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The beginning of Bojji's Pokemon journey!



In the chick fil a drive thru rn can’t wait to get home 😭😭✊🏾


Loving this show so far. Started watching it because of you guys and everyone that requested it. So thanks guys 🙏🏾

calvin paul

Too kinda explain the flashback and how she feels now. The Queen basically super doting to Boji, she not mean just super worried about him all the time


thats why your tits look like arrow tips???? yeahhhhhh

Marissa Johnson

Yea I believe that the Queen acted like that towards Bojji cause she’s super worried about him, especially cause he’s disabled, and kind of wants to shield him from the dangers of ruling. She’s honestly just an overprotective mother at the end of the day


Best mom is finally here!! 😭


All of your questions shall be answered. I had the same exact questions when I first watched, this show is too good


Interpreting the Queen's feelings incorrectly. She doesn't resent Boji at all, that's what the whole flashback was for... to show that she had feelings for him and tried her hardest to get close.

Jazmyne Mattucci

Just FYI, Boji is the older brother. He actually around 14 if i remember right.


Th Evil Within


Just to clear things up, the queen doesn't resent boji at all for being a better son than daida. She loves him. But it's like Roshi said in the beginning, because Boji has no strength he really isn't the best fit to be king compared to daida who does have that strength. And she was thinking about daida's words in bed about how staying at the castle would make boji miserable, which is why she let boji go on that adventure. Also at the end i think you missed what the queen fully said cause you didn't comment on it, but she said she got the strange feeling that she wouldn't see boji NOR daida

Jeremiah Wagner

They were talking about the parts of the flashback where when daida was born she started acting more stern towards Boji.

Totally Thomas

Hokuro was the guy at the courtyard who recognize Bojji's abilities at dodging anything. And yeah, the Queen is an excellent character.

Jeremiah Wagner

They did see that last part. They literally commented that they think someone might try to kill Boji and daida


Roshi will love the queen b4 the end I bet a month free🤣

Jazmyne Mattucci

Sheera and Lupa screaming when Hiling jumped out that damn window got me fucking dead bro.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

Sheera all of these assumptions about Hilings behavior. It's much simpler than you'd expect. She's just worried about Boji's well being. From her outside perspective Boji just stands no chance as a King and the responsibility she fears could end up getting him hurt which is not hard to see why she'd think that.


She jumped out of a window to try and save her kid

Jay rellim

damn as soon as i heard the brother yell for the magic mirror I was like "damn thats eren's voice actor" lmao ive heard that whiny ass "i think im strong when im just loud" kid voice in too many animes


dude telling Sheera not to have assumptions is like telling a river not to flow.


To be fair to everyone who voted against Bojji....If you saw 2 princes, and the older was Deaf, Mute, thought to be mentally handicapped, had Stunted height (he's barely grown at all), and had no physical strength, you'd vote to put the other prince as King. It'd take A LOT for Bojji to win over anyone. It's amazing 2 people even voted for him out of 7. Guess they were just loyal to the King's Will.

Dontsop Keran

“Can’t wait to see Domas teach boji swordsmanship”lmaooo


I would of set that entire kingdom on fire if I can’t be king THEN NOBODY WILL 💯


I love that the wooden haft of the spear couldn’t actually handle the metal of the sword.

Jdogzero Silverblade

big question. how did the king and queen fuck. shes the size of an onahole when compared to the king XD

Benjamin Moore

Still don't get how Hiling and Bosse works, but we'll just overlook that.

Son Gokhan

I think you guys need to look at it from another perspective if you look at it from reality it literally makes no sense to make boji the king just because he was born first just because boji is nice a kid and down on his luck doesn't mean he should be king from any rational view daida should be king because at the very least he cares for the kingdom

Alex cleveland

Just saw the new OP 2 for this anime, made me love this show even more. This show lowkey anime of the year ong! I use to think it was AOT S4 Part 1 but idk now

Son Gokhan

Sheera about boji unique style yes he using all he can but they are saying a king needs to clash head first with his opponent because that shows the king is honest trustworthy and straightforward someone people can rely on


the art style reminds me of ni no kuni a bit


we getting double ranking of kings? or just a single upload this week?


You never heard of insemination? They dont need to be in intercourse


Bruh if I was Boji im takin that big ass club from his das bedroom and causin chaos. Letting that shit just roll around the castle breaking shit


The other dude accompanying Bojji on his journey is the one who was watching Bojji fight Daida on ep 2 and remembered Bojji dodging all the snakes


Dunno if yall caught it, but if you listen to how it's pronounced, her name is Queen HEALING. lol

Son Gokhan

Also domas has been teaching him swordmanship but boji isn't built for the type of king style swordmanship he is being taught so he doesn't improve


Oh I just got that her name is literally HEALING (Hiling).


I've only known Boji for 3 episodes, but if anything happened to him, I would murc everyone in that show and then myself.

Devin B

Boji needs to get a sword light enough for him to actually lift like Arya's Needle in GoT otherwise there's not much Domas can teach him.


This show does such a good job of layering their characters. Their motivations are not just surface level. Amazing character writing, I literally can't hate anyone.


Are they doing one video a week or two video a week for ranking of kings? I forgot


Arrow nip tips bitch 🤬


Roshi, the fact that you rewatched the last episode is too dope. Stuff like that is why I keep my Patreon going for you guys.


And yes, this show keeps doing the question->answer and setup->payoff so well.

Smash Bran'Discootch

First off, I love the way they do Hiling and Boji's relationship. Like...its very complex. Okay so Boji is best boi. Period. In all of anime. He is literally BEST BOI. He tries his best to put on a brave face for everyone because he thinks thats what a king is supposed to do and like every animation of him welling up with tears just breaks my damn heart and makes me furious at whoever hurt that precious little cinnamon roll. Like, even when the snake bit him when he tried to help it, he still cried over it being hurt and danced around with it when Hiling healed it. Also, has anyone considered the logistics of Bosse and Hiling smashing? Cause like, Bosse and his first wife were both giants, so i could totally see them smashing. But how in tf did Hiling and Bosse smash? Daida is a Turkey Baster Baby and no one can convince me otherwise.

Big Juls

My soft ass cried all 3 episodes so far, bad shit happening to kids always gets me..


We getting EP4 today too or is the schedule spaced out?


think its coming tn, last week was like this too


HAHA that's when I realized it too the first time I saw it I was like... I recognize that scream anywher


Couldnt have said it better myself. It sucks when I see people talk bad about Hiling (understandably) and how she resents Boji or harbors ill will towards him when, like you mentioned, she is just VERY overprotective and they dont realize it. I mean yeah even to the point she comes off rude, which is what most people think is hate for Boji.


This anime is so good! I had to watch the rest on my own and I deadass cried during almost every episode. This is definitely one of my favorites now.


a king stands and takes his blows from his opponent he doesn't dodge and run away from clashing swords. that's why his father has scars from fighting and not running

Pan Cakes

i remember them having a poll where they said 2 a week and then they will only do 1 86


i don’t think hiling is more favorable to her own son necessarily it’s clear she in a way sees him as her own; I think she’s just very overprotective and strict and unfortunately sees bojji as many do; weak and incapable


No one’s gonna ask how Bosse fucked Hiling?

Antonio Williams

Yeah without going int spoiler territory, she's a queen first and foremost and while she cares about Bojji, she sees him as undeserving/unable to be a true king which is valid at this point in the story.

Scott Riley Adrueno

Thank God someone finally bucked the trend of evil step moms in a fairy tale/fantasy setting.


The way y'all screamed at 16:58 when the Queen jumped lmao


You guys gotta not judge people too hard yet. You only know like 1% of what is going on and what each of their motivations are lol


The Queen always loved Boji. She just underestimates him because he’s frail and has disabilities. His brother is more suited to be king…. On paper

Simple Fan

Bonjis father 110% made a deal with the devil.I’m just sayin it don’t add up how the his mother and father are both giants while he’s only 3 feet 🤔

Damion Middleton

I swear Domas and Daida a whole Red Flag 🚩🚩🚩🚩

Isaiah McClurkin

Can’t wait for next episode 😮‍💨🔥😱


I had the Queen pegged all wrong. It's just so complicated on her end. She just doesn't have faith in Boji to be King because she cares too much for his well being due to his disabilities while she has a ton of faith in her own son because he's shown qualities ( plus obvious biological bias ).


It's crazy right ? it s like.. they re almost .. enjoying the show and theorizing :o How preposterous is that !


You are misinterpreting Bevin. In this world, might makes right so being fast and tricking your opponent is considered cowardly and unkingly. But not a bad thought as many characters initially come off as one note in this until later on in.

The Pebble

It's not that complicated, if you're protecting your kingdom from an attack and you can only dodge enemies without being able to actually beat them...He just wouldn't be able to protect his people like that.


King Bosse was charging head on into battles and murking everyone. The people of the kingdom are probably used to that style and expects the princes' to be the same.


Upon rewatching the first episode. Aside from her tone, what Hiling said back then showed that she cared for Bojji. She ordered the knights to investigate and capture the people who did this to Bojji(which lets be honest, it was borderline Stockholm syndrome between Bojji and Kage) Lectured Bojji about how his position doesn't allow him to be this careless when she said something the might hurt Bojji, she ordered Domas to not translate it.

James Ancester

Damn, Hilling got that instant redemption arc


It wasn’t Stockholm Syndrome is just that boji was kinda lonely. To meet someone he he easily talk to and can understand him must have been a blessing. He just didn’t really understand he was being used


This show is a ride, I've already watched it 4 times these past 2 weeks. The art style will push some people away because it might seem "childish" but the complexity of the characters, the progression of the plot and how well they engage us with it really stands out. Honestly anime of the year, it deserves it.


I think King Bosse was giving off the same vibes as Queen Hilling towards Boji. They come off as mean and hurtful, but you can tell they both care for him if you pay attention to what they're saying. It's wierd because you have to shine the most optimistic light possible on their words to see what they're trying to say, my parents are like that sometimes


You mean this year or last year? Beacase there are some big shows coming this year. It had a much better chance last year.


Queen Hilling is THICCC. Her boobies at the right angle make her nose actually look normal in comparison! She is a great character all around. Both in writing and in design.


Bro Queen Hilling THICCCCC. Her titties at the right angles make her nose look normal in comparison lmao. Rule 34 already got some decent stuff if u know what I mean ;)


Thought it was a double drop of this show since we only doing one 86 a week now


I can't wait till y'all see the rest of this from some of y'alls viewpoints lol


Hiling is goated


Most likely a split. 1 drop Tuesday then 1 drop Wednesday. However, we'll be getting 3 drops of Ousama this week because they couldn't handle the cliff hanger in ep 4. So, expect 2 more drops of Ousama today.


i think that demon is the guy in the mirror


Have to admit the story is really good, still disliking the animation & character looks take me totally off the story which is really good. If this story had been made with more normal anime looks, it would be one of the best animes of 2022. Well for most it is already good.


im trynna figure out how the king hit that. In ep 1, we saw Bojji mom was also a giant, not the case with Hiling

Isaiah Rodgers

this show is hard to watch😭😭😭😭, i luv it

Austin Yun

"That's why your titties look like arrow tips bitch" ....god damn


yall missing the most obvious assassin in that road party. Its gonna be swordmaster buddy for sure that guy don't seem no good since day 1.


Sorry to all the arrow-tipped women HAHAHA