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No attck on titan tonight everyone, we are out of town still but will be back tomorrow!



Enjoy your night!!





Beano Taylor

damn what about 86

Nick 8

I’m finna throw up


Enjoy the rest of your vacation! 😁

Smash Bran'Discootch

No worries! Thanks for the heads up. Yall have a safe trip.


Enough to make a grown man cry but enjoy yourselves ❤️❤️❤️🥰😔


watch classroom of the elite


"Why do you have lives and not dedicated to pump out reaction videos" type shit


K enjoy your time


On the flip side then 👉👉

Dry Lyo

I don't blame you, the series is going in a weird direction and Armin is a worm

Ryder LS

That's not even why they aint releasing an episode today, they out of town celebrating their daughter's birthday

Ryder LS

Understandable, before anyone bitches about this, they out of town celebrating Roshi and Sheera's daughter's birthday. So yeah


PAIN but i understand lol. have fun and stay safe!!

Ryder LS

They literally done with it, there's literally no new episodes yet

Jose Iglesias

Wym breathe breathe? Don’t tell me to breath, ayo bring me a shot, bring me a shot 😔


Enjoy guys see you guys tomorrow. Kengan ashura please 😩

Cole M. Phillips

as usual imma recommend generator rex in addition i'm recommending ghost hound which was a pretty decent horror anime with good visuals


86 is out too. More pain.


Np its allright And just so you know 86 is back 🥳


Huh. That's the second reactor I know that's delaying AOT reactions this week. Ah well, hope you guys had fun out of town! 👍

Damion Middleton

No worries! I’m out of town/country as well (Cancún). Y’all be safe. Can’t wait til tomorrow 🙏🏾🤞🏾

Davon Thomas

Anybody that complains about this really don't have lives themselves.


I’ll never forgive you for this, Roshi! Jk, it’s all good we can survive a day lol


Oh yea. Out of town squad. Take bout 9 shots for me.

RavinFox .

Stay safe!

Jalen Perry

Enjoy y’all selves and hope you can squeeze the new 86 episode in tomorrow as well


It's ok we are all playing Elden Ring all night anyway.


They should watch this really awesome kdrama called Extracurricular


Cool Beans, get home safely.

L Jeans

Im crying, this ep made me cry

Daniel Borrego

dont forget 86 episode 22 also!! It was awesome!!!


Don't leave us hanging on 86


So I’m just finding out AoT has a live action movie 2 of them at that 🤯


dont forget 86 episode 22 also!! It was awesome!!!


Eren choppin' kids hands off this episode crazy


enjoy! also I recommend watching classroom of elite after AoT finishes


New 86 episode just came out!!!

Oscar Barcelo

86 episode was fire 🔥🔥. Enjoy your day and we hope to see new reactions soon.

Oscar Barcelo

On a quick note I forgot to mention, I’ve heard you guys in the past saying you were thinking about reacting to the starwars visions, will you still be doing that?

Big Juls

Anyone know if they watched The Batman? I've been dying to hear how Roshi and Lupa felt bout it cuz I thought it was fye


The episode was fire but it hit me in the feels and killed my vibe. I watched it after work at 1am and now I dont want to end my night sour even though it was hella dope. I recommend watching this earlier on in the day so you can swap out the sad notes left with doing other stuff


Idk why people are saying classroom of the elite all of a sudden but I am for it! Classroom of the elite pleaaassseee!