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So is this girl a spirit trying to find her way home?



As Lupa would say.... "ART"


Its not that what comes up on screen isnt important, its just Ararararagi's internal monologue 90% of the time, though there is some slightly important stuff sprinkled in there for character development.

kurumi Tokisaki

I figured when you guys watched this show that it would be more of episode review rather than reaction. I like the switch up and the glued to the screen type vibes.

None None

I'm told that in Japan, cows kind of have a reputation for slowly milling around aimlessly, which is why the spirit was called "lost cow". Like they explained, snail (蝸牛) has the kanji for cow (牛) in it, so the two things are related. Japan's one of those cultures that used to belief the names of things were sacred, which is why it's a big point that what a monster is named is a major part of what it is (you can also see bits of that in shows like Slime, where a named being is stronger than an unnamed one). That's also where things like Japan's modern superstition that anything that sounds like "shi" (death) is bad luck, like the number 4. There was a big incident in olden Japan where a poet died shortly after writing a poem, and they were convinced that it was because the poem had "shi" in the title and he accidentally cursed himself by writing it. Although I'm not Japanese, so this information is all second-hand.


The sheeragon was definetely activated this episode


OK, kinda wishing instead of just goin 2 eps/release, you did a whole story arc

Ara Araragi

The show is adapted from light novels full of dialogue and wordplay. The author originally said he wrote the series with the intention “let’s write a novel that would be impossible to adapt into picture." Then SHAFT said "bet" and made it anyway. And the author actually really liked how it turned out.

Sebastian Stróż

Loving the reactions as always. I really hope you will enjoy the series like some of us did. It's also nice to see you prove weird people wrong about how you will react to some scenes. Keep the good work! Cannot wait for more episodes!

Peony 三色団子

05:14 For your reference, the word Mayoi really wanted to say is "日常茶飯事 nichijo-sahanji". The idiom means daily occurrence. She had a faint memory of the idiom, so she said the vending machine "自動販売機 jido-hanbai-ki".


Why is there absolutely no pedestrians walking anywhere not even parked cars. kind of sus

Peony 三色団子

Even Japanese people can't understand some of the lines and phrases in this anime without looking it up. Because there are passages in historical literature and old legends. There is also a passage from Chinese historical literature. But that doesn't mean you can't enjoy it without knowing it. It's just a little more interesting to understand what the character is saying. Maybe someone more familiar with this anime will explain it in the comments.

Artem Kondratev

The show is made to look almost like a theater scene. It's a play in a form of an animation.

Artem Kondratev

"You shouldn't be violent. But if you are going to spank a child, you need to tell them why..." Ouch.

Christian Castro

I like how the set pieces give off liminal space vibes. really fits the feel of the show.

James Ancester

Extras straight up don't exist in this show, gives me the heebie jeebies sometimes

Peony 三色団子

mayoi, mayou(迷い, 迷う) mean to get lost. However, Mayoi's kanji (真宵) is different. Of course, the meaning is also different. It's just the same reading.


this is one of the better early arcs IMO. Dont worry there is plenty of action we just haven't hit that point yet


Again this series is a hard one to react to in the traditional sense. But I hope y'all stick with it. It's rewarding to think about.


I’m so glad you guys are enjoying the show and can appreciate how they’re hiding the more serious problems underneath the surface level “none sense”. I’ve had plenty of friends give up on it before because the answers weren’t thrown straight in their face. So this just brightens my day

Anas Ghadfi

As explained in the phone conversation, the first part of her name has the same verbal pronounciation as japanese 8 ( ハ) and 9 (九) which can be read either hachiku or yaku which is coincidentally the kanji for disaster or great misfortune 厄. Her first name is mayoi which means lost. So you can see the puns and hints there.

Valdemar The Dark Thugy

I read that it’s metaphor for teens world view cuz they self-centred and concentrated only on themselves and their friends and family


That's exactly what it is. Later on when there are scenes from a certain adults perspective, theres whole crowds wandering around. Same thing with how someone else only sees colorful outlines of people instead of their classmates, because theyre trying to actively ignore other peoples existence.

Ali Sparks

The little back and forth beginning part is more like extra lore


when do the next episodes come


The fucking Sheeragan!

Drake Rage

This show has really cool soundtracks. It does a good job to build up the intensity of the scenes. Sheera was really good with the explanation about the situation, in the ending discussion.