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LMAO i normally cut out the recap but I wanted yall to hear Lupa talk about his painful experience on the SNKRS app 



i have a love hate relationship with snkrs. hit 2 travis lows over a year ago and then never hit again. i always run 3-5 phones too. guess i used all the luck in the world with those


I'm too big sneakers at least not enough for a dedicated app but that intro was funny lol


Fushi tried to distance himself but Tonari said nah


This is why immortality is one of the worst powers to have. It's a curse. You live long enough to watch people you love and care about die, and then you live the rest of your eternity in loneliness when you can't take it anymore. It's trash.


Episode 20 really surprised everyone by being the best episode

Big Daddy Dre

Lupa just gotta let it go with the SNKRS app and just shop on goat…i rather pay an extra hunnid to one of them bitch ass resellers than deal with the heartbreak that is that app😂😔


I mean technically it's not Fushi's fault. If Fushi left with Tonari the other kids would have still died on the island. They only came back because Tonari did.

God Mage KI

It's mentioned in Tonari's initial flashback that her father was accused of killing her mother. Tonari just didn't believe it until she saw him laughing while killing others in the tourney and drew her own conclusions, thinking "Oh, this must be how he killed mom." But the truth is as Fushi says, we have no idea whether or not her father actually committed that crime. This is also illustrated in the flashback where she sees her father die and shows no emotion, because by that point she's fully committed to the idea that he killed her mom, and deserved to be killed. Even though, in truth, she doesn't know who killed her mom.

Gabby Boakye-yiadom

They actually foreshadowed the Nokkers learning to enter humans in the episode where Gugu fell off the cliff and the Nokker tentacle tried to enter him.

Big Daddy Dre

Bruh who you telling…i hit for the bred 4s and i was on 2 phones an iPad and a laptop plus i stayed on the website the whole night…i ain’t hit shit since then😂😂


ROFL that was hilarious in the beginning XD I really don't know if he talked about it so much as just laugh his ass off about it, which cracked me up lol.


World War N


This episode is probably my least favorite in season 1. So much common sense just completely missing. So much hesitation. Fushi's stupidity and ignorance was pushed to the absolute limit in this one. To the point where it annoyed me. I get it. He is growing and is still technically young but I feel like these deaths were just forced in this one. Gugu and march felt genuine and understandable. It makes it feel forced when they literally had a whole setup of them leaving on the ship and Tonari specifically being the one to come back. Next thing you know the entire group of the other kids are magically back as well at the very perfect moment as well. They come back just so they can be used as deaths. So when I also judge Fushi in this one I judge the fact that he is smart enough and adaptive enough to figure out his situation in the underground hole they threw him in and how to get out but isn't smart enough to make best use of his forms in order to take these nokkers out. They showed that fushi felt the pain when the nokkers entered the kid that fell down. Fushi and the others just stood there acting as if nothing was going on. Fushi didn't act on it at all. It may seem as if I am being harsh on this but this episode genuinely felt off and not understandable. This arc in general has sort of felt lacking in some areas and the flow of things just seem more conveniently placed and worked out weirdly in comparison to everything else the series had. I would give everything besides this arc a 10/10. This one just isn't it. Hyped for the next couple of episodes though. In particular episode 20 cause that brings my love for this series right back and ready for season 2.


this actually reminded me of another anime but I obviously not going to say the name but iykyk lol

Alvin Smith

Literally exactly how I felt. I felt like this arc was hot doodoo water and I didn't feel for legit any of the side characters like I did March or Gugu. Was extremely disappointed but luckily episode 20 pulled me right back in where I used to be. Can't wait for season 2.

Alvin Smith

I mean him coming back didn't do anything. The gang was already on there way to the island so they would've jsut been there without Tonari and Fushi and just got clapped 10x harder.


Been suffering through SNKRS fuckery for a year now and I only have the a ma maniere 3s, pollen 1s, and off white dunks lot 47 to show for it


15:32 exactly what I would've done. Didn't know why Fushi didn't do that.


Good thing you guys don't really watch the intro like that because they pretty much spoil this whole part lol


completely forgot snickers had an app


Highly recommend watching nana and/or neon genesis evangelion!


Tonari in my opinion was the best companion, unlike the rest Tonari wasnt just a bundle of positive character traits and an accessory to fushi from the first second, she actually had to learn more about him realise he wasnt a monster and in turn fushi had to do the same for her

God Mage KI

I agree... Also, I'd have to say if she comes back Tonari has the highest chance of being Fushi's romantic interest. They clash and bounce off of one another in an interesting way, while also being quite close.


Sheera needs to spot with these predictions! now even I'm doubting myself

JunpeiFES .

That is why Fushi was told to defeat nokkers by himself, that way he will be able to protect the people he cares about and be able to have friends and families. So he needs to level up. And probably hunt those nokkers now.


yeah, no. its not confirmed that her father killed her mother. yall come to conclusions so fast and so wrong


@destiny she said “this must be how he looked when he killed my mother” not “this is how he looked when he killed my mother”. Which means she doesn’t know what actually happened, but the scary look her father was making after killing all those men scarred her and she was certain in her MIND that he was in fact the killer for her mother. In reality there are two occurrences: 1.he did kill the mother and he had a thirst for killing from the beginning. 2.he didn’t kill the mother, and he found his liking for killing after killing multiple men with the justification of freeing his daughter from the island mixed with the feeling of triumph and excitement of finally winning the right to free his daughter. No-one made it clear on the intent behind the smile. It’s just that the daughter was traumatized after seeing men kill each other in such a manner that thinking about her father doing any of that was beyond her. And in her mind anyone who wins it was surely a pure monster with no heart. And when she saw her father smiling over corpses, she believed he was the monster…….But he could’ve just been smiling with happiness of finally freeing his daughter that looked malicious to the daughter aka to the audience who we are watching from HER perspective of the flashback.

Scott Riley Adrueno

I think Gugu's death made me close off my heart to any other characters. Probably one of the reasons why the death of these three did not hit so hard. On the other hand, their deaths are downright terrifying. This episode certainly cemented the Nokkers as frightening monsters to me.

Don Keedick

When your one decision ends up clapping your homies.