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time to finally face off against the warbeasts


Yam Yam



Hyped for next episodes.

Emiliano Reyes Andrade

every day we get closer to the movie reaction, hyped asf for that one

rickie woodson

remember when sora and kurama shared memories? maybe somehow the warbeasts got access to kurama's memories which include sora's? either through fil or some other secret spy shit going on. or could simply be that the game is based on the individuals fears


These were great reactions, I really hope you guys react to the movie "No Game No Life: Zero"

Oax Al

Dope finally incoming.


WTF was that very last picture of a jerking hot-dog...my eyes hurt.


y’all’s commentary this episode had me crying 😂


are yall also gonna watch the movie after you finish the series?

Solivigant Kaiba

I really need all 3 of them to react to Sk8 the Infinity AND Life Lessons with Uramichi Oniisan at some point. Both in dub. Like the sub is good too but the sub is just ✨👌✨

Drake Rage

Remember Warbeasts are ranked 14 out of 16... 16 being Humans who have no magic, so they are bad with magic. Also there is no reason for Fil to work with Warbeasts, she has made it clear Kurami is more important to her than her family or Elven Garde.. so it would make no sense for her to secretly be working with Warbeasts.


Are we gonna have to wait for a while for No Game No Life Zero movie or is it coming in 2 weeks? (by next week you guys should finish the series since it's 12 episodes)


I don't like shit, I don;t go outside, great Earl reference there good sir. Great album too

Jaime Ruiz

Maybe try Peaky Blinders?

Ec Aea

Its much more simple than what you guys think. To us we think of fantasy world as a fictional world and we made it into a game , so i believe the same thing happened here , they think of skyscraper town with cool roads and weird machine for transport as a fantasy and thats how they made a city that looks like Tokyo i think. I dont read LN so it isnt a spoiler 🤣 Our world is their Fantasy and theirs is our Fantasy.


I think it would be cool if they reacted to Gurren-hen and Lagann-hen movies. They are partially the Anime itself, but there are some actual changes, with the biggest change being the ending of Lagann-hen, AKA the end of Gurren Lagann. In the Anime, they couldn't go as nuts, batshit crazy for the ending as they wanted, so they ended up making the movies, and changing some parts (deaths of some characters, ending, some fights, etc.) in a way that they thought would be better than the Anime had it.


You're essentially correct. Disboard is Fantasy realm that basically explores, "What if magic was a thing on earth?" The contrast to magic is Science, and so for disboard, that's fantasy.

Lloyd Edwards

I highly recommend Problem Children From Another world... It's got a very similar feel to this show. Didn't know it actually came out before NGNL


Yessss I was jus thinkin this when watching these NGNL reactions from them 😌🙏🏾

Don Keedick



My boy roshi know about earl ?!?! lets fucking gooo XD


lupsan comment about stephs cloth coming is even funnier knowing what happens in the next one