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Damn Vi


Drake Rage

OMG I can't believe I guessed that was Jayce just by looking at his boots at the beginning of the episode and Caitlyn too with the dark blue hair!! Man the game was so addicting, even after I quit I used to go back and get addicted again, haha. I was wondering if that was Viktor with the cane, but wasn't sure but when he became interested in Jayce's research I was more and more sure it was, dang guessing all the characters has been a lot of fun. Definitely have to control myself and not start playing that addicting game again, lol.


horrendously toxic online experience makes you wanna jump off a cliff


Hell yes


Let's go!

Jamil Hicks

I need that episode 3 tonight


pls i beg, more episodes a week ;-;


They finna lose they shit on episode 3 lol

Dezmond Broadway

I couldn’t wait had to watch all the episode out after episode 1

Jahari Fields

Fun fact the silcos voice actor Plays kid flash in young justice


Damn how can I watch all of these reactions and no life one piece episodes all week😂. In the 900’s and tryna get to 1000 before it drops this week.

Charlie baker

Yall should check out sweet home or kingdom now that alice is done


Please ep 3 soon


Hyped for the next ep reactions! The show just keeps getting better so far

chris dacon

ive been praying for this to be rushed

chris dacon

its so damn good


LOL I never tire of the 5 Gum references Lupa makes! Seriously, if you guys like the animation in this; you should check out the music videos produced by Riot yearly on their youtube channel.




I need that ep 3


EYYYYY lets go!!!! I was a little worried about the once a week thing, but looks like we're getting Arcane reactions at least twice a week. YAY. :D


yo some arcane ty so much


I’ve been holding out on ep3 for you guys! Can’t wait..


Another week of people spamming for next episode

Edwin Melendez

Yall are the greatest trolls ever lol!!!

Champion Bescos

I don’t mind waiting, honestly. The show is good, but there’s no need to rush it if it’s gonna burn them out. They’re already working hard as fuck without the sudden inclusion. Thankful for the episode though.


It is related to the game but it’s because this is the backstory for multiple game characters. It’s how they became how they are today


The deal the kid was talking about was the already ongoing deal: I don't bother you, you don't bother me. There's nothing to accept or not accept about that. Has nothing to do with the offer of "just give us a scapegoat to ease the masses, and we'll call it a day."


1 ep every 5 days. 9 ep in total so you guys gonna finish them all in whole 45 days which is too long tbh. I would recommend uploading 1 ep and 5 days later upload the remaining 2 eps. by this it would keep up the hype and stuff.


Just a fun fact vi,powder,jayce,vicktor,heimerdinger,caitlyn,singed(the chemist that fed the cat to the rat) are all playable characters in the game


Oh shit, I can actually hear that now that you mention it.


Ganking lol. Whats next Jungle diff or Top diff. Thanks for the episode.


normally the upload more frequently then this idk why this is a special case. They'll probably upload all of it within 2 weeks


Well I hope. I would love to see their reaction and would be amazed as quickly as possible.


i think there going to upload it the rest this week


great episode, great reaction! I mean the show is very fantastic, but it's 6 episodes now and there is 3 ep left not released yet for the first season, so im not mad if you guys took your time with it and i hope the show continuo forever because it can and the universe is HUGE. Gank the show guys lmao


Shhh they dont know who Jinx is yet o.o 😏 Im excited so them see Jinx. You also forgot about Ekko! Ekko is a playable char too. Theories of Vander being a certain LoL char also exists which I also think that vander is that char 👀


Episode 3 pls 🥺


yeah Mel is the one all I would ever need


GANKING YEAAAAAA? He did his research bro


Oh that's my bad G I changed dont worry dawg and you're right I forgot about ekko and I also know the theory you are taking about 😏


There are other series that have gotten less than 2 eps a week


Pyro you might want to edit your comment as well since you're accidentally the one spoiling now (not blaming you or anything just letting you know lol)


How you not know what ganking is? It's been a term in video games for LITERALLY 25+ years.


Probably because it came out of no where to them and they didnt expect to watch it. People pretty much blew up their dm's for them to watch it. They already have a schedule with the amount of things they can watch. They might be able to knock it up a notch once Gurren Lagann finishes but only they can say


Petition to get EPISODE 3 tomorrow, Like this comment


Magic gets me instantly invested in a story but when it looks like THAT im all in


yall confusing deals


I love this series too but some of ya'll need to learn a little patience fr

Miguel NoName

Episode 3 soon pls :') I can't wait for you all to see 4-6, shit is next level.

Norrin Radd

Roshi already messaged everyone. They're stopping after episode 3 and replacing it with Sheera: Princess of Power. I can't wait!


These league comments are cringe, no one cares about the dogshit game

Ian Lurke

I don't understand why they think Vi sent that message to the enforcers. Did I miss something? Lolq

Donovan Kagy

I did wish they did 2 episodes at once


Because she did. Thats why it was focusing on her at the end. She was gonna turn herself in

Darius Wells

Just so you know guys, they release the episodes in “acts”, with 3 episodes each. I see you may be doing an episode a week but it also may be beneficial to do the 3 episodes at a time how they’ve been releasing. Just a heads up

Darius Wells

Oh, well, bummer lol. I was really anticipating them to finish it out but if that’s what they chose then hey


the music is so GOD DAMN GOOD

yutomyoo (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-16 18:11:00 is it possible for u guys to double upload 3&4, this is so fire
2021-11-16 02:43:56 is it possible for u guys to double upload 3&4, this is so fire

is it possible for u guys to double upload 3&4, this is so fire

Delinda Arts



I know these guy's don't get it but....when Viktor said his name i got chills....

Moisty Justice

League players stay toxic af.


Prayin for a double upload this show is too good🙏

Smash Bran'Discootch

Lupa my guy, "Ganking" has been a slang term since at LEAST the 90's. Probably even before that. I dunno what it has to do with league of legends cause i don't play it, but it's been a thing for at least a good 30 years o.o

Trey Milliner-Williams

it probably means the same as any other game but just in case in league it just means one of your teammates coming to your lane to help you


in league its when one person playing the role called Jungle where they pvp monsters, goes to help another player on their team kill an enemy, its basically jumping someone


because they already have a schedule, do you guys just not pay any attention? is it just caveman brain "ooga booga Arcane ooga booga". youll get episode 3 next week, youre lucky enough to be getting any with how whiny you guys have been.


Lupa getting ganked

Smash Bran'Discootch

Its literally a show BASED ON LEAGUE OF LEGENDS. Of course theres gonna be league of legends comments. Apparently plenty of people care about it considering THE SHOW YOURE WATCHING IS BASED ON IT. I dont play it myself but goodamn dude let people enjoy things. The fact that people enjoying things makes you cringe just shows what a trash ass person you are.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh okay cool. I've only ever heard it in the context that means to kill/shoot someone. Thanks for the info! I've got nothing against League of Legends, I just never got into it myself. But it's awesome that its fans love it so much. I mean, it's gotta be good for it to be that popular. Maybe I'll give it a shot someday now that Overwatch is pretty much dead in the water RIP


Lupa, ganking means "Oh y'all niggas is jumpin' now huh?" That's what that means, no cap, everyone here knows it. Okay but for real ganking is a term for your teammates coming to help you fuck the other team up out of nowhere or the other way around with you helping them. Gang up on them to gain advantage.


Correction, there are people who don't care for the game, but love the LORE that built from it and what this show brings to the table in putting that lore in motion. So shut up.


Calling it now. Mel is Leblanc. Only League of Legends lore lovers know exactly what I mean. Y'all can't deny this. And you can't even tell me spoilers or that I'm wrong. That's how Leblanc works. And yes, she would resort to black face for her schemes. She'll black fish, Asian fish, everything. She don't care. You gonna cancel her? Too late, she canceled herself. It was part of the bigger picture. All according the plan head ass. You can't stop her. The only one who can beat her, is her.

Smash Bran'Discootch

Damn bro, you passionate AF. I'm not talking shit, I respect the hell out of passion for something you enjoy.


Damn...Ya'll asking for multiple episodes do understand that this was not on their schedule right? They already have a lot they are watching and they've given us multiple episodes of a series at certain points in time but obviously they probably don't have the time to do the same for this one so Ya'll should chill a bit cuz I'm sure if they could do multiple episodes they would, their patreon has never disappointed.


Man these folks don’t care. Lol people’s lives don’t exist outside of their screens apparently


Lol vander and caustic share the same voice actor


True, they are watching this soley based on the fact that so many people asked, don't spam them


The whole "Vander is a certain champion" thing you mentioned is not a theory. It is a fact. A known fact and if you didn't know that, then how would you have known this "theory" to begin with? The lore behind that "Champion" was pretty much exposed since his and Singed's retcon in the game lore so you knew this already.


They release the episodes in acts. Each act has three episodes in it. You guy's are probably already swamped but it would be cool to get 3 episodes per week. So basically 1 Act per week.


i thought she was from noxus i just read the quick lore about her


15:04 “Alright I need to know what these clacker balls are” “Yeah they’re going to explain it” *missed the quick explanation right before it* had me dying watching y’all figure it out oh my gosh 😂 clapped


I love Tuesdays. I had to change the day in which I allow myself to eat ordered food for this.


Leblanc is "rumored" to be in every major nation doing her part, playing as multiple people in her big conspiracy all at the exact same time. That's how Leblanc functions. She is a collective ideology that's been in the shadows for centuries to the point where maybe the real Leblanc is dead and people are carrying on her ideology and identifying as her, or she's really alive with clones of herself posing as different people playing 4D chess with everyone, even herself for some grand plan for the Black Rose. She's a one woman Illuminati pretty much. She doesn't make up a backstory when she's another persona, she legit lives the backstory for however many decades it takes to make all her lies the truth. But you'll never know. That's where the whole meme "Everyone is Leblanc" comes from if you ever run into it.


Any lane can gank but it’s the job of jungle. Top and Adc being the least likely to go anywhere in lane phase.


How'd you get non-CC subs bruh???


*PLAYS TOPLANE* Ganks??? never heard of them :)


as a pro "ganker" or as some weirdos would call it jungler, I was very happy that someone finally realized that we are indeed a part of the game.


same time youtube release?

Babucarr Drammeh

Can yall do more Arcane episodes please :)


I second this. although technically one episode of arcane is basically two.

Jigga Man

this boring tbh, an ok watch


Some people have been waiting for their favourite show for a longtime so please shut up and be patient.

Yolo Samurai

Ganking is easy to understand, its like the equivalent of jumping niggas to get an advantage in League of Legends.

Yolo Samurai

went from boring to an ok watch in the same sentence. I'd say its growing on you. :)


love the reaction! take yall time! but dang Lupa cut powder some slack lol she is a whole child and everything failed until the kinks are worked out lol

Bully Finch

Love the lol lore and characters to death, I’m mesmerized by its universe. The game however was made by the devil and should be considered a form of self harm.

jesse almonte

Yknow theyre looking for 4 kids...just all go hang out in different places. like theres other kids in the underground


Easy solution but it does a thing call stalling the plot. Gotta have this plot move along.

Julian Walker

Yay that your on Episode 2, I can explain stuff Jayce is the creator of Hextech which is one of the powerbases and skin types for LOL This show is a mix of backstories for champions in the game. It would be spoilery to tell which character so far are in the game, so maybe after the 9th episode i can tell yea the cool connections they have with one another.


I can't stop laughing at Lupa when he says "Gank" or "ganking" but Roshi is just clueless XD

Peacefinder Simply

maybe not, because more series like arcane are supposed to be coming, thats so hype, i don't know details though.


the deal with vander was about how if he kept his people out of topside then the enforcers wouldn't mess with business underground


Anyone got a link to the first ep reaction😭? And like the rest of them LMAO


i read because he is in the game? or something like that?