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that end credit scene lmao



Accidentally put the 86 Tag on this post haha




Unrelated but I randomly saw you in a Street Fighter vid earlier today Lupa lol.

jesse almonte

Poor fucking cat and gar too


Dude u guys need to go look at CW Star girl her show is blowing up on CW 😂 it came out like year ago but it’s still blowing up y’all need do reaction to the shows on CW

Darwin Hernandez

#savegar I have an unsettling feeling he might be itching closer and closer to an overdose on the medication he been taking. That pan to the pills on his desk is worrying. Imagine if he overdosed before the legion brings superboy back?

sotonye ogan

Kinda feel like they are using Gar as a comedic cut away lol

Url Robbo

Welp I think they're having Gar overdose this season


woww dumb dumb move fate and now you gotta deal with child like teekl did not deserve that at all imagine your companion you been with for eons die in front of you like that.


I understand why it is irking you Roshi, but it is advancing the plot. It's showing how progressively worse Beast Boy is getting. From being in a bad mood, to losing responsibility in the team and his own room. He now is mixing a bunch of pills to sleep better. This season they want to highlight how depression has blatantly obvious signs but no one on the team is SUPER close to Gar the way his half sister, Superboy, or his original team were. You also need to understand how busy a lot of these heroes are, they probably see him once a day (until this episode they noticed he hasn't left the couch). BD also noticed when he didn't take out the trash or the old food in the fridge and he genuinely asked but Gar said he is fine. Just remember what we see is not what all the other characters see, they don't know about his sleep medication or his trauma.


I think the thing with Gar is they were trying to give him space and now they're worried, but don't know what to do or they're waiting for M'Gann to get back.


Maybe nobody doing anything about Gar's situation is the point. That's the life of most people that suffer depression.


I agree about beast boy’s team. Especially Cassie(wonder girl). She should notice. At least the parts with beast boy are short and not taking up all of the episode, that would be annoying lol


I have as much hate and mistrust in my heart for Nabu, than Roshi has for Red Tornado 🤖

Tyrese Marshall

Question. When Billy turns into Shazam, is he an aged up version of himself or someone different?


Garlfied’s scene aren’t just annoying because they don’t advance the plot or improve his situation, they’re also oddly placed a mess up the pacing of the other arcs. Also they made a huge deal of Jefferson making the Justice League more pro self-care/mental health aware, but you’ve got Garfield that’s been depressed for 3 months or something.


They believe he needs time to grief so they aren't pressing him. They know he is going through a lot but they don't know what to do and they think that time will fix it


I think in his peak but I am not 100% sure


From what we got this season, and please don’t drag me for saying this, I was expecting Teekl’s death to be way more bloody.

Jeff Heart

My man fate couldn’t open the door for him man was just watching


It is advancing the plot. It way be very odd to see an action scene cut away to him sleeping. But there are 3 plots going on. The main plot is that all these characters are learning to deal with their trauma and problems while BeastBoy is keeping it inside. We are seeing positive outcomes for Miss Martian and her family, Artemis and her team, as well as Zatanna's team right now. It cuts to BeastBoy to show that he is really dealing with his issues the wrong way.


That’s star girl. She got a show. It’s nice too no cap.


Beast boy going through depression Roshi “ they need to fix this nigga character arc” 😂😂. Beast boy gets mind blasted and watch Conor die. Lupa” fuck is wrong with him he still sleeping” 😂😂


I agree I think they are trying to show the hidden truth of people that struggle with depression

Matthew Osteen

this episode was mad boring not gonna lie


Niggga told fate. You’re not that guy buddy you’re not that guy. You need help too.

Devin B

There's not much his teammates can do for him if he doesn't want to address the problem himself.

Devin B

I'm gonna have to disagree with you guys about the other Outsiders not doing enough for Beast Boy cause when he first started showing symptoms of depression they tried to reach out to him but he kept deflecting them and kept telling them he would be fine. There's only so much they can do for Beast Boy when he's acting like that and it's not like they can force him to deal with his issues. At moments like this it's best to wait for them to be ready to deal with their problems.

Smash Bran'Discootch

I understand what you mean about Gar and how nothing is really advancing, but at the same time I kind of appreciate that they're doing that. Because thats how actual clinical depression is. It isn't convenient or easily dealt with. If thats what they're attempting to depict, they're doing a good job of it.

Devin B

I'm with you there. After her making that one dude into a whole human anatomy experiment I was expecting her to at least crush Teekl's head.

Zoei Brown

I 1000% agree with this. This season is really focusing on mental health and different aspects of it. People deal with their own turmoils differently and with Gar, he isn’t willing to open up (episode 9 illustrated this with the elevator when BD was TRYING to talk to Gar). Gar isn’t just being a dumb cameo or cut away we are seeing through time how much he is getting worse and not improving unlike the other characters. On a serious note I think Gar may have an accidental overdose by mixing drugs/medications and abusing them because YJ is kinda emphasizing the theory- especially in this episode. I honestly believe DC will go down that dark of a path to show the reality of someone being depressed. Everyone doesn’t recover from trauma or have all the will power to recover so easily. It takes time.

Julian Vargas

That bus showed up throughout the whole show, not just the last episode, i think it's gonna have something to do with the time travelers and connor, im hoping he was taken to the future and meets up with wally


How does Lupa not know her. The JSA and all that. Died when he said "Captain Wonder Woman".


I honestly expected Stargirl to be more supportive of gar. Her character is usually very bright, caring, and thoughtful. But in this show, or episode at least, they made her very critical and ignorant of her clearly depressed friend, which she wouldn't be in any other version of her

Totally Thomas

Spoilers: Khalid is supposed to be the current Doctor Fate.


Khalid actually is the current Doctor Fate in the comics.


Btw when Khalid was drowning, he actually wasn't singing, it's a religious Islamic praying verse that is done during payer time, similar to how Zatara was saying during his talk with Fate; and at the end when he says, "As-salam-u A-laykum, Wa-Alaykum-us salam" Its a greeting that is commonly said within the Islamic community - basically translates too "Peace be upon you" - "Wa-Alaykum-us salam" is what you say back to someone who just greeted you by saying "As-salam-u A-laykum". So basically like someone saying Hi to you and you saying Hi back. In Khalid's case, it was to symbolise hes the same person, by basically greeting himself to himself.

CJ Dennis

It's funny that Roshi mentions Khalid becoming Dr. Fate because he actually does in the comics. More than most likely Dr. Fate will need a new host body, although I don't know if Khalid will become the new Dr. Fate here. It's good seeing Zatara again, and I thought this episode had some interesting character development, and I was also surprised that they got rid of Klarion. In regards to Beast Boy, I knew that they were gonna have him start taking pills maybe even get addicted to them. More than most likely it will get to a point where his friends and team are gonna try get him out it when they find out about that. That's probably why they are dragging this out, to show that people that go through this will get to a point where they realize they half to help themselves and their friends have to really nudge them.


I think the second language Zatara was praying in was Italian. Which would make sense since his name is Giovanni.

CJ Dennis

Yeah I figured him and Zatanna were Italian, since they first showed them in the series.


Lol is there gonna be an explanation for that damn bus or did I miss something in these episodes

CJ Dennis

I thought it had some interesting character development.


The girl with the staff and star costume is “stargirl” a lesser known character in the DC universe with a very interesting backstory. Lupa should be able to find her in his book of DC heros.

Earphone Jack

I was shook when Teekl was killed. And it's irking me that no one is helping Garfield. Like do y'all not see there's an issue going on?! And now we see the pills on his dresser...will it take Garfield having an overdose for them to see?


So far all we know is its the same bus from S1 thats shown up a lot and last episode literally appeared in space so I wonder whats gonna go on with that.


"Medicine Man" is the current Dr. Fate in the comics

rickie woodson

i so want to spoil who khalid is in the comics.........instead ill say this: no muslim pronounces muslim like that............the show clapped themselves!

None None

I call bullshit on the mom believing Muslims shouldn't do magic. Any religion with that outlook would have been immediately conquered and destroyed by the first religion with magical artifacts that decided they didn't like Islam.


Another great episode in the books. But as people have commented we see Beast Boy progressively getting worse. And it’s not that his team is insensitive it’s just that they don’t understand the level of pain he’s in. Keep in mind his team is also dealing with certain levels of stress they put their lives on the line every mission. So for them they probably just compartmentalism and move on. I know Sheera mentioned that she would have taken him to a therapist, but curing Depression is never as simple as a single conversation or a clinical visit. I’m thinking what will happen next is that phone call was super important and maybe BB’s team needed help and someone got injured because he was in a funk and that triggers his progression to getting better. Any who…loved the reaction. Watch Justice League Dark Apokolips war when you get a chance.

Tim Chaos

I loved this episode. I grew up religious so it always gets me when these shows portray faith in a positive light. Also, looks like they’re showing how some characters find strength while showing Beast Boy in a deep depression…I hope they (or ANYONE) can help him soon

Reckless Company

i think we going see superboy in a whole other season cuz they way its looking he not coming back this season lol poor beastboy looking clapped the past couple episodes like give this nigga a hug or something


I get where you're coming from, but I think they went in the direction where that's what any Islamic scholar would say since, in Islam, any sort of magic is known as black magic. Basically, the devil's magic, which is why the mom was very against Khalid using any sort of it; like how you'll randomly encounter that overly-religious family member.


Why would they use Gar’s depression as a comedic cutaway

CJ Dennis

Captin Wonder Women is Stargirl/Courtney Whitmore, who appeared last season as a reporter and I gusse became Stargirl in the One Year gap between S3 and S4. Also, I recommend you react to the Batman and Superman Apocalypses and Public Enemies films when you get a chance lol.

CJ Dennis

Yeah it kind of reminds of the 90s X-Men cartoon where they explore Nighcrawler's faith and even Wolverine's. It stuck with me as a christian child. Usually kids cartoon can't bring up spirituality specifically, but they will have lessons about faith, and since this show has no restrictions now and wants to reflect the diversity of the world we live in, it makes sense for this to be here.


Jesus, this season is 50% sideshow.


When Roshi asked who Khalid was ... the way Lupa responded made me believe he was serious given how fast and casual he answered. Like oh my god. Also I'm wondering if Khalid will be another Doctor Fate because he does seem like a perfect candidate, also Zatanna's father's body is getting too old and they mentioned this in an earlier episode. I'm gonna assume Dr. Fate is gonna need a new body to fight against Child because Nabu is only as good as the host and Zatara seems like he's reached his mortal limits. Also Zatana made a remark about Khalid being a doctor soon. Probably just a joke, but I'mma keep my mind on that line.

Rodney Morgan

Bruh they showed beast boy in like 5 episodes doing the same shit like can we move on from this😂


Yes, let's move on from the fact that Beast Boy is going through severe depression. That's a good message to the kids at home lol.


that girl with the america outfit and staff is stargirl she's pretty popular and has her own CW tv series like the flash


I love how there's a new person telling vandals story every episode


These kids gotta catch their breath just to continue screaming XD!

Michael Pamon

In the comics Khalid is an actual host for Doctor Fate after Kent Nelson

Michael Pamon

Gar is going through massive depression guys 😂😂😂😂 the point is to show how it’s affecting him back on Earth. They’ve already been advancing his story by showing us how he hasn’t been going on any missions and not doing any of his assigned chores around the Premiere Building. We’ve seen how at first he was getting no sleep AT ALL and now we’re being shown that he’s becoming addicted to sleep medicine. Next he’s probably going to start overdosing.


this show is so damn good. as a person who has dealt with massive depression you don't always get immediate help or have friends who know how to deal with it.

Teyon Alexander

Kind of cool how Vandal spawned some of his greatest enemies.


This has probably been mentioned already but the girl with the staff and the star outfit is stargirl

Christine L.

Zatanna has little screentime for what's supposed to be a Zatanna arc 😒😒😒


As much as I agree that the Gar depression thing is a bit on the annoying side, people are gonna have to step back on their complaints on how nobody is helping him. It's pretty realistic how people aren't pushing further into Gar's situation because why would they? Because it's a show and usually in shows, people do the right thing and help eachother? Y'all are too use to plot points where that's what people do for eachother. Saying 'I'd do this' and 'I can clearly see that he needs help so I'm gonna do that' is ridiculous because I'm pretty sure not everyone on planet earth would do what you'd claim because if we did .. then depression wouldn't be as bad as it is in the real world with this support system you all are guaranteeing. You'd let them be about their business and be about yours until the depressed person shouts for help which Gar is refusing/denying which is pretty real. And I don't need to tell anyone here how real it is that this happens for a very long time which is why I think the show keeps cutting to this depression plot. It's showing how long this is going and how long it can go on not being treated correctly. People need to quit acting like they're saints on this topic like they can notice every sign and do the exact right thing for someone when you're most likely not gonna. Like I don't believe Sheera for a single second on the things she said on the matter. The whole 'If I were in this situation' bit these guys say sometimes always makes me roll my eyes sometimes because real people mostly would not do the right thing at the right times. This show is doing a real thing where people will either ignore it or not impose ( until the depressed person literally cries for help ) or it fly completely over their head. We all are not the best in these situations. Not even fictional characters--who you'd think would do the right thing--can do the right thing all the time.

Mozart Waddell

Lupa's that one friend you can never take with you to Doha or Dubai 🤣

Mozart Waddell

The way they incorporated such a purposeful amalgam of Muslim and Christian faith in the episode was beautiful.

Noah Marshall

Props to the writers for how they are showing beast boy. I get that it can seem super annoying but it is one of the most accurate portrayal of depression I’ve seen in a show. Big props to them for showing that things don’t just get better on their own. And how hard it can be to say some thing a wrong.


So what's up the kids on the bus I must have missed something


Wait, how did Beast Boy reach earth sooner than Megan did? Did they ever fix the zeta tube on Mar’s? Or maybe Cyborg boom tubed him home cuz he couldn’t stand the month’s trip while Megan rode the baby through space?

CJ Dennis

I am starting to notice that the third episode of these four episode arcs are not bad, but the least interesting. Hopefully it will finish strong like the others though.

Vincent Spivey

Plz watch the witcher it would be great

Davon Thomas

Beast Boy depression phase won't change until we reach Superboy's 4 episode storyline.


I just found out that from Episodes 1-10 each of the first letters create a word "Invitation" And in Season 3 the message is "Prepare the Anti Life Equation"

These Plums

Beast Boy depressed. Them: "LOL stop"

Lamaree Jackson

Didn’t Black Lightning make it mandatory for members of all the teams to have meetings with Black Canary when they go through a bad mission or a loss? How was Beast Boy just allowed to sit in the dark and not go on missions? Halo was still meeting with her a year after the incident in Markovia