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happy for that cameo from Brion the GOAT #MyKing



This season is definitely better than season 3. the focus, the great voice acting, the writing and the fight scenes are much better🔥

Reckless Company

To be fair brion was forced to kill him by another meta he did nothing wrong in my opinion his uncle had to go the man said he wasnt gonna stop so bet now your dead problem solved but in a hero eyes "killing is never the answer" but they could have at least given him a second chance but he got exiled out the group now he lonely king lol


Brion as literally manipulated into doing it….are people forgetting this?

Reckless Company

No I remembered but the guy who did said you had to be thinking about it for him to make you do it so if brion wasn’t thinking about killing his uncle he would have been fine


it wasn’t random. Lady shiva was in season 3. She was in 3 episodes. Episode 9,10, & 19.


Roshi's the type of guy who would root for the Terminator and Thanos i can't stand this guy 😂 😂 😂 #RoshiJustice


wait so im confused so orphan vandal daughter too ?


Best Batgirl time.

Reckless Company

I know he didn’t but the hero didn’t even give him a chance to like make it up to them they just said fuck brion there’s no way he’s the only hero whose killed someone

jesse almonte

Honestley I kinda miss blue beetle

Devin B

He's probably not but he might be the only one to do it in front of his team and in public

Earphone Jack

Lady Sheeva was in last season. Roshi is right.

Reckless Company

But that’s my point like people make mistakes so to me I have no problem with brion he just needs a hero slap and hug 😂😂

Rafiq Alim

I was wondering, When shiva said to be back Cassandra was she talking about savage daughter or orphan

Gino De Lucca

Shira was kinda right when referring to Cheshire and Shade’s relationship. Back in the season 3 episode he was under mine control briefly but at the end Cheshire was able to free Shade from any more mind control and they seemed to leave off on food terms. So she gave him that angry look because she realized he linked up with the shadows and she’s against them now.


King Ish. But seriously, great reaction though!


Greg Weissman has to throw in Black Spider to remind everybody that Marvel cancelled Spectacular Spiderman.

CJ Dennis

People in previous comments mentioned Orphan's backstory from the comics, and I was wondering if they were gonna get to her story here. Moreover, the pages in the book Artemis is reading look blank lol. Also, y'all don't remember seeing Lady Shiva from the last season. She's an intimidating and scary presence how can you not remember her. 😅😅😅😅.

Reckless Company

Ayooo brion he killed one person everyone lost faith in him damn 😂😂😂

Reckless Company

Like if any other hero killed someone would y’all forgive them? Cuz if it’s yes for any hero y’all gotta give brion a chance but if he does another fucked up shit then I have no words

Brandon Gibbs

Seems Jade didn't completely abandon Artemis just yet when they were kids. Also I'm now starting to think both Onyx and Cassandra really ARE being straight. Furthermore Garth is obviously still all depressed over what happened to Superboy but they're not even sure if he's really dead or not and Orphan has finally been revealed as Lady Shiva's daughter who can't even talk because they literally took out her vocal cords to make her a silent shadow. I hope we get close to the real truth next episode.

Totally Thomas

Yeah, Shiva was on the batman mission to Santa Prisca. She also was the one who severed Ocean Master's head when he tried to kill the hero's families and children to keep the balance.


Honestly, the little girl turned into a souless weapon trope is starting to grow stale for me, but since this show has so many alternatives to that trope, I can accept it. I'm referring specifically to Orphan here. Cassandra Savage, Artemis and Chesire were clearly meant to be proper warriors rather than souless weapons. Just in case anyone thinks I'm referring to them.

Solivigant Kaiba

Shiva was in the last season episode of Infinity Island. Looking for Terra.

Nate Deezy

onyx sus asf...

sotonye ogan

Goddamn everytime theres always a fucking mole😂


That’s the theme of this arc. But anyways there’s is more to Orphans story as she becomes one of DCs top martial artists. And to be fair she was trained since birth so the trope isn’t the same

Dark Shogun

Shiva was in season 3 episodes 9 and 10.


Shade the shadow guy was being controlled but Cheshire had him do a favor for her and gave him his freedom back.


Thinking about the timeline... shouldn't Onyx's and Jade's time on Infinity Island overlap ?


I know they watch a lot of shows, but I'm surprised they forgot Shiva. She had some of the best moments from last season. Was S3 that forgettable 😂


Amazing writing and story telling by young justice , I think your right


This Nigga said "Yoink!", I'm mad. Make me laugh and feel old at the same time.


pls finish the last 2 episodes of arcane cause they will release 3 more ep in nov13


exactly onyx is sus even tho i like her


Arcane please

Julian Walker

Bro they are aware Arcane exists, You need to trust thier own schedule for uploads


Ah .. I remember when there was just 800 of us and the comments weren't as annoying. Y'all remember those days? I remember those days.


I wasn't here for them, but they sure sound like good days, lol

Weekly Flo

You seriously need to chill. You are dead ass on these grown folx patreon, paying money, to beg them to watch somethign they are already watching. Please. chill. tf. out.

Weekly Flo

Im convinced that MFs are seriously just doing the 10 a month to Roshi to avoid the netflix fee, just to watch Arcane. Super duper whack of some folx.

Weekly Flo

And yes, Shiva killed Ocean Master with no issue, Lobbed his head off. He was gonna commit the final plan rule where they blow them all up and their kids so there's no super hero legacies. And she did train the soldiers in the jungle

John Duncombe

Please watch dragon quest adventures of dai I promise it’s underrated


It looks like one piece but with young goku as MC? Plus its 50+ episodes so I doubt they're gonna watch a series that long unless its highly popular (Jojo, HxH, Haikyuu etc) and beats everything else in their backlog.


When is Assassination classroom coming ?


Roshi you are so fucked for that comparison joke 😭


all i hear is yoink




Assassination Classroom and Grand Blue coming today?


I wonder if they’re alright


Have yall seen the anime called "monster" yet its so good 10/10


That fucking leg joke dude holy shit. I'm dying.

Illusary Illustrater

black spiders voice actor is spiderman fron spectacular spider-man

rickie woodson

them: a random shiva me: she's the head enforcer or the shadows and cassandra's mom, how is it random?

rickie woodson

they dont remember shiva or black spider being on here.......lupa doesnt know orphan is cassandra cain aka the second batgirl bka was in the harley quinn film. im 'fused

rickie woodson

nah bro. you just need to take some memory pills and do some mental exercises, not too much to remember at all.


I caught up yeaaaaah lets goooo

CJ Dennis

I figured Artemis would be the next one to lead the Team, after Megahn stepped down last season.

CJ Dennis

8:54-9:54 Shera kept that look on her face 😂😂😂😂.