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Good times, more time away from pain



the video descriptions always give me joy


At 14:32 of this video, the reflection is one of those walking coffins they used, but when Kurena looked back it was actually a Vánagandr.


It's not that it's just random people in this world have powers. It's only certain bloodlines. That's the long and short of it without going into spoilers

Ara Araragi

Shin's crew already knew how to read and write. They all left goodbye messages for Lena, and Shin was constantly reading in his downtime. Some of the 86 are less educated. Kurena had never been to school, which is why she was excited when they were playing at being in class a few episodes ago. But Shin even went to school with Lena's friend back when he still lived at the Republic's capitol.


At 13:42, when theo and anju are talking about the future, you see a couple walking in the background and it symbolizes a could’ve been with anju and daiya

Matthew Osteen

The technology in this show always confuses me. they have cellphones and planes but can't tell where the legion is or if any other nations are alive and well? Dont you need Satellites to have cellular phones?


Roshi jumpy as hell, snow drops and he is already Duck&Cover mode


Nice catch as I actually just now with their reaction noticed the same thing. Didn't notice it before as this was my 3rd or 4th time seeing this episode.


made my day

Luna Lupus

The family that was used as a Blueprint for the ParaRaid was Shin's fam they were taken to the camps before the device could be finished so they had to use human experiments with others that didn't have the power, after Shin's near death experience he could no longer turn off the telepathy so thats why he constantly hears the voices even during the scene where he gets choked out he mentions how "he can't hear mom's voice anymore"

Dylan Williams

Cyclops isn't blind in the eye, it's just heterochromia (someone who has two different colored irises). Her sister had it, too. I doubt any Alba besides Lena would risk their vision to help the 86.


I think Shin and his brother and mother were the ones who had the powers originally that the para raid was based off of. Unless I am misremembering, the scientist chick said that her neighbors were the family that were found to have those powers her dad was interested in, and then later we found out that her neighbors was Shin and Rei. Shin also mentioned that his parents originally came from Giad, so Im wondering if the royals were the ones that had the bloodline powers (maybe Shin is a branch royal or even a direct line but his parents decided to leave for whatever reason) :0 Edit: Shins family being the ones with powers would also explain why Shin is the one who hears the legion voices. He already had that kind of power and it just got stronger as he got older. Im guessing that is also how he knew what Fido was saying and would talk to Fido... maybe there is a "ghost in the machine" deal with Fido, where he developed his own personality that Shin can pick up (dunno if Shin can understand other Fidos or just Fido in particular for some reason though.)


Without spoiling much, Shin's power was only useable within his family, Annette stated as much. Once again in the flashback of Rei strangling Shin, Shin says he can't hear moms voice anymore and asks if she died. It wasn't until after nearly dying from his brother that he could hear the legion.

Matteo Morellato

Another small thing: when anju and theo are having their conversation in the plaza Theo asks her what would she do in the future, when she is answering a couple walks in the backround and the couple represents her with Daiya

kurumi Tokisaki

I thought they all could hear the voices...that one episode they heard the chick that died. Unless the communication device can hear thoughts, but that would be too much traffic on whatever channel. IDK Edit: I went back and found that the ear piece is basically telepathy, but it still confused me because they talk rather than think... idk. Im not gonna try to make sense out of anime


Shin is the one who can hear the voices of the legion. so when they are linked to him with the para-raid they can all hear it, that's why they wanted the major to cut the link in the first season when they first showed it because they are all used to hearing the voices since they've been fighting with him for so long.


And Shin’s parents are originally from the Empire of Giad, so it’s prolly that some people from there have special powers


It's crazy that y'all didn't realize that the family that the pararaid was based off of was shin's family. Shin's family are the ones with the telepathic powers. Also, shin has a power also. It's to hear the machines.


I think that shin somewhere along in his family ancestory is related to the royal family and that empress girl.