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What a wholesome father and son activity


Donovan Kagy

Cobra Kai season 4?




Dexter teachin Harrison to confront killers with a bottle of paint thinner. "Hey, if you're a killer, you should go home and leave everyone alone"

Smash Bran'Discootch

Kurt only has the one cabin. I understand why you think theres two because Kurt had one cleared out. Except that was the same cabin. If you remember, there was the room he was keeping the girls in that was in the CELLAR of the cabin. Thats what Kurt had cleared out. But the upstairs of the cabin was still totally there. Thats where he took Harrison. He was just keeping the girls in the Cellar. Just the one cabin. He would keep the girls in the cellar then have them run off so he could shoot them, then he brought the bodies to his underground bunker to clean them and display them.


Can't believe they got Molly smh! But the way this is shaping up it looks like this is the end for Dexter


im so mad molly got clapped like actually...


Man what a great episode, i was on the fence with this season but it has been great so far


Dexter needs to go. It's about time. He been sloppy for too long.


Angela wasn’t worried about fingerprints because she knew Molly kept her stuff in the hotel safe. Kurt wasn’t thinking enough to check the safe. So when she “checked out”, her podcast stuff was still locked up and that’s how Angela knew she was dead because she’d never just leave it behind.


I am scared for my guy Dexter. Mans finally bonded with Harrison with there being no more secrets. You just know this just isn't gonna end well. It wouldn't be "Dexter" if it did. Vigilante serial killers don't get happy endings, lol.


fucking spoiler warning dude. your comment is right up front.


As much as I love Dexter, him getting caught is the only real way to end his storyline. What's cool is that if he does get caught, he can leave knowing that he taught Harrison the code. Maybe it's implying that Harrison becomes the new "Dexter."


But either way, my heart isn't ready for Dexter's ending.


So i guess Dexter will leave someway for the cops to find Kurts trophy room, it with his sudden disappearance give more evidence he is the cause.


Lol I understood the reference sheera


Are you feeling it now Mr. Crabs? (Because Kurt is the Voice of Mr.Krabs)

Reckless Company

that was a funny reaction kurt pulling up with the quick act like yeah imma kill you both low key and dexter is getting sloppy like his girlfriend all of a sudden figuring shit out like bruh lol

rickie woodson

nah. its not like the recording device is a murder weapon or something so it so doesnt matter that she touched it.........