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So is this basically their way of telling us his sisters are taking center stage? lol



Peak fiction is back


Ooo whats this 👀

Hi How are ya

Oh god im not sure how you guys are gonna react to the “toothbrush scene” it alone made me hate Nisemonogatari I like the later parts far better


Anyone else waiting for episode 8

Ara Araragi

"Impostory" is the translation of Nisemonogatari (nise = "fake/impostor" and monogatari = "story") They went with the same wordplay style as Bakemonogatari, which could be translated as "Monstory" (bakemon = "monster" and monogatari = "story")


I classify nisemonogatari as the make-or-break season of monogatari weirdness


On god if they make it through this season they'll watch the whole series. Hope they do. Excited for it.


Comment edits

2022-03-03 12:28:22 If they could go through NGNL & the start of mushoku they can definitely go through nise lmao
2022-03-02 05:23:05 If they could go through NGNL & the start of mushoku they can definitely go through nise lmao

If they could go through NGNL & the start of mushoku they can definitely go through nise lmao

Jacob R

I love the amount of foreshadowing that is everywhere in this series. Every time I re-watch it I catch something new that I missed without knowing the context from later.

Ara Araragi

Yep! It's the first time we get the "Platinum Disco" OP! I forget what happens in the actual episode, though...

Night Wolf

This gonna go to YouTube? I'm new here


If the show isn't one to get strikes, they upload it


I believe this series is patreon exclusive


I just realise. Araragi take about how he cant "fight" with his sister anymore and then deliberately create discord with Hachikuji, a younger girl that can definitively take a hit from him.

kurumi Tokisaki

I stopped at this season but its fire. Cant wait to see yall reactions

Solatic Syot

Toothbrush scene is top tier comedy, maybe the hardest an anime has ever made me laugh.


Best chara in the show in this season, let's go



The Pebble

Really scraping the bottom of the barrel now lmao, have fun.

Hi How are ya

If watching blood relatives engage in literal toothbrush foreplay makes me weak and is good comedy then maybe y’all should re-evaluate yourselves 💀


Just remember Roshi, you can't trust that Araragi guy to tell a story. Boy be gaslighting the whole audience. lol

Sebastian Stróż

Ok so this will be mentioned by others later on but please watch nekomonogatari kuro together with nise. It's like 4 ep long and it's a nice stopping point. Also I hope you guys gonna do what you said during bake and watch whole arcs in one go but upload 2 episodes, this will make it easier for you to follow some small things that are happening.

James Ancester

seconding this. Neko Kuro is supposed to be watched after Nise and before Neko Shiro to kinda round Hanekawa's stuff out.

James Ancester


None None

I think that's the central theme of Monogatari as a whole. Like how in Bakemonogatari, Araragi talks about Tsubasa like a classmate he only sorta knows because she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time during the vampire stuff. But once you see Kizumonogatari, it becomes a lot more obvious he's just pretending he's oblivious to downplay the fact that he lost interest in her once an easier girl came along.


That scene was goated I know people who haven't watched the show that find the scene hilarious out of context

Hi How are ya

It’s not goated lol and ofc they’d find it funny out of context without knowing they are literally brother and sister 💀

James Ancester

yes, also a lesson on leather treatment with small, pointed tools for piercing holes.

James Ancester

semblance of sanity got strikes on their gatari reactions I think, so even edited versions could be a problem

None None

Back in my day, them literally being brother and sister was a selling point! This show aired between seasons of There's No Way My Little Sister Could Be This Cute, you know!

Simone Resni

We are back boys!!! A couple of weeks and the greatest anime scene ever will deliver Oh, and the Waifu GOAT is coming



Hi How are ya

Doesn’t matter they are blood relatives 💀 if you can sit there and watch a brother and sister engage in toothbrush foreplay in any form and enjoy it there something wrong 😭

Alex cleveland

Rewatching this series so that I can finally start watching it again lol. I forgot some of the past seasons' plots

Lucy Thao

pls react to fruit basket 2019


I stopped at owarimonogatari I believe. The one with the really dark eyed girl


Gahara may be a lot of things, but easier than Hanekawa isnt one of them. She's straight up afraid of her because she knows if Araragi wanted to smash she'd do it no questions asked. Shit, she straight up SAYS that she's withholding from him, no fooling around, no making out DEFINITELY no smashing, not even a simple ass date until he graduates with grades good enough to get into the same college as her.


OH MAN! IDK if its better for you to try and catch up before they get there, or wait it out and have teh same reactions they do.


Congrats on ENTIRELY missing the point of the scene. At least everyone knows to ignore all future opinions you have.


@Hi How are ya IDK man didn't expect someone w/ a DxD pfp to get this tight over some fanservice maybe don't watch the show if it's gonna get u this heated


@AniMe LOL RIGHT? "Oh man, this one scene with siblings brushing teeth was WAY too gross for me. Now if you'll excuse me i have to watch 3 seasons of borderline hentai involving minors." LUL


@NecDW4 idk how people can get this heated over a show lmao like it's not that serious. PS... I love DxD my first echi show XD

Hi How are ya

The funny thing is I’m not even heated, I continued watching the series in its entirety 💀 all I did was stage my opinion and got called “weak” over it so ofc imma defend my opinion y’all seem more heated over me not liking the scene than I am 😭

Hi How are ya

And yes I did watch dxd back when I was 15 and I made my pfp like this without ever changing it bc I’m too lazy, but at least that show wasn’t showing a brother and sister engaging in toothbrush foreplay that’s where I draw the line I just didn’t enjoy seeing that 🤷🏾‍♂️ Araragi was already weird enough.

Hi How are ya

I saw all of dxd right after the newest season aired which was what 2018? I was 15 at the time so ofc I was comfortable wt it 💀 and like I said I made my pfp like this bc I was a horny kid back then and loved it I never changed it since I’m too lazy 🤷🏾‍♂️


Please react to My Love Story too! It's so underrated yet crazy good. You will have a good time watching it!

Taylor Moon

Hachikuji is the best

Hi How are ya

I lost what?? My opinion still stands and my view hasn’t changed these guys argued with me over an opinion 💀

Allix Nascimento

this hits different after second season...


It's been a while since I watched nise and would you guess I could open episode 8 and still pinpoint that freaking scene by the second xD


I forget every time until that last bit....