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The clean rejection



The Gohan joke caught me off guard. LOL


man I love Minori as a character, felt so bad for her this episode

Jeremiah Wagner

I don’t like her character at all personally. Didn’t really feel bad for her. Just tell him straight up even though you’re lying.


ngl thought yall forgot abt this series 😔

RavinFox .

Sick! They posted Toradora, right on the Chinese/Lunar New Year! Thank you Roshi! It's the Year of the Taiga, folks! 🐅 It's a very goal persuing based year with this zodiac. Last year was all about preparing with the Ox. Basically, finally pouncing on ambitions. Even if you don't celebrate it, I wish everyone good luck. Especially that cursed bird 🦜


Yeah but she can't tell him straight up because of Taiga. If Minori told Ryuji she liked him but won't do anything because she knows Taiga likes him too, then Taiga would feel bad because she would feel like she's getting in the way of Ryuji and Minori. Taiga and Minori are both putting each other's happiness before their own.


if i see a guy in bear costume come up like that, im pulling a lion king on that shit and dropping his ass

Daniel Borrego

i dont like minori. she always seemed so fake. like fake wierd. a try hard. its ironic that we get introduced to ami as the fake character, because minori has been the fake one all along.

Devin B

Minori is being a good friend to Taiga but she's not taking into consideration how Ryuuji feels cause it's obvious that he likes her but she doesn't want to mess up her relationship with Taiga. Even if Taiga likes Ryuuji Minori rejecting him doesn't automatically mean him and Taiga are going to be together cause she doesn't know if Ryuuji likes Taiga in a romantic way. Ryuuji is the only one in this situation that doesn't fully understand what's going on and I can't help but feel bad for him for being rejected that way.

Dezmond Broadway

I think Roshis comparison makes sense. A lot of guys at that age are socially inept. 2/3 girls knew what was going on months ago and Taiga just realized her feelings. Ryuujis left to figure things out himself because most of the girls are speaking in riddles. Though I will say Amis riddle is so obvious. I imagine even teenage boy me would have gotten it. *The whole playing house thing*

Daniel Borrego

i honestly have never felt any kind of chemistry between the two of them while both ami and taiga have good chemistry with ryuuji. even taiga has a bit of chemistry with kitamaru.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I absolutely understand what you're saying and that is a perfectly reasonable response. Me though...i'd just be too damn curious. Like...I'd have to let him in. Even if he was there to rob my ass, i'd just HAVE to know, "So like...why the bear suit bro? No no, rob away, I just gotta know. They not have an ski masks at the store? And what store were you going to that you expected to find ski masks, they did not have ski masks, but they did have a christmas bear suit?"

Smash Bran'Discootch

Yeah, i'd definitely say Ami's was less a riddle and more just a metaphor. I think his whole thing is he's so caught up in pursuing Kushieda who hasn't really shown any interest in him so I think he'd be genuinely surprised to hear that ANYONE has feelings for him. I dunno man, i was probably just as dumb when i was a teenager lol

Smash Bran'Discootch

Plus like...Ryuji is just sitting there like, "So...she wasn't gonna come to the party, Taiga told her to come so she did but she didn't go to the party...she came all the way out here JUST to tell me that she isn't interested in me?" Damn. Thats rough, buddy.


Low key if you've ever been in a love triangle Minori is the most realistic character. She doesn't want to hurt Ryuuji or close the door for herself because she does have feelings for him. But she sees how good Taiga and Ryuuji are together and she's willing to let Ryuuji go. When you're heart broken because you know your best friend and your crush should be together, you don't really know what to do or say because you kind of wish for that happiness yourself. In this scenario Minori gave herself the L for Taiga and Ryuuji to figure their stuff out.


That powerline namedrop got me fucked up lmao. Nobody talks about The Goofy Movie anymore.


Lmfao Roshi w/ the Chappelle reference. "Dad this is duck." 🤣


Ryuji does suffer from "Dumb Protag Syndrome" but in terms of Ami, it's by his own seeing past who she "really was" that has her like "Let me help him see past who he really is." But he don't. I get why a lot of people say Best Girl Ami.


Yup this is why Minorin is the worst to me


Roshi was on fire with the jokes this reaction XD

Clara May

Yeah but the sad thing is she wasn't planning to do that, it only happened that way because she happened to see Taiga on her way there, realising that her suspicions were correct and Taiga does love him... and the last thing she wants to do is hurt her friend, so she sacrifices her only happiness and pursuit of love.

Clara May

Although she is speaking in riddles, here and also at the vila talking about ghosts and UFOs, I think ryuuji always understood what she meant. It was a riddle he understood. The ghosts she was talking about was love, and that she has never been in love but she would want to be. I think it's just a cultural thing, that beating around the bush rather than just bluntly saying things outright is very common. And so when she turns him down at the party with the same UFO euphamism, Ryuuji fully understands, but just doesn't know why.


Best romcom episode in anime imo