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So......Daddy is bad man?


Smash Bran'Discootch

Holy shit i literally refreshed the page RIGHT as you posted this. I havent even gotten the notification on my phone yet. Talk about luck!


Bosse more like Losse


Watch all of us are dead, a new peak show


There’s a new show on Amazon Prime that came out not too long ago called “Legend of Vox Machina” I think you guys would really enjoy it. Hoping you guys will see this early before people start spamming the comments for it in a couple weeks like Arcane


Lupa been really good with some predictions this show wow

Ranginald Vagel

Oh man can’t wait to see the next few eps the series evolves so well from how it started


I really love this episode. Bojji's cuteness shines through 100%


Y’all should watch World Trigger if you haven’t already. Id think you’d love it

Jeremiah Wagner

Bro the sheeragan at the end there. She already predicted it

King DDD

Sheeragan is too much bro, why doesnt author nerf

Smash Bran'Discootch

THAT FREAKIN BOJI SPLITTING THE ROCK REVEAL BLEW MY MIND! Also, I totally understand yall feeling like Despa is scum or just wanted the money. But like if you're providing a service, are you gonna do it for free? Like he said, he's gotta make a living. Man I'm so hype for next episode. Yall are gonna flip.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Lol, check the Community Tab. We already have been spamming it hoping they'd see it. But for sure keep commenting about it. They would absolutely love it. I can already imagine poor Lupa-san. "Bro, my SKIN hurts!" lmao


Roshi looking confused in both NGNL and Ranking King thumbnails lmao


Great reaction, All of us are dead next!


Nah. Bosse is a dad guy. Not a bad guy.


This episode is the one that made me binge the rest of the series.


I love how they were laughing so much about Bojji making them trip.


Plz tell me Lupa or Roshi said Bojji’s weapon would be a blick when they weren't showing it😂


King Bozo


They said Boji is supposed to be a giant like his dad. I feel like they sacrificed Boji giantness for something.

Greg Harrison

surprised yall didn't make a joke about Bojji's weapon being a gun


Re: despa, it’s like the joker said - “if you’re good at something, never do it for free”


This is the episode that clapped everybody.



Devin B

I feel like Bosse got cursed by someone where he gets an illness and his first born son gets cursed. Whenever he resurrects himself he probably uses his second or third son to escape the curse and be strong for a while until his illness kicks in again. If Bosse had an older brother then he might've been cursed like Boji too.


How did you guys figured it was the dad? Like what kind of mental route you went there as I can't figure out anyway that was the dad. I am still on my guessing that it's Bojji's original mother who reincarnated to the other prince. Even that sacrificed another son might just mean that she/he thinks Bojji is dead.


Because Daida drank the stuff from Bosse’s corpse


I think the curse thats on bojji was to take his size and strength and give it to bosse. the only thing they seem to think makes you a good king is strength, which is why they dont care for bojjis speed. and he probably cursed daida for a new body since his first body was sick and dying. the demon who came out of him probably pointed at bojji and laughed to say " haha your'e the one I made weak"

Grimm Paragon

lupa smart as hell for that observation


Well first of all Daida is not the son of Bojis mother, and it makes the most sense if it is Bosse bc who else is there to resurrect


there’s definitely something wrong with lady miranjo as she appears in many flashbacks with apeas and bosse and attempts to resurrect bosse in daida insinuating she is an ally to bosse but i don’t get what she would gain from all this 🤔


Sheera is literally too damn smart💀 that’s all I gotta say


Sorry thought that was cut content since manga says that a lot earlier


You literally spoiled the next episode for what exact reason?


Would lowkey think a gun would be too heavy for Boji lmao

rickie woodson

he can do that BUT he can also learn other skills outside of physical strength like knowledge and magic

rickie woodson

that was the only big twist i knew via wiki. i dont know why he's doing it, who miranjo is or her connection to bosse or if bosse is like orochimaru going from body to body for hundreds of years or if this is his first time doing it


Y’all are kinda close.


22:07 Damm Lupa emergency shutdown. Thanks for the reactions guys you are amazing. Can't wait to see your future reactions ;)


Can’t believe I didn’t notice that. Lol.


Bojji is going to be the end of me bc he is so adorable ☺️


That ending, jeez. I was becoming kinda suspicious of Bosse anyway. So many of flashbacks with him in it seemed so sinister. And he has that weird frozen room with the mirror lady living there that Bosse seemed completely in league with during the Apeas flashback.


There's no 100% good or bad in this show, except for Bojji, who's 100% good.

Azayzel Hoarde

damn i think Bosse sacrificed Bojjis strength to make himself live longer and thats why he wanted Bojji to keep training to get strong but as soon as Bojjis strength hit zero Bosse died and the devil keeping Bosse alive that he made the deal with left his body and laughed at Bojji like he just got suckered and doesnt know it by the person he was grieving for.


Reminder that Miranjo said that only Daida could drink it because he's Bosse's son.

Mob K.O.

bojji wasnt born weak

Stanley Labissiere

"So that meat wouldn't have killed him" BRO I never even thought of that good catch


Let the origami folding begin


these don't come out fast enough


Wish this was prioritized more, I can't wait for their reaction to OP 2 :)


More than anything I can't wait for their reaction to the absolute art that is OP 2 on episode 12.


The looks of confusion when "Daida" said: "So, I have sacrificed another son." Gotta love it.


So, since nobody has mentioned it yet (surprisingly): Despa's VA is Takahiro Sakurai, who also played Kishibe Rohan in JJBA and Diablo in Slime.


Ash and Pikachu wish they were Bojji.


Roshi knows that new Dew is fire

Drake Rage

Roshi coming in clutch with Bosse being in Deida's body. I was wondering how the Lady in the Mirror could have been somebody's mother and then also have multiple children since he said "I sacrificed another son"...... but a guy can easily have multiple children with different women. So, it definitely seems like it is Bosse. I think he planned to sacrifice Bojji though, since he wanted Bojji to inherit the throne, then he would be sacrificed and Bosse would be King. This would make it seem like the Lady in the mirror is "good," since she chose to sacrifice Deida who had grown up with negative feelings and continued to do bad things to get power. Bojji has always been good a kid, so the Lady in the mirror might have gone against Bosse's wishes and chosen Deida to be sacrificed instead of good-hearted Bojji.