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Ethan Hines

lol why did he even stream if he was so tired

Kcalb, The Devil of The Grey Garden

just peeped, it's taken me all these years but Polnariff is deadass doing a fencing pose that's overexaggerated lmfao not leaning back with his chest somehow broken forward nd whatnot. only just thought about it when i saw how his back foot was positioned

The Pebble

"This show is well paced." Yeah it is actually, just not this part lmao


btw guys Michel Polnareff, the singer that inspired Polnareff's name, actually acknowledged it on twitter last year lmao https://twitter.com/MICHELPOLNAREFF/status/1268536041947959305?s=20

Cloud Kitsune

Funny seeing so many people say "too low" is very relatable for me, because I had to turn my volume up to 70 when my usual base is 23 just to hear Lupasan clearly. His boost allowed me to lower it to 60~ Less painful if some messages me. XD