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This arc is gonna be dark!


mitch anderson

Damn I haven’t gotten a chance to watch it yet, gonna do it now

Ranginald Vagel

Best Thursday I’ve had in a while


Yep, Roshi is right. Mary is Mary Marvel, Billy's adoptive sister and a member of the Shazam family.


Probably the weakest of the opening arc episodes for me which is a bummer because I’ve been waiting for Zatanna to get time to shine, but it definitely has lots of potential. Also Xanadu was in season 1, I can’t believe they brought her back and with actual powers now lol


ohhh zatanna might have the best arc to come

Trayvon Brown

The fortune teller they go see is Madame Xanadu from season 1 episode 7 "denial" the episode where we first meet kent nelson and the fate helmet. She was a charlatan but Kent did say she had magical potential, seems like shes put the work in to become legit over the past ten years.

Antonio Williams

The suit comment Roshi made about Clarion is probably top 5 funniest things he's said because why are the lords of chaos basically dressed like the men in black lol?

Big Daddy Dre

Ain’t heard kree summers voice in a while…sent me straight back to my childhood 😂😂

Alejandro Rodriguez

The stranger dude is the Phantom Stranger he’s considered a mostly neutrally good magic entity in the DC universe who’s walked the earth for a long time trying to correct his sins, also no one rlly knows who he is but it’s pretty much assumed he’s Judas Iscariot


The child fr pulled frosts fatality from mk11 lmaoo


I think he was confirmed to be judas in forever evil blight, I mean i remember seeing it in that comic

Rex Perez

My boy roshi bout to get his DCploma🎓


So. The three students of Zatanna are Traci 13: We've seen her briefly before she has bad luck power that Zatanna is teaching her to control Mary: Formally Mary Marvel a part of the Marvel family that I guess doesn't have access to the SHAZAM form looks like she harnesses power and focuses it using the mantras of SHAZAM (Speed of Mercury etc.) Khalid: Probably the deepest cut he's the great-nephew of Kent Nelson (The old guy who was Doctor Fate in season one) weather they keep that origin is another story but he's the currant Doctor Fate in the comics

Matthew Osteen

That's the same chick from season 1 when they introduced dr. fate. What's crazy is roshi mentioned the accent change then too lol

marckery blanchard

The guy in the dapper suit that was talking to vandal savage is the phantom stranger


“He’s about to get TV-MA” is a really fun way to say that someone is going to get a brutal death.

shaheed patterson

The bus driver is the same one every time lol


when I Finnish this episode I was like PHANTOM STRANGER IS A BROTHA


Lupa, that was the Phantom Stranger

Adrian Valiente

That's Phantom Stranger, Lupa.


Ngl, with this arc seeming to focus on Zatanna and her students, and introducing characters like Madam Xanadu, I have hopes to see John Constantine appear. My favourite magical character in DC


OH SHIT, i didn't even realise the change. I forgot he's white in the comics

Smash Bran'Discootch

lol slight typo in the episode title. Should be "Odnu" instead of "Ondu".


Wait, that means y'all haven't watched Shazam!. Would love a reaction.


Man he just need to quit driving buses cause every time he drive one some fuck shit happen, also it’s always them kids in the back lol. At this point I wouldn’t be surprised if the show revealed him to be like another Lord of Order or something else. Cause why he always showing up with kids on the bus at all times of the day & night around the country whenever something go down & nobody like “how the hell you get here?”

CJ Dennis

Thanks for the info. Perhaps they will explore Khalid's backstory as he did have a look when Kent Nelson was mentioned.

CJ Dennis

Roshi brought up at the beginning that the last arch was female centric and that is correct. That is how you have strong and strongly written female characters in something without needing to draw attention to it. Compared to a cw show that often will have lines like "oh that outfit will be perfect when it fits a women".


Yeah, you know it's not a good portrayal of a strong, independent woman when the character has to tell you that they're a strong, independent woman

hector torres

After stone ocean do we think we'll wait long for steel ball run and jojolion

Devin B

There's definitely gonna be a long wait for Steel ball run and even longer for Jojolion cause idk if Part 8 is done in the manga or not

Andrew W

I'm legit kinda mad about how little HBO / DC advertises this show. It's so good and I love the universe they've built across these past seasons, but I bet it's not pulling in numbers and is probably in danger of cancellation as a result. The show-runner is always pushing it on Twitter (I gotta assume on Insta, too) with the hashtag #SaveEarth16 (the number for this show's universe in the DC multiverse).

hector torres

All this hype makes me wanna go read the next part after stone ocean is done

Allison Veluz

They are going to release it next week along with 86 and assassination classroom because of Jojo Stone Ocean

None None

This episode reminds me that Zatanna used to have that one goth chick she taught magic to in the comics. Is she still a thing or did she get erased in a universe reset at some point?


Please react to a new tv series called The wheel of Time


its an live action show and it’s sooo good

Omar Bautista

Anyone know if Roshi read injustice yet


Second this. Since its weekly as well, that probably makes it easier to fit into their probably hectic schedule. The show is definitely going to blow up more as it progresses.


How about we ask them to react to super crooks


Money Heist next week?


Ousuma Ranking PLEASE do it!

FreshxEli Tv

Aye Roshi Sheera Lupa did y’all notice while they were telling savages story they called him vander 😂 that’s literally the Arcane league of legends story for vander


Bro, Lupa saying 300 days is “2 years” took me all the way out. Just an all time brain fart lmao 😂


bruh this season has been nothing but heat. i never want it to end


Is it just me or does it feel like Roshi the Main character and sheera the supporting character and lupa the comedy relief character?

CJ Dennis

Zatanna pulled out that Doctor Fate spell immediately like it was nothing, where as last time it took a lot out of her. Makes sense as people have said she is supposed to be one of the most powerful sorceress in the DC universe.

rickie woodson

he's the stranger as vandal said. full name phantom stranger. mary is billy's twin sister int he comics, the first person he shared the shazam powers with. interesting how they are using her here being a shazamless magic user but still calling upon the same gods in her spells.

rickie woodson

for a moment there i thought that flashback was going to tell us how vandal got his name "vandal savage" based on how he was a savage to survive all those deaths

Malcolm Washingon

Vandal stopped clarion from continuing to just go around clapping proto-humanity. And he stopped darkseid from enslaving or destroying planet I'm early days. Dude saved earth twice from threats that woulda clapped most the heroes. Just find it interesting that Vandal low-key a hero in some ways


Beast Boy is in some deep deep depression. The kind of tired he is isn't something you can fix with sleep. It's like his very soul is tired (I'm not sure how to put this into words really), imagine the feeling you get after an intense workout, the numbness you feel in whatever area of your body you were using. Now imagine that numbness dulled a little, but now everywhere, and you can't pinpoint where it's coming from, but you just feel it at all times, down to your very bones. that's the sort of feeling Beast Boy is feeling at the moment, in my opinion


You have to watch the flashpoint movie and the ones after its like 8 of them that connects and you will learn about all the heroes and it will be some fun content

CJ Dennis

5:04 The kid that bumped into Zatanna was the kid that fell down and Artemis helped up in the fourth episode of the third season.

Yoshiyahu Uchiha

She said Tracy had bad luck powers is she Jinx?


Lupa is like a proud father, his son has matured