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Yeah I feel stupid as fuck lol what a terrible outcome



this episode was stupid. honestly that girl had the biggest chances of winning bc there’s no way chota was strong enough to hold her down. they shouldn’t have involved her in their fake sentimental scene


this episode was rough... but one thing i always say is kento's acting (arisu's actor) was absolutely INSANE at the end there. those screams and cries were so real and painful i was in shock. so talented

Jordan Postle

Let's be real Karube wouldve caught her easy while she in that tight ass skirt and heels


First! Ready for the feels train




I just finished watching the reaction to episode 2 and thought today was wednesday so I had to wait. So happy to be wrong. 🤣🤣

jesse almonte

In the manga, they awarded him a mutton dinner for his victory lol


Bro Bloody Roar was so fucking good


Man this episode is the reason I dropped the show at first. Shit is so sad, I needed time to recover before starting it again.


Wish they showed that. It was so messed up, but it made the entire game that much more heart wrenching and twisted.


Thought these guys would at least make it 6 episodes

Ranginald Vagel

My favorite potential solution to the seven of hearts is for the Sheep to try cutting a Wolf’s bomb wire with the tools. If the bomb doesn’t go off, you can now repeat by passing Wolf status. Also, this was my first time watching the live action version as someone who read the manga as it was scanlated back in the day. Tears shed then, tears shed now. Powerful moment.


Bruh the Sheeragan kicking in during the first few minutes of the episode.. She's built different


Sherra figures everything out dang


They really blew Chota out his shoes LMFAO

Ray Ray

At least Chota clapped them cheeks before dying. I hope you felt bad for comparing Karube to Sang-woo 😭


Shibuki was never my favorite but they made her even less likeable here in the show for some reason. In the manga she pretty much ended up doing what Karube and Chota did (without fighting Chota) and letting Arisu win


Dont worry Roshi... I was absolutely positive that the main 3 were gonna make it out when I watched. I thought the same as you, that there was a trick and that the wolf was really gonna die... especially when Arisu was near the girl and Chota took his hand off her mouth. I was dead ass shocked when everyone died... Really should have expected it, but I got too used to plot armor that most shows would have T~T Hurt so much T~T

JunpeiFES .

Regardless you are a wolf or not, it is messing with the game or breaking the rules, so you will get clapped once you break them. Well i assume just like your theory lol this was sad. I wonder if i can keep quiet so my buddy lives on xD

Vincent S Deluca

They were focusing on the Games rules because the meaning at first was weird because it seemed backwards for the sheep to be the ones hiding when the Wolf is the one who survives. but at the end it became more clear that they were choosing one person to survive and as the sheep they had to hide to make sure Arisu made it out since if he found them he would have switched with one of them. Its a game of betrayal but this one the 3 of them betrayed him in a sense by choosing to force him through the game, even if he didn't want to be the one to live


Sheera and Lupa are both tearing up while the main character is screaming his heart out in misery and Roshi trying to crack a joke about the device blowing the guy outta his own shoes. I feel like if they had done it a little differently and had us get to know the characters better before this happened it would have been even more emotional. It was good but it sort of felt like a lot of stuff was packed into this episode trying to make us feel for the characters with their flashbacks. If they had sort of spanned the flashbacks out better up until this point that would have given us more time to sit on the characters and how they were with each other and how important this specific game ended up being as soon as it started. Getting majority of the emotional flashbacks after the game starts it was a good episode but it felt like it could have been done better up until this point and the flashbacks don't feel so forced....


The game of heart is a psychological game, a game of "betrayal", but ultimately, a game where you play with other's heart, whether it is to convince them of one thing or manipulate them to do another... and its not always one person that has to survive as there can still be physical game where theres only 1 survivor if they turn it into a battle Royale for instance... so everything was psychological... an issue as well is that until you are in the game, you don't know what game it will be, which means its a 1/4 chance of the game you play will be a game of heart, spades, diamond, or clover... even more than there are also teamwork, strength, and games like those... each with their own extremes. I've watched an anime adaptation of Alice in Borderland up til episode 3 (so this episode) or 4 which it then ended so I couldnt watch more, and that resulted me in reading the manga for it all the way to its completion like quite a few years prior to this... I loved it and the live adaptation is also really good as I am watching this with everyone


So they never confirm the how, but there’s supposed to be a no death solution to every hearts game. Had Shibuki not panicked they could have figured it out. I’m also a big fan of the theory that the sheep cutting the wolfs bomb collar and then passing the wolf role on would have allowed everyone to live.


To be absolutely fair, Karube and Chota were just a liability if they kept going through the games. Without proper treatment to burns and deep wounds, without a doctor, is a major risk; they knew that, and so they let Alice win, as well as hyperfocusing on the fact that they were not ready to betray each other because of the strong friendship they have had. Second, the audience figured out that there are multiple games open; the players didn't because of the distance between the two; and finally the game doesn't reveal itself until every participant is geared up. Heart games are brutal, and this episode sucked... how does it bounce back from this?


I mean their relationship was fairly established in 3 episodes in my opinion. Never read the manga, but I'm sure it had ample opportunity to tell its story before this game happened


Roshi was so far in denial for the last 10 minutes of the episode 😭


My mouth dropped

Ranginald Vagel

Just realized they probably won't ever adapt this, so I thought it'd be cool to share. The first game the lady played where she was the only survivor was shown in a side story in the manga. I really liked that game. It was the 2 of hearts, I remember the manga details really well bc I loved all the game concepts in this series. Basically, you enter the back of a train with four carriages. You're given an oxygen mask with 3 packs of oxygen each. The goal is to pass through four cars of a train in order to get to the front. One of the four train cars has deadly poison gas in it that can only be survived by putting on the O2 as you enter the room. The next door takes as long to unlock as an O2 pack lasts, so with 3 uses and 4 cars, you have to pick one car to go into without oxygen and risk death. You have a high chance of winning if the gas is in a random room, right? Well, it was pretty devious. There was a hint in that each car had a vase of flowers in it, that iirc was visible from the previous car through the door window. Thing is, the clue isn't obvious until it's too late for everyone except our survivor. The first 3 cars are all safe and the fourth car is the kill car. Everyone else was too scared to willingly go forward and risk death while they still had oxygen, so they ended up using it all, and then from the third car, they noticed that the flowers in the fourth car were DEAD, so as they're using their last O2 they realized how badly they fucked up. Basically, the game is extremely simple to win, as a 2 game where no one even has to die, but is a heart game because you have to realize that you have to directly face the possibility of death once to survive. As long as you nutted up and saved a can of O2 you were Gucci. But since it's terrifying to willingly face death and easy to convince yourself to use the gas to guarantee you live the next carriage, it was a near-total wipe. She didn't really kill anyone as one might assume from her later willingness to sacrifice people. She more felt like she deserved to live after pulling that off.


Sheera figured out the end of the season in one split second lol and Roshi is so optimistic.

Smash Bran'Discootch

When i saw this episode for the first time i literally yelled, "HOLY SHIT THEY ACTUALLY FUCKIN DID IT!" Like i expected some writer fuckery or plot armor or whatever because thats what shows usually do. It took major balls to fully commit like that and actually kill all three of them at once.

Emman Reed

roshi really was huffing the copium HARD this reaction bruh. Thinking he outsmarted the show lmao. OVA paced a bit better but this was a good ep.

Challis H

Oh that's actually a interesting theory, they put all those weapons on the table but they also put small tools likes Pliers and stuff. All the small tools being there could have been a clue as to how to survive the game, if only they had a chance to think it out. I understand where Shibuki was coming from taking the wolf and beelining away. But after seeing Alice literally math me into safety, I'd like to think in her shoes I wouldn't be so damn scared to let him give it a shot.


Savage episode, more savage when Roshi was with a face I guessed right that they won't die and then his :o face when it didn't happen.


Roshi with the quick maths at the end... This episode had me like Sheera and Lupa when I first watched it, I was legit Roshi throughout thinking that Arisu would find a way to save everyone, even at the countdown to 1 second.


That actor's scream bro, shit got to me

Jay Voorhees

This Man Lupa said the Ascendant Plane these destiny references hitting nfs🤣🤣🤣

Hazard of Duke

editor PLEAASE do the vanishing effect on Roshi at around 21:38 that would be amazing

David Emerson

That ending had me in tears.

rickie woodson

i disagree. i think there is a way they could have all survived if they spent their time being chill and let arisu THINK instead of panicing and screaming and fighting. try and dismantle the gear, look at each other at the same time, look in the mirror, etc etc something

Reckless Company

lets be honest him saying im going die is probably what made his friends want him to live the most plus i think they low key knew they didnt stand chance without him also what if the point to all this was to teach him a lesson about life or something that would be fucked up and unexpected.

Jordan Tidwell

I lost my father suddenly this past year, and rewatching the scene where Arisu loses the only thing he has in this world fucking hit different. This show is made really really well.

Storm King

I really do feel there was a way to have everyone survive, and I too orginally thought it would involve mirrors or all looking at each other. But Roshi out here looking for the deep meaning behind the message for the sheep to hide well when Sheera was telling him the whole time it was about hiding to sarifice yourself.

Peony 三色団子

To be honest, it's a shame that he felt stupid about this tragic death, probably because he watched another death game recently. Even if this storytelling is bad. I know they often turn sad things into jokes, but I don't like it very much. Still, I become a Patreon member because sometimes they have a deep understanding of the characters. And they watch a lot of anime. And they also have a good sense of humor. However, it's hard to hear the terrible words for weak characters and useless characters without imagining the background of the characters. But I still love you guys.


im pretty sure in the manga its established that theres always a way everyone can survive a hearts game

Mordecaix Rigby

If only arisu would of told everyone to record each other looking at the camera directly and then would of all been the wolf but rip my nigga


Bruh i was gettin emotional/laughing my head off cause i was lookin at sheera and lupa starting to cry and then roshi just goin 😌😁they all gonna live 😄✌🏽


Sheera+Lupa=😢…….Roshi= “damn they blew this nigga out his shoes” 💀 that was also my reaction 😭😭

Cleven Anthony

This new UI is insane lmao I know I’m late to this episode and the news but damn it looks so smooth 😭


Maan this was such a sad episode :(


Bruh they kill my dude to early I really want blond hair to be in s2 but I guess not

Chloe Chu

I've seen a lot of people suggest the mirror method, but it wouldn't work... The wolf is selected through direct eye contact and not just looking at a group of people.. it's impossible to lock eyes with multiple people at once :/ I honestly think the tools might have been part of the solution!


I just knew that Chota was gonna sacrifice himself. He's such a cinnamon roll (ToT) and Karube was very much a big brother figure. He was shocked and disturbed both times he witnessed someone murdered by a player. No way was he going to kill his bros.


True! The solution is definitely in the tools to dismantle the headgear, which is why there are so many. However, I wouldn't rule out the mirror trick either because why even have a mirror in the middle of a botanical garden? It seems the mirror was planted intentionally so why not give it a try. According to the fan wiki page manga artist Haro Aso stated there was a solution where everyone lives. The problem is their emotions got the better of them, which is exactly what the Game Masters wanted.


bro I was right there with Sheera and Lupa... once the timer ran out, I started bawling🥺 Roshi out here making me think that there was hope... NO, there was NO hope

Scott Riley Adrueno

"There is more to this game." There's nothing more to the game.


Sheeragan is something out of this world.


This episode messed me up. I so did not expect both his friends to get offed in the 3rd episode. I am in shock and so emotional 😭


so I'm pretty sure the solution is to use the tools and cut the cord from the googles to the neck piece of the wolf, it then might transfer the wolf status to the next sheep. You disable the collar of the next wolf until there is 1 wolf left. One wolf left, they all survive.

Dark Shogun

I'd dig a shallow hole with my bare hands and bury myself, except my nose and mouth. Then I would wait for time to expire. I got that from Illumi Zoldyck during the hunter exams in Hunter x Hunter. Edit: Just finished the episode. He needs to find the game master and end him/her with extreme prejudice. No freaking mercy at all.

Jessica P

The actor who played Arisu acted his ass off! He was on his Viola Davis with this one! Snot and all! Damn that was tough…

Lupa is Dadi

Roshi had so much hope 😭 when I watched this scene I only wished that they at least gave us 1 more episode with the crew, before this happened to build a stronger bond with the audience. I still cried but it would've definitely made an bigger impact if I got to know them just a little bit more.


Dang how were yall all right? It was goggles, headphones, and a collar all in one

Jordan Tidwell

Coming back to this to watch before I go into season 2 and I've read that solution to this game is quiet simple, as all of the other heart games. However they play on human emotion and their habits. So it's theorized that all they had to do was have the wolf look into a lamb's eyes, making that player the wolf, then cut the wire of the necklace to ensure the necklace doesn't explode at the end. Then they would repeat this process until the three lamb necklaces have had the wires cut. Since the eye glasses and collar were never specifically stated to be connected and the GM laid out wire cutting tools, not tools that could be a weapon. The reason this game seem especially impossible is because the GM made this specifically after Arisu had seen the horse players neck get blown up in the previous game. Playing with his head making it seem that these collars would do the same if tampered with. It's honestly amazing writing and a great concept if that is the case. Even more so if you consider the final game of this season, and the answer to that being even easier than this one.


Nah Roshi on that copium 💀knew they gonna die

Kumi Chan

Maybe you are right, but would you have survived with your friends? I wouldn't have survived