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oh wow our theory was super wrong, that sucks



Yall are by far my favorite content creators! Got me looking like the Kermit meme waiting for the next one. Lmao! Keep up the amazing work😊


same. discovered them thru their avatar reactions (even though i watched the show 5 times prior). I could easily watch the rest of these episodes by myself but I wait just so I can watch the episodes with them. i don't always have to watch anime by myself now😅

Uriel Batuk

18:42 is it disappointment?

Devin B

Idk if I'm the only one that feels this but I don't see myself getting attached to Tonari like I did with March or Gugu.


From what I remember, Parona could not use heavier bows. She was too weak. Her aim was actually pretty good but the bow was trash.

Devin B

Yeah cause the bows they had back in her village was more suited for men


Same, with Gugu and March we got introduced to them separate from Fushi, and it showed how unique and vibrant their personalities were, and despite their unfortunate cirumstances still were positive people. Tonari just seems annoying and manipulative with no upsides so far and she has been a hinderance in terms of Fushi's goals.


Bro, Tonari genuinely annoys me more than any other character I've known, other than Sakura. Edit: Ait, I watched the next episode, she's far more bearable now lmao


The benefit of being on an island with Killers and warriors, is that everyone want's the smoke. That nokker wasn't ready lol

Devin B

When the dude in black told Fushi to return to the boy he meant turn back into the boy with white hair cause losing Gugu to the Nokkers would be worse since he has more fighting capabilities.