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There's actually an episode of Criminal Minds like this. A couple will kill someone, then have sex in the room where they did it.

Jigga Man

Bro... Love needs to die. Actually Joe just needs to grab the kid and bounce because I just couldn't with this delusional retarded ass brain dead spoilt ass confused ass can't do shit for herself ass bitch. Bitch just instigates and does fuck shit and paints herself as some victim like WTF??


Roshi was right in episode 1 when he said Cary seemed interested in Joe! I was not expecting that. I wish Cary would have clapped Joe in some form before ending up in the cage 🥴

Bona Fide

Sheera’s “yea wtf” face throughout these has been killing me LMFAO. No words just ~.~

JunpeiFES .

I am worried that matthew knows, roshi has a clue lead, he probably is watching the baby monitor and that will sucks. I am surprised after that meeting at 5am Joe wouldnt think of killing Matthew for being sus

rickie woodson

i called it in the first episode. knew sherry's man was GAY! so my type physically


Love is top 10 biggest hypocrites in all of media

Merlo Ivess

Joe: "We were saying we should have you over for dinner" Roshi: NAH BITCH I'M GOOD 😂😂🤣

Lily Rose

i love this ep, i really wanted cary to drown joe 😭


To be fair. Joe isn’t perfect also. He literally can’t be faithful ever. He needs to be locked up more than Love. He is textbook serial killer and Love is modern day insanity


love is a mess this season but tbh the only diff between her and joe is that she's more emotinal and impulsive whereas joe is more calculative. and tbh joe would be just as mad and would probably murder s many people if he loved love, but he doesn't and has basically given up which is why there's such a difference lol. they both act like their killing is justified and both victimize themselves at the end of the day lmao


It's so funny, I remember you wanting for them to take out Sherry. And now they want her to survive...well I am sad for Cary. Both of them are done.

Nigel Douglas

i mean its not crazy for a 19 year old to be playing with a nerf ball

Nigel Douglas

i dunno why ya´ll didnt see this coming lmaooo that man was hella flirting with Joe in the woods