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So the Principal is gonna be the final boss? lol



Double upload 👀 W🔥


Roshi if that table joke was a code geass reference, you’re foul😂😂😂

Alex cleveland

Man, I crave more Ass Class 😭😆


It definitely was, and I was thinking it too, LOL

Storm King

Roshi you foul for that table reference lol

AjohnJexy 123

Chemistry Table Kun is screaming rn


koro sensei and lelouch share the same jap VA why not


My guy literally squeezed in 3 posts and went straight the fuck to bed lmao


principal has aizen voice actor btw, he got that deep "just as planned" voice


What happened to cobra kai


The word of the day is...Oppai! This is your ASS CLASS PSA for the week.

Sebastian Stróż

Principals VA is the same one as Aizen btw :)


Never say “kill” in front to the E class


lol the principal ain't shit compared to the actual final boss which is pain


I enjoy that the animators made it so that Nagisa does and doesn't have ass given certain angles. 15/10 confusion.

Bleck Lakmon

That code geass reference 😂

Chris D. Jones

Did the show ever finish the story? It’s been awhile but I remember it goes on for awhile but I had to read the manga to finish the story.


No he/she always have female hips. I actually had to "google" when I watched this anime and found out that Nagisa was supposed to be girl in the first draft of this story, but somehow was made full 99% trap looking boy girl.

Runner Up

Yeah let's focus on the school, forget the Earth getting nuked. This principal and his priorities i s2g LOL


yup even ends with a heres what the characters are up to in the future bit


The Hypocrisy lol. So Roshi supports Kiritsugu's kill the one to save the many, but doesnt agree to the principal's put down the few to enhance the many


Absolutely different scenarios with absolutely different consequences. Why do you consider the two situations comparable?


Bc putting down the few doesn't actually work. It's a fucked cultural difference that Japan never seemed to get over. In reality, a group of people that are happy and supportive towards each other always out-performs the toxic people that needs to bully others to feel some sort of superiority. Bullying doesn't give u strength. It just makes u look weak with a fragile ego.


Yeah, because that kind of system doesn't actually work, and that's exactly what the hidden theme behind the entirety of assassination classroom is bro. Korosensei is by far the best teacher at the entire school, and the reason is because he puts time and effort into each of his students individually, while offering positive encouragement and reinforcement without forgetting to discipline the kids or calling them out when they're being crazy. At the end of the day, many studies show that positive reinforcement is better for childhood development than negative reinforcement. What the principle is doing is unnecessary and ineffective.


The two aren't really comparable at all. Kiritsugu's whole deal is basically the old philosophical question about the train tracks, do you pull the lever to kill the few or let the train run over the many? In either situation, there will be loss of life, it is unavoidable. The principal's doctrine of pushing down the few to inflate the many is purely unethical and also doesn't work whatsoever. People have tried it in the past, many, many times, and it has never resulted in anything but anger and tragedy. Terrible comparison.