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She played herself lmao



Lmao funny thing I sleep like that not “spshh” but in a sleep over my friends told me I sleep like “shhh shhh shhh shhh” as if I’m shushing people

Big Juls

oo early


Hellll yeahhhh


i'm gonna Spshhhh Spshhh in my sleep now 😂😂


Hayasaca doesn't want people to know she works for kaguya, so the maid outfit, contacts and fake name is to throw off Shirogane. Plus, she's talking japanese with an 'english' accent so Shirogane thinks she's a foreigner.


As Kaguya's servant, Hayasaca keeps getting dragged into Kaguya's schemes so she has her own motivation for rushing their relationship

Mohan Karnati

Bro hayasaka is probably my favorite character in the show tho


Hayasaka goated XD


Hayasaka lowkey one of the best character's in the show ya'll will see

Devin B

Shirogane really did his best to be the perfect gentleman but still got shitted on in the end


"Spoiled" really isn't the correct term in this context. Yeah, these subs are inferior af. But yeah, Sick Kaguya is cutest Kaguya. Her facial expressions are just so freakin adorable. XD


Why would you ask what's wrong with her or what kind of cold it is if you already know and it's just been explained? That's what's weird, imo.


The subtitle differences aren't due to censorship. I mean you're probably not gonna see the word "dick" in the official subs, but they didn't say anything like that in the Japanese either. That said, it might be a good idea to stick to the new subs anyway. I wrote something about the differences in the episode 7 comments.


Feverish Kaguya melts my very being


To be fair I dont think this series has any weak characters.


Chika hiding her belly button is a reference to the myth of the Japanese lightning god Raijin and his thunder wolf 'Raiju'. The thunder wolf has a habit of sleeping inside people's belly buttons without them knowing, and his master Raijin would shoot lightning bolts at him to wake him up. Thus, no more belly button... also death.


ishigamis voice during the cheating part had me dying😂


best girl confirmed, according to the dub narrator


bruh you mad dumb. These are the better subs. The other ones are censored lmao.


I prefer crunchyroll subs 😪


Hayasaka was baiting shirogane


The crunchyroll subs were definitely not censored, the dick joke thing was actually better translated in the crunchyroll version using a kind of childish word like "Weiner" as opposed to just throwing every dick synonym in the book in even though they are saying the same word over and over in japanese. Crunchyroll subs are better worded for english understanding (IMO) and definitely more accurately translated overall, the fansubs are taking alot of liberties with the translations.

Friendly Elites

yeah personally i dont care either way so long as the point comes across but the crunchyroll subs are more accurate, like Ishigami saying 'analog gamers' got translated to 'tabletop gamers' in this version


Are you basing that off anything or just regurgitating what others say? Because they are not censored, the fansubs throwing in a bunch of cusswords is not the crunchyroll subs being censored, it's the fansubs taking a ton of liberties and throwing in those words for no reason.

Storm King

They asked because how many colds have you actually seen make someone lose all their brain cells and make them forget everything that happened during.


"Analog gamer" would get lost in translation as he clearly meant tabletop gamers. The problem with the Crunchyroll subs is that it's far too literal. Sure, that type of translation works for most anime, but comedy has to keep the joke in mind as well. Get the context across while also having it make sense for the non-Japanese speaking audience. And considering all the different words English has for "weiners", it makes sense to do that imo.


But isn't "Analog gamer" kinda the whole joke? He's saying analog as in a real physical game but in an over the top video gamer / nerdy terminology kind of way. Saying Tabletop gamer is way more literal to the situation and misses the whole point.


In Japanese, you tell game mediums apart by saying "digital games" or "analog games". In English, you say "video game" or "board game" colloquially. Sure, hearing "analog gamer" sounds ironic in English but it didn't in Japanese. Translators take liberties and localization of colloquial terms is one of them. I've heard wonky attempts at doing it in both official and fan subs for this show. In my opinion, "analog gamer" is too literal, given that its word for word what he said.

Corey Hughes

Well "analog gamer" lands really well as a joke, and I think it's a better line because of it. Whether it was intended or not.

Jade Pinnock

I have a feeling that Hayasaka was trying to test if he was a good guy or not, because the room was clearly not actually soundproof and she was waiting right outside, to stop him if he tried anything. Besides, why would she encourage someone to rape the person she works for...

Haruto Yuzuki

(This comment is after they've watched the Season 3 Preview so dont attack me for "Spoiling")The worse part about the Fan Subs is when Kaguya gets rushed to the hospital due to Lovesickness and when Chika explains how Kaguya's Mom died from a Heart Problem the Fan Sub subbed it so Chika basically saying Kaguya's Mom still has Heart Problems and didnt die... It's clear the guy/girl whos Subbing hasn't read the Manga and If they have... Then that was an extremely stupid decision on their part because Kaguya not being raised by her Mother has a huge impact on her personality currently in the story, If her mother is alive then that means her mother is a horrible person who cares more about money than her daughters life which us Manga Readers know is the exact opposite