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That Pym arrow though!





Lets gooo. Btw y'all should watch Nightmare of the Wolf anime before Witcher season 2. Its a prequel to the Netflix show


LETS GO! Hawkeye is the best Marvel Disney+ show so far


Lol hawkguy 😂😂😂😂


was the title on purpose lmao


Yeah, they did it for the first two EPS too


Echo is one of my favorite characters from Daredevil comics.

Big Daddy Dre

Fun fact: the actress playing echo is actually deaf and is missing a leg. This is also her first acting role ever she was working at Amazon before this major come up 👌


Hey eternals come out next month on Disney plus. Yawl should react to it.

Reckless Company

heroes dont kill lol meanwhile in the backround people in a van getting burned alive

Julian Vargas

the actress who plays maya actually has a prosthetic foot and is deaf


Lupa: Heros don't kill. Somewhere in young justice. Geo force sneeze


Maya's dad was in Westworld.

Devin B

It definitely was a lot better than I thought it was going to be and I would put it up there with the other marvel shows


"Heroes don't kill". Meanwhile in Titans and Stargirl...

Preston Bryant

For a little context she’s Native American Uncle is a term of endearment in their culture doesn’t necessitate necessarily mean a blood relative.


didn't hawkeye use the usb arrow in what if?


“Heroes don’t kill.” Roshi: But they should though.


Idk why but I am loving this show! it's kinda chill and for the most part not to dark.

rickie woodson

he's not lou diamon philips if thats who you are thinking of lupa but yes he is one of those actors that pops up in everything. we've all seen him at least twice in ourlives. a character actor i think they call them like paul giamotti


He also used it in the first Avengers movie while he was under Loki's mind control.

Eric Vasquez

Fun fact: The adult actress and the young actress who plays Maya are actually cousins.


spoilery question for Eternals, Is Jon Snow looking guy main girl's man? They look similar.


Funny how they talking 2007 is long ago and I am still thinking it's always weird hearing 1999 year.


NOTW is not needed or canon tbh but a good watch

Teyon Alexander

She’s from nyc. I am from nyc. Spent 43 years there. I never learned to drive because I didn’t need to living in Manhattan. Probably the same for her.

Teyon Alexander

That USB arrow helped take down a helicarrier in the first Avengers film so don’t sleep on it. Lol

Baron Salt

Literally every avenger has a body count


USB arrow. Call back to the “What If” series


Most recently I recall Reservations Dogs and he's excellent, He does so many small roles, e.g. Westworld, and a few major ones like Longmire... so like you said we've definitely all seen him somewhere. His name is Zahn McClarnon.


Old Man Roshi when he gets hearing aid in the future... (Sheera talking) Roshi, "HUH?!"


dude that he killed was her father feels like i missed something


I love that kate drew hawkeye's comic accurate costume and if you didn't know green arrow is also a superhero with a bow and arrow like hawkeye with regular arrows and trick arrows


Green arrow is in the dc universe