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thats a tough name!


Kitsune Tengu

Yeah Boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii




You guys should react to tsukimichi moonlit fantasy next! I feel like you guys would really like it.

Mikal Adkins

Can someone tell me which of them are actual True Demon Lords? I know Rimuru and Guy are for certain. I don't know about the rest.

Oui Oui

He wasn’t talking to anyone in that room. Did y’all forget Lord Kazalim is with the Grandmaster?


Milim, luminous and dino are also true demon lords


Season 2 is over and we Have a movie coming out so yeah


The crazy thing about those thought acceleration punches is that each punch simulates days worth of pain in an instant.


not sure if sheera and them forgot, but Rimuru literally thought he was about to die when Milim attacked him. did ya'll forget that veldora tanked the hit? Rimuru is strong but there are still people that are way stronger

Darius Wells

Also guys, Guy crimson didn’t relay it well enough but when rimuru was punching clayman, he slowed down time to beat the shit out of clayman for several dozen days. In the Light Novel, it explained it and also explained that at , max capacity, Raphael using mind accelerate can make one second last 277 hours. That’s roughly 11 days.

Jamil Hicks

They just announced a slime movie for fall of 2022

Devin B

So from what we've seen from Shion fighting Clayman Shion is low demon lord level but stronger than Clayman and Frey so Benimaru and Diablo should be somewhere close to low-mid demon lord level.


Sheera over here with the office supply callouts and shit...


are we gonna get some more lupa Jojo reactions?

Mikal Adkins

I don't know who Luminous thought she was fooling. Nobody at that meeting thought her standin was the True Demon Lord.


It feels like most people forgot about the grandmaster in general. Although it is entirely possible they forgot that the possessed elf that was shown for just a couple minutes was being possessed by Kazalim. Probably a "smaller" detail for them considering how many shows they do watch at a time.


Milim really tried to sneak one on Slime and was like "You not gon' catch me lacking EVER again!"


Movie was announced for fall next year


top 5 anime this year


They literally glossed over something super important which is the territory distribution. In the LN, they gave all of the Jura Forest to Rimuru, while Claymans', Carrions', Freys', and Milims' own territory went under her jurisdiction.

jesse almonte

For those wondering, Rimuru is actually on the weaker end of the demon lords at this point. From strongest to weakest it looks kinda like this: Guy, Milim, Dagruel, Leon, Luminous, Rimuru, Dino, Ramiris


Honestly I kinda like how the clowns genuinely cared about clayman even though he was a total shitbag

Dark Shogun

Any True Demon Lord could have beat Clayman. Rimuru is a True Demon Lord because he got the required 10,000 souls to awaken. Frey and Carrion weren't True Demon Lords. They were just Demon Lords in name. Clayman, even at the end, wasn't a True Demon Lord. He had a sudo awakening not the true awakening that you get once you have the 10,000 souls.

Darius Wells

Deeno is actually stronger than rimuru in this point in time, but everything else is correct.

Cabo Boose

The moral of season two...not all clowns jokes...Laplace is scary as hell


Gobuta spinoff is Slime Diaries.

Sage Robinson

Nooooo, now I have to wait for another season ;-; I love SLIME

Josh 96

Guys those dragon gloves Milim is wearing that frey gave her allows her to now spar with people without effectively killing them, which is why rimuru could only utter an "ouch" from being wacked in the head

Josh 96

Octagram power ranking at this point: 1.Guy Crimson 2. Milim Nava 3. Dagruel 4.Leon Cromwell 5. Luminous 6. Deeno 7.Rimuru 8.Ramiris

plug-in panda

yep, dagruel is also not a true demon lord because giants cannot become one, but he is the exception being the third strongest of all of them. leon is the hero equivalent of a true demon lord and simply just declared himself a demon lord

plug-in panda

its funny because when you think about it after seeing him dispose of roy so easily, laplace could have wiped tempest off the map all by himself in early season 1 if that was their goal rather than just creating the orc disaster.


Whhhhhhhyyyyyyy. 😭😭😭

Jalen Holmes

cant wait for the movie


So valentine is the god of the holy western church? Anyone else noticed that? Luminus valentine


honestly not sure why they even left that out smh


The poor table first rimuru made it disappear then guy chopped it in half


Valentine really got the Killua treatment XD Also it's confirmed Slime is getting a movie which is gonna be a while

Amina Bryan

Yes!!!! I love that anime! And I thought I was done with iseaki’s

Jdogzero Silverblade

roshi: he sleeps to store energy. me: uhhhhh hmmm. o_O

Jdogzero Silverblade

laplace didnt kill the guy that was at walprug. it was the one he meet before and got shredded into piece. they are twins. one serves directly under lumilus and the other acts as the pope.

Zaouli HD

This man really got folded by a black face clown i've seen it all


You guys should watch slime diaries if you want more of this. It's just comedy slice of life events that happens before the church's army raided tempest.


Slime movie Fall 2022 💪🏼


fun fact, the anime is caught up exactly to the manga

Tommy Ortega

They announced a movie for slime next year !!!


Dude at the end who died is actually a twin lol

Kameron Renae

Can’t believe this season is already over 😭


Nobody except Frey, Carrion, Clayman, and Kazalim


You really should watch Slime Diaries, it's pretty great and makes the characters much more 3 dimensional - plus its got a huge amount of Millim in it


I’m on team clown now. Especially after that move and the whole: Omaewa mo shinderu


Wouldn't Luminus be higher? Roy was an awakened demon lord and that guy was a servant


Guys pls watch Slime Diaries!!

Callum Murphy

Movie has been announced btw


If you've actually been following the anime, it could not have been taken either way. Everyone else I've watched knew instantly that Clayman dropped a name and not calling out to one of the other DL's there.


Ok here are some things they skipped over or weren't well explained since they rushed through so many points in this episode: - the '10 great demon lords name' stuck because humans started calling them that since they couldn't decide on an official name (too many walpurgis meetings). the old demon lords. were always dissapointed on how lame that sounded. In the novel, when Ramiris suggested 'the 8 great demon lords' everyone, including Luminus and Guy, gave her the murder eyes. - the God of the church Hinata serves and the god of the country LaPlace was invading is called 'Luminus' (probably gonna be the focus of the movie if it's cannon) - Laplace didn't take Roy's heart, he took his 'core', like when Diablo took the core of the spirit that Razen summoned - even though Roy was a lackey, he was still an awakened demon lord, stronger then Carrion and Frey, even impressing Rimuru. He noted that as strong as Roy was, Luminus was on a whole other level (Veldora called her a playmate, but that was hundreds of years ago). On a sidenote, this makes Laplace that much more menacing - Guy destroying the table was a lot more menacing in the novel. he split it violently, plus Rimuru spent a whole page the previous chapter describing how expensive it looked (which is why he ate it before fighting, he thought Guy would be pissed if it got destroyed). - in the novel, Guy actually licked and bit Rimuru's ear. Everyone who knows Guy agrees he makes everyone 'uncomfortable'. - Ramiris is weak because she has a rebirth cycle. A long time ago, when Milim was on a rampage, it took Guy and Ramiris in her full strength to calm her down (we see a glimpse of this during the dragon princess story, Ramiris looks a lot older since she's in her prime). - Footman is the 'angry clown', tear is the 'sad clown' and Laplace is the 'laughing clown'. that's why Laplace said 'Footman would be angry, tear would cry, but as for me, i'll be laughing'. He was mourning Clayman in his own way, the way he was created.


Personally, i like Laplace's character. He's so strong and yet has no problem acting like a clown to get his job done (like when he served Gelmud or Gabiru). He doesn't let pride get in the way, he'll do whatever is needed to complete his mission in the most effective way, only losing control when someone was laughing at his friend's death. I hope we see more of him, he seems like a much more interesting villain then Clayman


Slime gave me a Horde I could be proud of again.

Isaiah Rodgers

but what happens if they recruited 2 new demonlords?

Daniel Borrego

roshi made a good point about hinata, she basically told rimuru that she doesnt normally do the dirty work, but she made an exception for him because of revenge, so in essence she doesnt waste her time on clowns. Basically she was just doing her duty of protecting that place. when he ran away, that was good enough for her. you guys should give slime diaries a try. honestly , MOST of it is good stuff and theres tons of gobta hijinks in it. its pretty funny too. it kinda goes a more serious naruto sd, but it still does twisted goofy stuff with the characters.


Sometimes its funny but sometimes Sheeras constant sexual comments can be a bit irritating


uhhh That wasn't roy he killed it was his twin whos far far weaker.


But it's time taken away from better shows. Not to say slime diaries are bad, but there's just so many better things to react too.

Quinton Campbell

real talk, Gobta is the Gohan of this universe, doesn't know how strong he is cuz everybody around him goes hard


Isn't that Kaguya's VA playing demon lord valentine?


Nah though they do sound similar. She's voiced by the same VA as Lilia from Jobless Reincarnation or Lilian weinberg in dr stone

Daniel Borrego

i think its one of the side effects of doing reaction videos like this. sometimes they miss things because they're talking to one another or they've done so many other videos they forget. its a lot different when you watch something by yourself.