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Man, really thought I was onto something with that Ilyasviel and Heracles thing😭



Heracles and Hercules are the same person. Just a different spelling of the name. Hercules was named after the Goddess Hera.

Drew Ferguson

Heracles is Greek while Hercules is Roman. Surprisingly the romans didn't call him Junocles

Drew Ferguson

they still dont seem to understand even though its been said but Caster hasnt been just mass killing with her mana harvesting techniques.



jesse almonte

Roshi you fool, you thought they'd do anything with illya's charachter besides just being a body to fill scenes?

Eren J

Ah man gotta wait till next week for ep 15😔


The English dub translates Heracles to Hercules. Heracles is just the Roman name for Hercules.


atleast one of the sisters puts out


fyi, Heracles is just the greek name of Hercules, so you were right

mitch anderson

Caster summoned "Assassin" however that assassin is not a real heroic spirit.


also its mad obvious who lancers master is at this point lol. And no casters master has no mana its why she steals it from others and no she didn't make him nasty hes literally a super assassin who murdered his entire assassin clan to escape from the lifestyle. Also you dummies Archers was talking about how she summoned a fake servant as assassin. All the einzs are homunculi that was already established in Zero LITERALLY the entire clan became homunculi. Herakles and Hercules are the same person lol ones just the roman version and ones greek.

Jaime Adam

Looool can’t wait to see their reactions to next episode


Heracles (Ancient Greek) = Hercules (Latin). And since you mentioned Zeus: Zeus (Ancient Greek) = Jupiter (Latin)

Angel Manuel Lopez Padilla

Heracles is hercules but the romans changed the name from heracles to hercules in their literature thats why its more known as hercules but you guys were right it is hercules its not a different hero.


Yeah I looked it up after we watched just didnt wanna take the chance of looking dumb on camera so Ill just look dumb in the comments lmao

Jonathan Jackson

Lore/Myth Dump(Cant promises 100% accuracy). Heracles and Hercules are the exact same person you know from movies and Disney. Heracles was the original but it was later changed to Hercules after the Romans took over the Greeks(I think). Medea comes from the greek tragedy, "Jason and the Argonauts"(hence why Rin mentioned the argo, the ship of the journey and Heracles was on it briefly as well). The short of it is, Hera enchanted Medea to fall in love with Jason, Medea helps Jason achieve various tasks on Colchis(basically helped him cheat), then she killed her brother trying to help the Argo escape from Colchis, the cycle repeats with two(He needs help and she kills or uses magecraft for him) until he eventually betrays her to marry a princess of an entirely different country. Medea, pissed off, then kills the princess and her father with a magic cloak, gets her and Jason's children killed in the process and escapes to a different country. Medea didn't have a good reputation after this AND committing terrible deeds in Jason's name which is why in Fate she reviles being called a Witch and why she was so emotionally stuck by he first master cause he reminded her of Jason.


The fictitious heroic spirit was assassin, the samurai. They mentioned it a bit in a past episode but it was easy to miss.


He's basically saying that a fake master summoned a fake servant isn't he?

Jeremiah Clark

Will y’all be watching the three movies next or going to grand order next


Roshi's Zeus comment still got me praying for the lostbelts to get animated soon


To answer the question at the end, Archer is talking about how Caster summoned the Assassin at Ryudou Temple


Literally cannot wait to see y'all react to this fight

None None

Whether someone actually existed in our world doesn't matter. It only matters that they existed in Fate's version history (they have magic and shit, so things like gods and mages existing in history is a thing). The Greek Gods and Heracles 100% existed in the past in the universe. For some reason, Kojiro (Assassin) did not, even though he was a real historical figure in our world. He's the fictional servant that isn't supposed to exist, but one servant summoning another was enough fuckery for her to get a fake guy as a servant. Even with the 2006 anime where they explained all of this, people were still scratching their heads over it. Don't think too hard about it, since it really doesn't matter to the plot.


im not prepared for what's to come that scene gonna be hard to watch Lupa not ready


Heracles and Hercules is the same person, just one is the Greek name, and one is the Roman


Lmao they better watch the three movies next. I don't think they should jump all the way to FGO after either. I feel they should watch Case Files at least. But if they do jump to FGO, I won't be mad... as long as they watch Heaven's Feel after UBW.


Fun Fact: The VA for Caster's former master is also Satou Kazuma's VA and Gabiru's VA, Jun Fukushima.

None None

The tragedy that Medea comes from was just called "Medea". Jason and the Argonauts ("Argonautica" is the official title) was written 100 years later to fill in Jason's backstory. Although it was really just written because some author wanted to do a huge Avengers-style crossover story where Jason (from Medea), Heracles, Theseus (the dude who fought the Minotaur), and about a hundred other famous Greek figures get on a boat and go on an adventure.


Just so you know, Heracles is the same person as Hercules. Heracles is the Greek name while Hercules is the Roman name.

Viela Guay

I mean there are some mythological differences, which in Fate matters a lot (see the differences of Siegfried and Sigurd for prime example)


So the thing Archer was talking to Medea about is that it’s not surprising that she summoned a fictitious servant, because she herself is a servant. She broke the rules so to speak.


Caster didn't give Souchirou the hands, she gave him the punani. XD


I’m pretty sure Siegfried and Sigurd were different people in the myths too.


Actually Heracles is the Greek name. Hence the Hera, a Greek goddess.


Tell that to Saber. #CasterIsHarassingSaber

Mi Ki

Can't wait for next week!


Epic battle. We should be happy (don't give them any hints that aren't implied at the end of this episode lol).

Gene Ryan

The explanation I've seen from it I the games is that it doesn't matter if they were real or not anyway. As long as their story is well known to humanity then they could potentially be summoned as a heroic spirit, they dont even have to be a "hero". If I remember correctly this is an explanation from Robin Hood.


Heracles=Hercules. Different spellings for different regions

Zackary Keith Justice

The weird thing about fate is that they aren't always consistent with the "fictitious hero" thing when they show certain people like kojiro in fgo as a real person but in stay night he is fictional. (referring to the musashi vs kojiro duel)

None None

Fate/Grand Order goes into the specifics of how it works. If humanity universally understands that a character is fictional, they can't be summoned (Romeo and Juliette can't be summoned, but King Lear can because the play was loosely based on a real person). However, if there's ANY amount of ambiguity as to whether a person existed, that restriction doesn't apply.. Robin Hood is a really complicated case, even within Fate. There are multiple people who inspired parts of Robin Hood's legend in-universe, so any of them can be summoned as "Robin Hood" (the one from Fate Extra is implied to be the mythical Green Man). But this is Fate, so every rule has a laundry list of exceptions. Nobody knows what the fuck the logic behind Kojiro is anymore.


Caster, Medea, summoned the samurai guy, Sasaki Kojiro, who is guarding the temple's gate. That samurai exists only in a modern telling of real Japanese tales. Using tales from different unnamed samurais including the real Sasaki Kojiro in history. So he is a "fake" heroic spirit.


No more like Heracles vs Hercules is the same as Poseidon vs Neptune or Zeus vs Jupiter


Well technically most of the heroes summoned are legends. For example: Hercules (btw Heracles and Hercules are the same person but just said differently depending on the culture, the more common variation is Hercules ofc but I do believe the original is Heracles). But Hercules is a legendary figure and King Arthur is as well. Both have stories that literally cannot exist in real life. So alot of these servants are based off these stories created by legends passed down through the generations. Whether they actually existed or not isn't really of importance. Though remember Rider from Fate Zero? He was Iskander (more commonly known as Alexander the Great) and ofc he was real. There does exist an Alexander the Great in our history. Obviously he cant summon chariots or do anything that Rider did but he was a famous heroic figure and thus was one of the servants that can be summoned. Think of it like this. The Grail holds a vast collection of souls of heroes from all eras waiting to be summoned. These heroes (I say heroes but they don't have to be actual "heroes" just very important and legendary figures) are usually based off myths or great tales of their own stories. That's why Illya's existence has nothing to do with her summoning Hercules. Plus Illya is half human to be exact.

Joshua W Capute

Way to spoil something that is addressed in a later episode yo, i don't understand why it seems that some people just can't let something play out the way its supposed to, its one thing to address something that isn't fully explained or touched on at a later point but this 100% is a HUGE part of the reveal later on.


Medea summoning Sasaki. Side character summoning side character lol


Kojiro was probably spliced together from several different Samurais' memories and skills, just like how his legend was spliced together


Whether a servant is fictitious or not is irrelevant to the master that summons them. Servants are summoned from all of time, from legends, folklore, myths, stories etc. Real or not doesnt matter


Incantations...What are those?!!!!


???? Bru go google Sasaki Kojiro lol the samurai was a irl person


i think archer was just saying that the servant that a master summons is typically similar to their personality etc, so if medea’s original master was an ass he was saying that she might be too ?


Go rewatch the episode bro, he says so himself. He merely mantled the persona of that legend.

Maxis Holst

Oh ima hate what comes in the next few episodes ;-;

Crow's Nest

While true that they can't exist in real life, the show doesn't really take place in real life and it's almost certain that these are abilities and things they could do in their natural life.


Herackles = Hercules it's just greek word for him is Heracles and Latin word is Hercules. Next episodes will be really rough...*sad panda* already. Even more when you actually know how the first route of Fate paths go (Fate Stay/Night).


Heracles and Hercules are The same person


Technically Herakles=Hercules. If you want to use the Greek name, at least use the proper transliteration into Latin Alphabet


Technically he's known by both names most commonly, except one is more common in the Asian side of things, rather than European side of things. I think he took Iskandar when he got a boner for Persia after conquering it or w/e. Although technically his actual name would be Alexandros, as he is a Macedonian, and thus his name would be in Koine Greek


Herakles is such a simp name tbh, literally can be translated as "Glory of Hera"


Well arguably some of them aren't Homunculi per se, but Golems, species wise (such as the Head of the Family in Fate/Zero times, that is Jubstacheit von Einzbern). There's technically a somewhat subtle difference between Golems & Homunculi, but there's some overlap obviously. In fact the reason Golems can be created to begin with, is given basis under the Genesis passage, in which Adam was created out of random dust etc, so one could argue that the entire Human species is technically Golems under this metaphysics logic


Don't tell me you wouldn't be fine w/ getting groped by a hot girl like Medea, tho. We already know Artoria is bi anyway (given Guinevere & the whole thing that resulted into Mordred as a consequence of Morgana doing her BS to her sister...)

James Sanchez

Heracles = Hercules. Heracles is the original greek for his name, Hercules is the name the Roman's called him.

mitch anderson

Oh shoot my bad, It’s been a while since I watched so I forgot if it gets explained properly later.

None None

@James Sanchez Oh no, a minor piece of dialog from 160 hours into the mobile game and a Fate/Extra spoiler so minor that the anime "adaption" didn't even bother to hide it. Jesus christ with the spoilers.


I like how people are getting mad at you for spoiling when nothing you said is a spoiler if they were paying attention at all they would know all this already.


the Disney version is not accurate to the myths at all. Hera is not his mom and she hates him.

Marcus Martindale

Basically Hercules is Roman Heracles is Greek but the stories are pretty much identical

Jalen Holmes

Great reaction again guys can't wait for next week🔥


You don't want clarification on that last part, it'd be a spoiler at this point.


They're only going to watch the 3 Heaven's feels movie after UBW and then that's it.


Gilgamesh pulls up and a fuckton of petals start falling from the sky. Typical Gilgamesh entrance


My bad. I didn't know this wasn't explained yet in the show. My sequence of events is off since I watched the show already.


killing it with fate 🔥🔥 ready to see more, and the three movies!


Heracles IS hercules. Its the same person just from two different countries. Hercules is the romans’ version of heracles. Also what archer was trying to say was that the servants summoned correlate to the master that summon them. Caster’s master was a piece of shit so he summoned a fictitious servant that was also a piece of shit. So in a way you are kinda right with hercules and his master.


As far as i understand, in Fate lore servants like Heracles and Medea aren't fictitious though? They just existed in the Age of the Gods but were still real


Who wants to kill king of king? Lol... Great reaction... This series is totally different from what i used to watch which is the 1st stay night, glad i can watch it with u guys, cause u guys make the series more fun to watch.. keep it up 👍

Shahrul Nizam

Cant wait for next week episode reactions!!!

Emil (edited)

Comment edits

2021-08-22 00:56:10 he's fabulous
2021-08-22 00:56:10 he's fabulous
2021-08-22 00:56:10 he's fabulous
2021-08-18 16:27:57 he's fabulous

he's fabulous

Matthew Lassey

shit is about to go down next time. also archer was talking about how medea summoned assassin. kojiro is not a true heroic spirit because he was summoned by another servant.


Pure pain to have caught up and only get two episodes a week

Baren Nerab

That time again huh for unlimited tears works

FreshxEli Tv

Fun Fact The Author stated that Gilgamesh can kill every servant and master by himself in this grail war 😳😳😂 let that sink in

Noah Durette

the fictitious servant they are talking about is Sasaki Kojiro. In the fate verse most legends like Herecles (Greek name for Hercules, which is actually the Roman name) are real, but sasaki is still fictitious in this universe for some reason. He wasn't a single person, but more the idea of a person. Kind of like how there are multiple versions of Captain America, so if the personification of that hero was summoned it wouldn't be the same as any of the versions that really existed

Max Wigler

9 MONTHS LATER! Hercules, Medea, Odysseus, and all of the rest of them could have very well been real people. The city of Troy has been found, giving credit to most of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Its most likely that people like Hercules and other demigods with normal life feats were just exaggerated heroes of great wars.

Danish Rifqi

Unpopular opinion but I love UBW Shinji. He is just so ironically funny and such an outlier of a character compared to other side characters lmao

chou sion

ah yes the rapist who constantly raped his sister and multiple girls draining their manna and even attempted to kill his whole school is funny and an outlier 😐😐


He is oddly enough the comic relief in quite a few scenes.


Myths and fiction are not the same thing. Harry Potter is fiction. Heracles was a person that real life people thought existed. He is a part of Greek Mythology / Religion. People worshiped him. Imagine calling Jesus Christ a fictional person. Even if you don't believe that they existed, some people do. It's the same thing with Heracles, Gilgamesh, King Arthur, Thor, etc etc. Fate includes these beings of myth along side people that we know for a fact existed as historical figures, such as Alexander the Great and Jeanne D'Arc. The fictional person that they were referencing in this episode was Sasaki Kojiro.