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The Big Four dont run fair ones




rickie woodson

insert sad face. when the gang is caught up with reality and no more double drops.........oh well. thanks for introducing me to this great show! while we wait for next friday: #dcanimatedfilms


Perfect combination of Feels and Hands this episode 10/10


miranjo actually did nothing wrong, and has been getting unwelcomed hate


All caught up, nice!

Shirley B


Justin Neason

I still think King Bosse is trash. I understand Miranjo more, but how u gonna screw over ur own family and kingdom for someone they don't even know about? That's wild to me


Currently in Ukraine... In an underground bomb shelter Nothing to do so I'll just watch this and hope for the best

neko chan

I totally agree with this like WHAA?? Im still like need more on boss and miranjos pov on all this bc I get a lot of it but still comes down to what she has done and Boss just still protecting her and cherishing her AND going with her plans over his family and kingdom....>< like whaaaa


Can’t lie I watched this ep earlier and while I felt sorry for what happened to Miranjo I still think she needs to die sorry. I know she won’t as they are quite clearly setting up her redemption but imo nothing she’s doing is redeeming her in my eyes you don’t get points for making a horrible situation you started intentionally a less devastating one.


roshi is actually wrong we see in a flashback that miranjo tells bosse to have another kid when he's married to bji mother, then the war happens she dies and the next time we see miranjo shes in a mirror saying she found a woman for bosse to have a kid with


I think Sheera is right here, that demon might have been a sweet child and a friend to Miranjo when they where kids but you can't say the same as a grown up. After talking to the demon she was seen crying so I like the backstabbing theory more.

Ranginald Vagel

Honestly the presence of an afterlife alone would make me pretty happy. Also it’s funny to think that Bojji’s Mom is waiting in the land of the dead to elbow drop Miranjo when she dies


Excited to see more of this God’s race they have to be connected to the kings going mad right?


This episode was fire.




Bosse probably found Miranjo, Bojji's, and his mom all together and thought the three of them were ambushed and found Miranjo in the mirror as she "saved herself" but the demon probably put her in there


I like how bojjis mom is on the other side just waiting for miranjo to come over. And I hope it's not "oh, I understand why you did it but I'm still upset" type stuff. But she starts rocking miranjo's shit, it's well deserved lmao.

The GoDKing 27

I think the people miranjo hired to kill bojji’s mom accidentally hit miranjo


The antagonist got a friends and family powerup.

Antonio Williams

Bruh so not only did this show say "screw your expectations" when it came to us thinking someone was gonna stop Bojji from getting stabbed, it also gave Ouken a flashback powerup??

Storm King

@Roshi funny enough there is a literal trash bag pokemon named Trubbish and Garbodor


Oh this is what she meant when she said she didn't killed them, when she was with daida in the darkness. It was bosse who killed them

Stanley Labissiere

Wait a damn minute Did Miranjo know that red demon since she was a child?!

Unbeknownst Man

Ready to get clapped within the comments by saying this, but I really believe that "demon" is one of those "gods", but maybe kind of a stray one, if you will. And Miranjo must've made a deal to have her soul put in the mirror, so we still don't know what her price to pay is.

Bona Fide

lovee this show so much

Mozart Waddell

The god in the beginning is living rent free in my head everytime I close my eyes 😫👽 Why did Ranking of Kings have to create such a disturbing character design


Bojis mom is ready to run that fade to Miranjo once she enters the afterlife


Yeah I was thinking that when he said they need to find another way to control humans

Mozart Waddell

This show is amazing. I loved that Ouken didn't go against his nature by sparing Bouji.

rickie woodson

i need to know what is up with that scar on roshi's fore head. did sheera smack for not washing the dishes or something???????????? blink twice in the next video if you need saving bro lol

Oscar kariuki

This plot is thicker than a snicker

rickie woodson

im with sheera, i dont think miranjo made a deal with the devil regarding boji's mom. giants can only have one child so he needed a new wife for the immortality/daida plan so kill the current queen so bosse can go get a new queen. i doubt divorce existed back then and even if it did momma would want to take her baby with her. i do think either miranjo or bosse got help from someone for the mirror spell but being a sorceress she could have did it herself. go get my mirror bosse sama! and then she transfers her soul into it before she dies ala ever psyche in the comics. jean grey died? NOPE, she just put her mind in emma frost's body who put her mind in iceman's body lol. GOTTA LOVE THE XMEN YO!


Y'all should watch Platinum End. It has a slow start, but the part the anime is at rn is pretty good.


What do you mean? He didn’t spare him at all. They said that Ouken likes to make wounds that aren’t immediately fatal, so he can watch you bleed out and die in front of him.


You know it’s bad when the enemy gets a power up flashback.

Smash Bran'Discootch

That'd make sense. Like maybe he was ostracized from the gods for looking all different and that's what made him and miranjo cross paths in the first place?


Too bad there’s a lake with some pretty sketchy liquid separating them.

Smash Bran'Discootch

So when Kage's mom said, "Hurry and cross over, your life is over." I know how it sounded but I actually think she said that to comfort him. She's been dead for a while and must have remembered how confusing and traumatic it must be dying and having to cross over into the land of the dead. I think she was trying to keep him focused. Like a, "Hurry along now Kage, you cant focus on what you've lost right now, hurry over to Mama so I can comfort you". Plus she probably missed him and is like, "Well damn, he's dead. Cant do anything about that but at least I can make the transition easier."


I think that after learning that Bosse couldn’t have anymore children with Bojji’s mother, she took her out on her own. They mentioned that she died during the war, so it’s likely she coerced another kingdom to attack, all to get rid of the queen. I’m pretty sure Bosse wouldn’t have been okay with her killing Bojji’s mom, he seemed content with his current situation, and only remarried after the queen died. Maybe he didn’t even learn that miranjo was the one who got the queen killed. I saw another comment saying that it may have looked like an Ambush took out both the queen and Miranjo, if Bosse showed up to the scene late.


This may just be wild speculation but it feels like Oukens immortality has some vampire like qualities and limits. Because what Bebin said about immortal blood got me thinking about how he has only ever been seen to consume blood and how he only got hungry after sustaining his injuries that maybe his healing ability drains him of blood so it may have a limit. Although what I said could be wrong it seems interesting

Devin B

She definitely did that to comfort her cause the last time she saw him was when she played decoy to make sure he ran away. It's not like she saw what he went through after that so she probably thought since she saw him across the river she could guide him to her.


Me thinking back to episode 1 Bosse is a good dad me now kill him


People forget that kings ( and leader queen) do a lot of fucked up stuff to gain and maintain their kingdom. That's just how it is.


It isn't just Daida.... Daida helped start healing Miranjo and thanks to that break through Boji and Kage are pushing it further.


Redemption is something I feel people need to stop assuming is happening with the plot or being forcd to see . She will never be redeemed at all. She and Bosse are too far gone. What matters isn't this non existent redemption but if they actually have a conscious and are willing to stop using people like stepping stones.

Azayzel Hoarde

The part with the mothers over the river got me ngl but wth? Didnt Maranjo say Bojji was the strongest? Why is Ouken owning everyone? Lol or maybe she meant Bojji is the strongest person "alive" oofs

The Bored Boar

I think what Bosse means about it's his fault is because he allowed Miranjo to continue to live which was basically pain and torture for Miranjo, it was his own selfishness to not put Miranjo out of her misery.


I think Bouji is the strongest but Ouken is just a bad matchup for him since he’s immortal, so Bouji’s techniques don’t work well against him. Brute strength like Bosse would work better since it would put him out of commission for longer

Jay rellim

dorsch is my fave of the big four so far. this dude flexed on the paralyzing technique and straight up gives hands to everyone

Prakhar Bhatt

I love how they want to fuck up miranjo earlier and now they are asking for her help to stop ouken 😂😂😂

Faiz Khan

they have trubbish in Pokemon which is a literal bag of trash


I'm a bit worried that everyone has plot armor in this anime. The fights are pretty nice, but if you know that the good guys always win without any losses, well, the tension disappears. And no spoilers, of course.


Just noticed all we got yesterday was ranking of kings


They really gave Ouken a flashback to power him up. He's a huge trouble already with his immortality, and now he seems to regain the sword skills when he was the Sword King of the Underworld? I like the Big 4 but I don't think they can hold Ouken down the next episode.


They mentioned earlier that all ranking nr 1 kings pick the same object in the "Vault" and that they go crazy. Perhaps it something that makes them immortal/crazy or perhaps it is something the gods use to weaken the strongest kings. Thinks are getting exciting


Sheera for once didn't see that Bojji stab coming 😂 surprised she didnt say "i knew that was gonna happen"

Alex cleveland

They went crazy with the Sakuga in this ep🔥🔥🔥🤩

RavinFox .

I'm putting my money on Sheera's Sheeragan because it's similar to what I'm thinking as well. They keep showing her with this kid that might be a devil. Has similar colors in the eyes and skin to the bigger devil as well so it could very well be the same one or related. Also its REALLY cool to watch new episodes with you guys now! Now we'll all be surprised lol

Jalen Holmes

i dont think any of the big four knew about the rock stun shit besides bebin

sotonye ogan

this show is full of the overly nicest people and the overly crazy ones. you rarely get an inbetween

Isaiah Rodgers

miranjo reminds of eclipsa from star vs the forces of evil


Lupa with the self slam - "The handsome don't die?? I'm dead"


Lupa said "you really got hit with that niggas figured that out last episode" Nobody told Douma how would he have know that?

kurumi Tokisaki

Ouken is the best villain ive seen in a long time. yall can root for who ever but my mans out here drinking enemy blood and sipping tea while they riding boats in the afterlife.


so maybe miranjo met and was nice to that demon when she was a kid since she was from a magic village (or the demon was some outcast from that village she was nice to) and after her face was messed up and she lost her hands it came to her and made a deal to give them back in exchange for something like maybe lives or service. like when bojjis mom is being killed so maybe she made a deal right there to put her soul in the mirror and she can serve that way and give up bojji mom as a sacrifice and hilling can be the next. so maybe she does want to be with bosse but also using all these deals to keep him around while also serving that demon. when they were in that after life she saw her mom looking disappointed and bojjis mom mad so maybe the good part of miranjo feels bad about what she did but she had reasons (not good) to do it. when she told kage last episode "im powerless on my own" she probably meant she gets power from that demon. and she is naturally good which she gets from her mother but after everything she went through and losing bosse to another woman she probably turned cold and cared less about the evil shit she been doing but now bojji and daida changing her heart back basically my theory is its that demon thats really behind basically everything. probably the reason behind oukens immortality, kingbos dad going crazy destroying his kingdom, miranjos bulllshit, who know what else


Dorshe said he got one eye one leg but he still got both hands

Jay Lu

People hate on Miranjo but without her Bojji and Daida wouldn't had been born.


I love how overall, for the most part, Despa actually is a good person..... but then there's that part of him that's obsessed with money. XD Then Ouken got the good guy power up because he used to be a good guy. Damn.


Kinda glad boji got clapped tf up this episode not in a disturbing way but like reality hit him hard typa way


So I was thinking about it and I had a thought. Maybe the Ranking of Kings is the "new form of ruling" that God (I think he was a God?) was talking about that they needed to form with humans due to them becoming more enlightened. So if any nation reaches the number one spot (ie. is prosperous and powerful enough to potentially rival the Gods) is driven to ruin by way of driving the King mad. This way the Gods still lord over humans from the shadows, regulating their influence, always snuffing out those who get too close. I haven't given much thought to counter-arguments for this, so there may be holes in the idea, but I thought it was pretty interesting.

King A E Herrell

Wait so if bosse took all boji strengths does that mean he also took his hearing in his ability to talk because he took all the body strength physical strength is not the only shit that he could’ve had as we seen the show he doesn’t need physical strength to clap people up with this rapier does that mean that his father is the reason why he’s deaf and isn’t physically strong and can’t talk

King A E Herrell

Plus both of his parents are giants so unless there related he shouldn’t have any defects

King A E Herrell

Such as deaf and unable to speak bc we don’t see anyone else with problems like tht in the show