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Karma said he had enough of the clap stunner 😂



Not sure how they got this far and didn’t think of this themselves lmao. This far into the show you’d have to be intentionally dense. Like obviously he can just kill himself but he wants to teach them until there’s absolutely no time left.


I can tell these kids ain't bout the bag if I was there koro be gone in a week tops


what is roshi drinking? im curious i always see them drinking that :o


Thats cap if ive ever seen it. You think you can take out the world's greatest assassin who's literally ascended to godhood?


Karma didn’t stab him because he saw how hard Nagisa was trying and how much it goes against what nagisa told him when they were younger about how he’d only fight if HIS life was on the line

Mirz Mirz

man karma could probably take you out first day back from the suspension relax 😭


Did they forget there is a new opening and just not react to it?


Koro doesn't really care about whether or not the Earth blows up or if he dies or lives. He just wants to be there to support his students in what they want to do.

Devin B

Plus Nagisa had a chance to shot him down but decided to get get rid of his gun and give him the fair one


No that has nothing to do with it, that was them establishing a common ground and restarting the fight as only a hand to hand one on one, him stabbing Nagisa would still be a part of the hand to hand fight, that doesn’t go against the rules they set when they started their one on one fight


I mean how tf should Koro get into the ISS?

Devin B

I would say it definitely played a part though cause Nagisa had the chance to end the match but wanted to make it a satisfying victory that everyone could accept and Karma did the same when he could've reached for the knife but didn't.


It shows that Nagisa was paying attention when Karma fought Grip many episodes ago.


I think it's because spoilers are pretty obvious in this one. I would like to hear their thoughts on the song though. Question is definitely my favorite of the four themes.


Yeah, yeah, and I'm suuuuuuuuure you can also defeat Saitama in one punch. 🤡


Tbh I can’t really tell if they are enjoying the show or not anymore they kinda just criticizing every little thing which is fine too a certain extent but idk doesn’t seem like they enjoying the ride too much

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-13 22:20:01 If I ever told my mom 'You could have gotten that' I wouldn't even be half way through the sentence before catching a quick backhand
2022-03-13 22:20:01 If I ever told my mom 'You could have gotten that' I wouldn't even be half way through the sentence before catching a quick backhand
2022-03-13 22:20:01 If I ever told my mom 'You could have gotten that' I wouldn't even be half way through the sentence before catching a quick backhand
2022-03-11 19:53:43 If I ever told my mom 'You could have gotten that' I wouldn't even be half way through the sentence before catching a quick backhand

If I ever told my mom 'You could have gotten that' I wouldn't even be half way through the sentence before catching a quick backhand


I watched this show as a kid and loved it but rewatching this with them made me realize that this isnt a good show imo. It has a lot of problems, pacing being a big one, but yeah. I still like it, it's just no where near what I thought it originally was

Harry Tobin

better than naruto and sasuke


it also kinda deals with the fact that nagisa played on karma's terms with the martial art

3LD3RDR4G0N (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-13 22:20:01 Koro actually can't go get the data himself and why will be explained next episode :)
2022-03-13 22:20:01 Koro actually can't go get the data himself and why will be explained next episode :)
2022-03-13 22:20:01 Koro actually can't go get the data himself and why will be explained next episode :)
2022-03-11 20:50:46 Koro actually can't go get the data himself and why will be explained next episode :)

Koro actually can't go get the data himself and why will be explained next episode :)


tbh i feel like it's because we have fragmented memories of what's already happened. There are some shows that i genuinly love but cannot for the life of me rewatch because certain elements feel slow because i already have some of this knowledge and know the general outcome, despite my love for the series.


they don’t tell the government most of the things they attempt or try to do in the classroom

Corey Pearson

@ArchbishopM Him stabbing him wouldn't be part of the hand to hand fight since the whole reason nagisa didn't continue to go in for the stab was to beat karma in his own element. KArma stabbing him in the back by a knife that just so happen to be in his reach would be one, luck and two more so an assassination back stab so to speak lol.

Jason Lupas

Its obvious they are not enjoying it as much . Its kinda obvious they think everything they are doing in the show is stupid . Which to be fair it it is . But they are missing the point of the story of why cant koro sensei stand still and let them kill him . I think at this point they just want to move on from this show . Just my own opinion of course I could be wrong .

Corey Pearson

I look at this way, in this mock assassination battle, the best assassin (nagisa) has to give up what he is good at to take down someone who's better at hand to hand combat to make it a fair win for the entire class. Nagisa is the best assassin and pretty much had to play on Karma's term. Nagisa earned Karma's respect because he went for the win using Karma's specialty so the least he could have done is not stab him in the back after he committed to a fair fight. A knife just being there for karma to use is just convenient and would have been seen just as unfair with him literally/figuratively lol stabbing nagisa in the back. I think that's why he ultimately gave up and had no choice but to show respect to a situation that would have never happened if nagisa continued to fight in his natural element.

Scott Riley Adrueno

I think they are still enjoying it but you gotta admit, the amount of bullshit this show regularly spits out is staggering. I for one think this show peaked with Nagisa vs Karma CQC moment. The rest I already forgot what happened.

L Jeans

Link Click is also another recommendation


I would of pulled out a pistol and shot karma ahh you thought I was gonna come down here and fight you nah 😭

Jalen Holmes

They are enjoying just small criticism for laughs like when they said he's mach 20 he can get it


Tune in next time for another episode of: Assassination, in SPACE!

kurumi Tokisaki

A carbonated beverage... honestly they always drink soda, Slurpee's or mountain dew of some sort. Sometimes water to balance out the headaches prob lol.

kurumi Tokisaki

They look like they are enjoying it. They criticized tokyo revengers more. Out of all the reactions ive seen them do only one i noticed lupa didnt care for and that was 'tanya the evil" Edit: Had to go back a bit, but Roshi gave korra book 2 a 6.5, the gang didnt like the final episode of promise neverland season 2, and they wasnt excited about the slide show for ep 74 of mha, Lemillion vs Overhaul fight. All in all they would def let you know if they dont like a show.


Really like this comment. Generally our "Goku"- like characters simply overcome their rivals because the plot demands it. Karma has all of the stat advantages (speed, strength, intelligence) over Nagisa but like Vegeta said to Goku about that innate ability that puts a gap between us.


real question is why the government is having kids kill him lol


The only spoilers were for episode 15 showing Koro as he originally was. There's nothing else in there that's spoilerish and actually has the timer countdown that starts and changes each episode that they are missing.

Asad Khabir (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-13 22:19:59 Because Koro sensie doesn't want to be killed by anyone else. The government essentially don't have anything to kill him with
2022-03-13 22:19:59 Because Koro sensie doesn't want to be killed by anyone else. The government essentially don't have anything to kill him with
2022-03-13 22:19:59 Because Koro sensie doesn't want to be killed by anyone else. The government essentially don't have anything to kill him with
2022-03-12 01:31:44 Because Koro sensie doesn't want to be killed by anyone else. The government essentially don't have anything to kill him with

Because Koro sensie doesn't want to be killed by anyone else. The government essentially don't have anything to kill him with

AOArlert (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-09 04:40:43 Yeah this show was way better as a kid but watching it now I’m realising it’s not that good and some of the pacing is kinda odd plus there’s so many parts that were just unnecessary
2024-02-09 04:40:43 Yeah this show was way better as a kid but watching it now I’m realising it’s not that good and some of the pacing is kinda odd plus there’s so many parts that were just unnecessary
2024-02-09 04:40:43 Yeah this show was way better as a kid but watching it now I’m realising it’s not that good and some of the pacing is kinda odd plus there’s so many parts that were just unnecessary
2022-03-12 01:47:02 Yeah this show was way better as a kid but watching it now I’m realising it’s not that good and some of the pacing is kinda odd plus there’s so many parts that were just unnecessary

Yeah this show was way better as a kid but watching it now I’m realising it’s not that good and some of the pacing is kinda odd plus there’s so many parts that were just unnecessary


Most of what you said were just episodes not the show as a whole they’ve been like this for a while with the show


Koro was adamant about teaching and the government had no choice but to accept (imagine the alternative, Koro being like 'ayt imma chill in a different country every other day, might blow up a city, run around forever without you guys knowing where i am then blow the fuck up). Knowing where he is 70% of the time is a huge benefit when fighting a mach 20 super monster The assassination thing was more of an afterthought for the gouvernemnt. They were like 'since the kids would be in super close proximity to him and he won't hurt them, might as well motivate them to kill him'.


Well, it's been confirmed recently on a podcast that they are shows which didn't really hit exactly hard as fans thought it would have. Grand Blue and Konosuba are examples of that.

Erik Salazar

why no reaction to new opening? This one is my favorite one out of all of them and it consistently changes.


Someone brought it up on another reaction but I believe it was the Strawberry Açaí Starbucks Refreshers


Not into Yaoi or anything like that but I honestly wouldn't mind if Karma and Nagisa ended up together by the end or somewhere down the line. Nagisa looks like a chick anyway.

Smash Bran'Discootch

It isnt that Karma didn't want to stab Nagisa in the back. It was that Karma had never seen Nagisa this serious about anything. Nagisa was someone who wouldn't ever PURSUE the fight head to head. Even when he became a badass with the assassination stuff, his tactics weren't straightforward like Karma's. So in choosing to face Karma with straightforward martial arts and giving it his all, something he never would have done before Koro, moved Karma. It was Nagisa's earnest desire to save Koro displayed in his actions that made Karma have a change of heart.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Also, I have a feeling that if it comes down to the wire, Koro would either just kill himself or Yeet himself into space. But right now, he still has things to teach the kids. He still hasn't fulfilled his promise to their former teacher and so he's using every little bit of time he has left in order to do that. If they kill him before then, awesome, that would mean to him that he taught them well. But if they don't, then that means he still has things to teach them.


Nagisa is basically Kuroko from Kuroko no basket, you absolutely need to watch this anime after assassination classroom!

Tyrone Arcega



I would say Nagisa since he has actual assassin training

Quincy Jones

But Kuroko would have the speed and stamina advantage. Its actually hard to call it.

adam csirik

their clothes have technology in them to let them change colour whenever they want to camouflage into the environment, remember when they were in "the reaper's" trap inside the jail cell thing and they all blended into the wall to make him think they escaped


Koro can't leave the earth. I believe they said that, while he has Mach 20 speed, it still isn't enough to leave earth gravity.


Mach 20 isn’t quite fast enough to exit earths atmosphere, orbital velocity is like 17,000 mph Mach 20 is about 15,000 mph


lmao I love them both and I've never thought to make this comparison before, except that they both have blue hair and friendly personalities...


I swear they LOVED Konosuba. Not sure about Grandblue. Their reactions to Grandblue made me laugh way more than the show itself

David Emerson

stamina and speed are literally kuroko's worse attributes. He literally cannot play more than 3 quarters a game

Ray Ray

You serious they didn't like Konosuba as much as we did? I swear the trio were laughing their asses off many times during the reactions.


5:57 Heeeeeeey...Ninja Blade was dope! :(


Nagisa can get it, them thihgs though, lmaoooo