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Sherry actually being a good person. RARE.


James M.

this show is ridiculous

Jamaal Ellison

Love is attracted to Theo because she thinks he needs fixing.

Kenisha & Kim

Yea this is insane like I wonder how this is gonna end tbh and I’m like Disappointed that they don’t think they are soulmates just because they got comfortable like they legit can’t do the normal life and they should just be locked up and give Henry to someone they trust lol

John Jacob

Hopefully this is the last episode dealing with anti-white opinions. I just want them to tell the story of these 2 disfunctional human beings.


did that one truthful line make you that uncomfortable?

rickie woodson

my phone isnt on vibrate so i would end up in the cage or dead cause i would instantly freak out "who is in here! i heard your phone!"

rickie woodson

if she really wanted him to leave her alone she would block and delete his number. she knows what she is doing

rickie woodson

WOW. flashback! brie van der kamp up in this piece! #desperatehousewives

rickie woodson

WHAT?! and now cappie too? all the actors from shows i watched in my early 20s popping up on here, not to mention prudence from chilling adventures of sabrina! dang season 3!

rickie woodson

im one of those people though i mostly read comics but i can still quote them. and movies. and songs. all day, every day


Scott Michael Foster has this unfortunate “evil frat bro” look and often plays really bad dudes, so I’m guessing Ryan is even worse than what we know. I feel his death is going to be really brutal and Joe might even torture him. Sherry and Carry really surprised me these last episodes and they might survive the season.


You guys should watch Takt: OP, I think you would enjoy it. Its based off of a game and animated by madhouse and Mappa. Its pretty good

Devin B

People can have empathy for someone's situation but it doesn't compare to someone who has actually been in the same situation cause they don't have to imagine how you're feeling, they could just immediately know what you felt 100%. Joe and Love understands each other psycho tendencies but that doesn't mean they're perfect for each other. Love can't relate to Joe being a foster kid cause she never went through that experience but it's different for Marienne since she's been in that situation.

Devin B

I don't think Joe would go after Theo if he found out about him and Love cause remember Joe only does the things he do for the people that he love. He made it obvious at the end of Season 2 that he doesn't love Love like that anymore but he probably would've done it for Natalie and maybe for Marienne.

rickie woodson

well if they were an empath (able to feel a person's emotions) sure they can literally feel what the other person is feeling about a certain situation BUT i get where you are coming from. i also dont think people need to be the same to be in love with each other. i personally think joe and love are too fucked up to love anyone . heck they dont even love themselves and have a lot of self work and discovery to go through. for example, homegirl through out that self help book she CLEARLY needs and took 2 bottles of wine, one more than the one she took the night before. she needs all the therapy and rehab, ASAP.


This season rly goes to show how similar Joe and Love are. Both are addicts but not to alcohol or drugs but something just as bad if not worse. Joe is addicted to this finding of a true love and can't ditch his nature to find something that he believed to be real. Love on the other hand is so traumatized with her brother's death that she almost sees a bit of him in Theo and even has to text to his old number to let her mind out. Its pretty sad despite them being murderers and psychos

JunpeiFES .

Welp, now i am intrigued and i want to know what is next and how it would end. Sir, sir! Is there moooooore episodes? 😆


What kills me about Love is that her relationship with Theo is basically the same thing she killed her au pair for when she was involved with Forty


Love is just fucked all around. She'll literally never have a normal, healthy relationship.


Why is every American show always saying running to Paris...

Lily Rose

marienne is french in the show, not american. so basically she'll just be going back home.

Nigel Douglas

just now realizing that Love´s actress actually does fall on the border between Gen Z and Millenials.

Nigel Douglas

yeahhh?? so shes gonna have a miscarrage within a week of suspecting that she might be pregnant?