioned about this on the interview with director & cast on netflix. He said he tried to write the story from high schooler perspective (something like that) because the main story about high schooler survival.


Roshi is gona make an apology video for not using the wok on stream soon

kurumi Tokisaki

Fried chicken theory now rat theory smh. Still hasnt topped the 'squid game' poop theory...yet


Sheera is clearly very sheltered. Even people who are trained to handle emergency crisis freeze up and you're telling me Sheera who can't even hold a controller during a scary game is somehow going to handle a more fucked up situation without training?

Joel Amoa

Don’t know if somebody already mentioned it but this series is actually adapted from a Manwha (Korean manga) hence the anime tendencies.


I WISH y'all would stop cappin with all the A-level survival shit you would be on in an extreme situation. Especially Sheera. Lmao. Yes, this show has moments of people being dumb, but there is also some legitimate reasons to not be on it every time there's a horde of zombies.


I love the girl, enjoy her reactions but yeah, personally these reactions are borderline unwatchable. not a huge deal although im going to have to give this one a pass.


Lmao calm down, she's just expressing her frustration thus how invested she is in the show and how well the show creates suspense. I'm pretty sure she's aware that she probably wouldn't act the way she tells the character to act. As a viewer, we always do that, criticizing characters of a show even though we would do the same. For example, when we tell the MC to finally confess their feelings in a romantic show even though we know it's often not that simple. I don't know if you get what I mean.

Ranginald Vagel

I think you guys may be reading the dub's subtitles, which I believe are kinda wack, Netflix Korean subs are better to me, my brother watched the dub subs by accident then said the subs he watched with me were better.


Reading the comments under these reactions always feels like reading the Netflix summary when deciding to watch a show. It always ruins the experience somehow.


Who cares? This is literally how a lot of people act when they watch shit like this. I come from a black family and every time we watch a horror movie they HAVE to comment on how dumb the white people are acting in it and yelling off what they would do instead. If this is enough to make you not want to watch then I really don't know what to tell you


Lol apparently this is serious enough for you to give us the run-down of Sheera's personality/background.

Quinton Campbell

Sheera is hilarious for that remark 😂 and she's still mistaking the brother for the other guy lmaooo

Drake Rage

Lmao, I am only 13 mins in and its been fucking hilarious. Lupa really squeezed a weak-point on a neck, on Roshi's neck. That actually hurts, LOL. Sheera out here literally making snide and straight up ignorant ass remarks about people waiting in line with their families for hours trying to get to safety and defending this politician woman getting preferential treatment.... well the army dude put her in her place, LMAO.


Well, like viruses or evolution, sometimes things can just happen. Ever hear of the Earth being in a special Goldilocks Zone of all the situations being perfectly right for the earth to even harbor our kind of ecosystem? The idea can be applied here. There is no basic stat amount that people need to have for them to be half-infected, it just needs to be a very unique case that the virus just so happens to adapt to when infecting them. The half-infected had no fear, but also very unique kind of mindsets as they were infected/killed.

Lamaree Jackson

Y’all letting their reactions somehow ruin their reactions for you. I’m confused. The show’s called All of Us are Dead, and they’re watching people make dumb decisions leading to their deaths. How do you expect them to react? Just because the dumb is part of the plot doesn’t change that it’s dumb. This is like when everyone was so mad that they kept calling Wally West slow on the Young Justice reactions when it was literally part of the plot for him to be the slowest and die because of it. And I don’t know anyone who watches something horror related and doesn’t disagree with everything the characters do. We’re all Randy Meeks in that regard. Outside looking in, he knows all the rules, but actually in the mess he got fucked up.

Thulani Mason

No one can convince me that the most appropriate action during a zombie apocalypse is to shutdown any means for anyone to contact anyone. Just because of misinformation? So not only can I not contact the police but I also can't contact family members or friends? They just made it a hundred times harder to for people in danger to call for help, the folks they say they are trying to help. Make it make sense. This like the police saying that because of Jussie Smollett they're no longer accepting cases involving hate crimes.


yeah that was super cheap writing that the villainous character developed a zombie immunity out of nowhere like what


Yeah because half these dumbfucks are paying just to talk shit, makes no sense. I'm enjoying the reactions, that's why I'm here to comment about it lmao, these trash ass mfers need to shut up or be more polite in their criticisms.


Or if you just pay attention to the story, the scientist literally says the virus or the person, whoever is strongest will survive. Villain or not, he has a strong will and that's what kept him alive.

Charlie baker

Weird my subs on netflix also seem accurate

Don Keedick

Yo Lupa, you aint wrong. The dude who made the fan sub added that covid thing in when she wasn't even talkin bout covid. That's why I can never get into fan subs. They add in ridiculous shit.