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return of toxicity


Smash Bran'Discootch

Anybody else hear how King Shark said Tabitha's family is extra religious seeing as how Jesus was really a shark? Cause like that messed up my whole world perception with how much sense it makes o.o


The cancer ray bit was too much💀

Jean-Marc Mwandulo

Yeah I thought i miss heard that lol hilarious how much that made sense to me in a weird way

Baron Salt

Canee talk about how clayface and Kjng shark almost folded them? The finesse.

rickie woodson

the lead goon in the heist sounds like the teacher goon that worked for scarecrow back he had ivy captured. i mean he acts JUST like him, straight up corny kindergarten teacher

rickie woodson

more like its super good for your skin since it makes them so plot armor powered nothing can kill them in comics, movies or tv. aaaah acid immortality, gotta love it


I thought he died, but then again he had high reviews on that Goon app so if he's alive, then that's definitely him.

Ranginald Vagel

The betrayal in that guy’s voice, “Harley Quinn, you gave me cancer?”


As probably the only flemish person here....NO Jokefhinastein ain't flemish at all....More German


I met this exchange student last semester, she was from Ostend. I asked her: “Oh, so you speak Dutch?” She gave the Yelena stare 😨. I will not commit Flem-erasure ever again.


I regret holding out on that show. Thanks for reacting because I would have never gave it a chance.

Ted Cali

Okay, but here is the really important question that NO ONE seems to be asking: why the FUCK was Bruce Wayne/Waynetech developing a CANCER RAY? Explain that one to the shareholders, Bruce. Actually, scratch that; being unable to deliver on the promise of an electric vehicle while instead wasting funds on an item that has no purpose aside from giving people cancer is maybe the most realistic depiction of a billionaire I've seen.


Joker Pulling a Green Goblin is crazy like just rip the band-aid off already

Ranginald Vagel

Sometimes you do the science then think about the practicals. There are almost certainly good uses for a cancer ray.


Lmao cant wait for next week. Nothing but chaos x20 these last 3 episodes


they bring in Amanda waller in season 3 which should bring a ton of opportunities bedsides DC is full of villains to kill I'm sure next season will be good

Jaime Ruiz

What do you mean that's all Psycho wanted? Harley caused most of the biggest problems for Gotham. She's way worse.

Mozart Waddell

Buff Riddler makes no sense. The man obviously put on mass by bulking up. Nonstop cardio wouldn't help with gains. He was definitely sneaking in some resistance training on the side 🧐

Mozart Waddell

Looking on the brighside of the goon prognosis depending on the location and stage of the cancer, with treatment and a specialized diet he could go into remission

Mozart Waddell

Psycho is insecure as heck. Sal was a real one and will be missed.

Brandon Gibbs

Great now Harley needs Joker back once again but only for what he knows about the book. Also damn why would ANYONE make a damn cancer ray?!