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This was WILD!


Gabriel Souza

Miranjo totally deserved this hell, she should've stayed there.

Shawn Oxley

This whole episode is goated man also lupa a real one for that sonic and the black knight reference


it's time for PEAK

Eren J

Why did WIT have to drop AOT. It’s so triggering 😭


In terms of Aot. I think Mappa does a better job at facial expressions and just the art in general. But yea Wit does a better job at the animation for AOT.


this show came out of nowhere, so good


Ranking of kings and monogatari are easily my favorite things that I'm watching rn


Ranker guy so sus!!!


Damn Bojji really hitting Bosse with the Full Counters


Did anyone else notice the ranking guy's reaction to what Desha said? When he turned down being number 1 and decided to rely on his brother to help Oken the ranking guy clearly seemed to not like that. I feel like there is something else entirely going on behind the scenes with them especially since they said the number 1 always takes the same thing.


God-tier animation and insane cinematography!!! Ousama Ranking is the best anime of 2022 for sure!!


yeah extremely sus, watch it turn out that ouken was a runner up to be number 1 and the ranking guy had some strings pulled because remember ouken didnt inherit no power but suddenly gets the power of immortality which made him go crazy..sus asf

sotonye ogan

Miranjo deserves that but boji will probably find one way to save her ass and that animation was like bruh 🔥...

zILovePelmeni _

yeah its hella good but remember there are like 20 coming this year which are going to be S-Tier

Ranginald Vagel

Godly. And to think this series came out of nowhere. Surprises like that are so rare now thanks to scanlations and the community.

Brandin Williams

I wonder if they gonna tell bojji his brother was the one that tried to kill him, I feel like him and bojji still gotta deal with that honestly.


i think maybe that ranking guy has some ties to that demon and giving up strong souls when they go that treasure room he talks about, because remember kingbos dad was chosen as number 1 and ended up going crazy and destroying his whole kingdom BUT also maybe he has to do with the gods they talked about in miranjos story. one of the gods said something like how they need to get stronger because people are finding ways to kill them. so maybe the new way was inventing the ranking system and having the strongest kings go pick a treasure that may have to with immortality. and once someone is immortal they go crazy like kingbos dad


The thing 1982 movie trio reaction if you havent seen it already!


Dance party with steel toed shoes on miranjo graves


this random but i just wanna say lupa and sheera doing their little intro and roshi being fed up cuz he knows the bird noise is coming literally has me smiling hard as shit every episode i be cheesed up😂


wait this the last episode for this season?


WIT sacrificed AOT to the demon so they could make this show lol


Whole ass asura's wrath fight


That demon was in the cut waiting for that bitch to die lmao


You know the fight fire when you don’t pay attention to there reactions 😂 bad to play that shit back 🔥


nigga said the demons beeper went off LMFAOOO 🤣

Shin splits

It’s stated by Desha before he was already weaker then he used to be because he’s in Diada’s body and then after he healed everyone he’s already half that. Kinda want to see full on fight of prime bosse not gonna lie

Justin Neason

Damn bro... As much as I was hating on Miranjo for her bs, that fate is BADDD broo..... Idk man ;_;


How Miranjo fate is dealt with will affect my overall rating for this show ngl her story has been extremely hit and miss for me personally. And kage covering bojji and becoming his armour is a exciting prospect now that you brought up.


Man that episode was sick. But yeah, I officially feel bad for Miranjo's fate. I said I wouldn't give a shit but that all made me gave a shit. A lot of selfishness and misfortune. I also get why Bosse showed gratitude toward her extreme actions. It's because he too took extreme actions for his selfishness, so he actually understands her and probably would be the only person to understand her. She only has him in her life so being upset and crushing her heart would be a horrible on his part because yeah other people suffered and died because of her but Bosse has done his fair share of trashy stuff like having a child only to steal its strength for himself, killing the village people who tortured Miranjo and didn't spare a single child, his sudden realization that he's been having a girl who obviously has romantic feelings for him watch him have a happy family TWICE. He has no right to be upset at her at all for this otherwise he'd be a hypocrite. So suddenly coming back to life in his sons body was never something he had planned. All Miranjo. Honestly, I'm shocked he wasn't shocked when he realized what happened. He was calm and went with the flow the entire time.

Keonja Hazel

Does anyone still wonder what curse is upon Kage?


Only 2 left. Next up, Bojji finally gonna confront Daida. Looks like the demon is lining up for a potential second season. Hope so.


Elden Ring bosse fights be like:


Best episode of anime this season? I definitely think it's up there, but I'm comparing it to that demon slayer episode and it's a tough choice. I'm curious as to how you guys would rank this season of anime

Bryan Steger

There are still two more episodes


Remember during the 2nd ep when they said Bojji's swordmanship was not of that of a king because he wasn't trading blows with Deida. And now look at him, trading sword blows with his giant dad. Our boi has come a long way T.T


And people make fun of me being Christian🤷 hahaha ok

Max Espinoza

That bojji running away scene reminded me of that Levi scene. God I love wit😩

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Thing is Bosse was never thankful for what Miranjo did. As pointed out by her this whole time he's been feeling guilty for doing this to his sons. For taking Boiji's strength he tried to atone by making sure his life was comfortable. In Daida's case he didn't even know that Miranjo was planning that. But he still blames himself for neglecting Miranjo and pretty much enjoying his life without her, while she was still suffering on her own.


Bosse couldn’t give Daida his body back without destroying Miranjo. Also, he didn’t plan to take Daida’s body.


This is such a beautiful celebration for animation and the love it oozes out is so mesmerising. I'm so glad studios are adapting lesser known series and really elevating them to another degree. Not going for what's trending atm, but really taking their time to narrate a story that resonated with them. I can really see WIT, ufotable, cloverworks & kyoto animation being the forefront of new animation standards. But I really hope the work culture can be addressed and be more transparent. It really is passion over money in the industry of genuine creativity, but the workload both physically and mentally are taxing. I don't usually comment but this episode really reminded me why I value creativity so much. The thought complacency will always bother me and I will strive for creation no matter what, this episode was just a reminder of my beliefs


I feel like AOT was good practice for them making giants fighting smaller enemies with swords.

Luis Rodriguez

Honestly glad I gave this show a chance easily top 10 for sure and Boji is GOATED such a likeable protagonist


Favorite characters: 1. Queen Hiling 2. Miranjo 3. King Bosse 4. Despa 5. Kage I already really liked Miranjo a lot, after seeing more of her backstory in previous episodes. And even moreso seeing her softer side as of late. This episode really solidified her as my second fav character in the series. I wasn't sure how to feel about Bosse really. He was a hard man to read, and he really was just going with the flow. Got thrust into this position after dying, and was like, "Well shit. Okay uh... hm. Guess I'll make the most of it." His roller coaster of emotions this episode really made him such an amazing character, imo. Especially that moment before the battle, when they were sizing each other up, he pointing his club forward with a proud look on his face, seeing everyone support Bojji as the new King.


Can't really compare both coz the style of animation is different. DS was flashy, vibrant, intense and atmospheric. The fast paced shots was to compliment the desperate final attempts to kill the siblings. This ep with boji was triumphant, monumental and epic. The scale of the fight was massive, the reimagination of Bosse paired with the brown filter as if this fight was literally narrated in a fairytale book. The fluid movements being intentionally slow shows the power of Bosse and how a giant would actually fight in real life, slow but destructive. I'm gonna be bias and say this fight was better than DS. But DS had more sakuga building up into the final fight iirc. I'm just a sucker for fluid motions and little details. I'd say the direction of this episode was more of the highlight for me than the fight

Taylor Moon

I'm sorry Miranjo is a solid character but I don't like her she murdered Bojji's mom fuck her... she's hot tho

rośe 薔薇

WIT might not be animating AOT, but they still gave us a Titan fight 😭


Good analysis. It's not as simple as "hE's TrAsH." There's wayyyyy more to it. It's never been simple with this series. Definitely not a show for simpletons who think in black and white.


Phew that torture at the end, she’s done some shitty things but she’s a product of a shitty environment. That shit was so disturbing 😳


I feel bad for bosse to be honest. He didn’t want any of this. Felt guilty for how miranjo turned out so he just went along with it for his unofficial kid


They really miss out on the subtleties and nuances with complicated characters in this show. Not sure why they can't seem to grasp it. Or at least it doesn't seem like they are.


Domas wasn't wrong, boji did what he was told, he traded blows with his opponent instead of only dodging


It seems to me that the demon is based on a Jin From middle eastern mythology like the jenny from Aladin, so check out PBS's youtube channel slash jin.


You know I was gonna skip these reactions to the show but it’s pretty decent besides all the mfin crying every episode 🙄….. it kept me pretty entertained

Oscar kariuki

I’m a little confused on the timeline of the show and would appreciate some clarification from someone. During the last couple of scenes, we see miranjo as a kid seeing the demon for the first time. My question is does this take place after king bosse rescues her after her people’s betrayal or before? And if it’s after King Bosse decided to take care of her, why does it seem like she’s been abandoned again (guessing from her being alone in the forest and crying)?


Based on the timeline where it showed snapshots of her memories, it seems that her first meeting with the baby demon and first promise breaking occurred prior to meeting bosse and becoming physically disfigured by the village


About that shot from under the chair in the beginning. Im like 50/50 on whether or not that was from the pov of the demon. The shadow at 3:31 could be from it's nose


With Bosse really dead it makes me wonder if the curse on Boji will lift? Will it put him at a level where he can fight a monster like that Demon? Also daaaayum I wonder if Bosse fighting on Daida's body is 100% of Daida's potential, or its a power up that Daida is about to lose.


I mean it would make sense since as far as I’m aware Daida is half giant (however that worked)


Nah whats actually crazy is that Bosse was only at 50% strength lol. Also the fact that yall been throwing dirt on this mf bosse name this whole time, just to find out he knew nothing about what was going on with her and in fact since coming back has only been trying to protect everyone. Which honestly showed when he said he was just winging it lol.


Not to mention that from the moment he came back he was trying to keep everybody safe


But they're aiming to kill the demon, killing it makes me think the curse should just likely dispel after death. Just as when Miranjo died her curse broke and bosse was ejected from daida's body. It's why I feel Despa was plotting with his brother to kill the demon. So that the curse Ouken suffers from dispels too. Here's hoping Daida gets to shine soon, Bosse begged Daida to help Miranjo on his stead

Tyrone Arcega



I wonder if they'll show Bosse in the afterlife with Shiina. I don't think there's a concept of Christian Heaven and Hell in this world. Just an after life world your soul goes to if your soul hasn't been claimed by the Underworld ( however that place works IF souls even go there ) or by things like the demon. I'm sure Bosse will tell Shiina the truth because I feel he'd be the type who feels like he owes her an explination ( there's no way she knew what the hell was going on or maybe she had an inkling when Miranjo made an assassination move on her and Bojji ). And we know Shiina'll give Bosse some well deserved knuckles to the teeth doing those things.


Idc “literal bosse fight” was hilarious, roshi’s one liners are waisted on these two😂

Kévin Chamberlin

Bojji was hitting bosse, then running around giving high fives bro i'm dead

Kévin Chamberlin

What if the Ranking of Kings is actually just the "new way of controlling humans" that the gods talked about during the war ?


this shit got much darker than it already is lol


That look at 7:03, proud dad moment. Def playing the villian “role” against his son to make it easier for Bojji to fight him.


Yeah he didin't know Miranjo had his wife killed, other than that she might not have been the best person but in his eyes she had suffered so much. She brought him back to life, she's attacking the castle. Bosse is confused AF. Just wings it to save both Miranjo and the others.


I hope Boji saves Miranjo even though she does deserve the punishments she’s been given, I feel like by the the time Boji saves her she would have already suffered enough


This was the best episode so far. The ending was really dark


This is why I can't f*ck with any ENDLESS torment punishment. No matter how bad someone is, set a Time limit on these things!


BRO! The way like 2-3 episodes ago I was like “there’s NOTHING that could make me forgive Miranjo and empathize with her” and they did probably the one thing that could make that happen. She was literally manipulated at her lowest point to probably keep a promise she could never have been able to keep / a child that age didn’t full understand the consequences of.


Wit studio really said “here take some animation”


I don't think he's saved her yet. Bojji certainly intends to, but she's still in Hell essentially.


lupa with the rocko's modern life joke


I love the animation SO MUCH during the fight scene! So good!!