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Mikey and Draken are ridiculous!



Amazing episode!!! Mikey is terrifying.

Big Daddy Dre

Kazutora would’ve had that if Mikey ain’t max out his plot armor for this episode 😂😂


Fun fact: Mitsuya is voiced by Yoshitsugu(Kirito, Soma, Betelgeuse, Inosuke, Bell) Mikey is voiced by Tanaka’s voice actor. Hanma is voiced by Hikigaya’s voice actor, and Draken is voiced by Ban’s voice actor


Every episode always making me wanting to see the next so bad 😭


To Your Eternity coming tonight? 2 episodes?


What’ll drop first donda or to your eternity take your bets now

Jasmine Uzzell

What takemitchy is trying to stop is Kazuhiro killing baji. That’s what makes Mikey kill kazutora. That’s why Takemitchy was looking for Baji in the beginning


Takemitchy is trying to stop Kazutora from killing baji. Mikey killing kazutora happens after that


Everyone acts like they know what to do. Put yourself in that position and most of you would of never even tried a second time. Takamitchy keeps getting knocked down but he keeps getting the fuck back up. There are no magical power ups. Not time to train, everyday that passes is a day he loses . He can only go back 12 years to the exact day it is in the present. This kid has an iron will and I respect him for it

calvin paul

You can’t blame Takemitchy for not doing a lot, there are a whole bunch a people fighting and he got his ass kicked a lot. he’s still just a 13 kid in that body so there’s not much he can do

Smash Bran'Discootch

Oh my god man that last shot of Mikey looking like a damn Demon Lord O.O


i understand sheera's point but mikey's also suspicious of why takemitchy knows sooo much especially after draken almost died. i don't think telling anyone would help the timeline (might even srew it up), but takemitchy needs to level up or needs some support because he just keeps getting bodied each episode, but he did a great job in this episode. man idk it's all so complicated. usually time travel shows are eh but this one is reallly well written

Austin S

I'll say tekemitchy did his thing this episode for sure, man actually trying to fight back, but he definitely needs to coordinate better plans to stopping events, like chifu (don't know how its spelt) use his partner as a crutch or something stick by him and let him know what moves you're gonna make


Lupa and Sheera forgetting what they were watching lmaooo


Let Mikey kill that kid.

Big Daddy Dre

I’m convinced sheera ain’t never been in fight or any type of brawl before…I’m not worried about the next nigga getting put to sleep especially not a nigga that’s been one shoting people before this fight 😂😂

Jin Shim

Sheera was kinda trippin on that ngl lmao


why do sheera and lupa like this nigga takemitchy has super powers or something like even tho he is 20 something, he comes from a background of no fighting like not everyone can fucking fight and they are on a bunch OF CARS. u think mitchy can just fly up those cars like he has powers or something. be realistic


For all well know Mikey getting beat with the pipe could’ve happened in the past as well. When Takemitchy goes back to past to fix something about an event, everything leading up to that said event has happened before. And Takemitchy was there in the past without him remembering so that could’ve happened before Mikey killing kuzotoru.


When your forced to follow the side character lol at this point we’re following fucking krillen and realizing why it sucks to be him.


I understand what Sheera meant. Takemitchy went into battle WITHOUT any plans whatsoever like what


LMAO bro Lupa was SHOOK by that last shot of Mikey


Lmao, I cant with the Takemitchy slander


Lupa and Sheera too tough on takemitchy, every episode y’all want him to fight but the point of these type of mcs is the fact that while everyone around them can fight, they CANT and they have to be strong in other aspects. There’s no way takemitchy could’ve stopped Kazutora from hitting Mikey anyway, he was super far away and a bunch of Valhalla members in between them, they cut them off on purpose so no one could stop Kazutora. He tried his best, held his own and got Toman hyped what did y’all want from him.


Also another thing is cause they aren’t they only one that has blamed him for standing there. Like why just takemitchy? There is like 9 other captains there.. mitsuyu , Mr smiles, Frankenstein, etc. like lol I don’t understand why all the blame is on him


“Takemitchy is useless” I guess we’ve forgotten the Draken arc


I understand the frustration that Sheera and Lupa got wholeheartedly but I mean, what is he supposed to do lol? That man is not built like any of the other Toman members and he for damn sure not built like Mikey or Draken and this show constantly reminds us of that lmao. He’s in a 13 year old kid body with no fighting experience in a timeline against mfs with inhuman fighting experience that might as well be grown men LMAO. He stood up for himself and got beaten silly to where he could barely stand, and they’re outnumbered by a whole 150 lmao. He’s doing everything he can do with what he got available to him. He could plan a little better yeah but with sporadic situations like an all out brawl, how are you supposed to plan something like that out without incriminating yourself or messing up the timeline altogether? It’s literally trial by fire for Takemitchy every episode LOL.


What did they expect Takemitchy to do?


Lol u expect takemitchy to fly or something? he can't just do "something" lol

Bona Fide

sheera looking so beaautifulll


Nah takemichi did his thing for a dude that never fought before he fought and kept getting back up every time. He would not have been able to stop kazutora not at all


y’all gotta leave takemitchy alone 😭😭 just him trying to fix the past and stop people from dying without anyone except naoto knowing, is a lot for him to handle. he’s not physically strong but at least he is trying his best 😅

William Tippen

Takemitchy would be better served letting Hina die and move tf on at this point. 🤷🏾‍♂️

Devin B

I never expected Takemitchy to do anything fighting wise to help with the problem even though he got one hit in but he could've did the same thing he did for Draken and try to protect Baji by trying to find him but this time he tried joining the fight even though he couldn't do much.

Devin B

I agree that expecting Takemitchy to fight is asking for the impossible but he put himself in that position when he joined the fight from the start. If I knew that Baji being killed was the trigger for Mikey losing his shit then I would prioritize preventing that from happening by looking for him instead of trying to fight cause he did the same thing during the Draken incident where he prioritized looking for Draken and tried to protect him.


Takamichy is weak af and there is basically no way for him to get stronger. Not in a decent time frame. I understand your frustrations with him but it's not his fault. He's doing the best he can. The point of the story is a weak man learning to face his fears and will powering through this situations that used to make him run crying.


I mean last time he wasn’t even apart of the gang but now he is so he is kinda obligated to fight that’s why mitsuya was so mad. But I agree I don’t even expect him to to do much but that fact he actually put up a fight. Got me so hype for him lol


i have been looking at it for a while but fuck it imma just say it. Sheera hair is so fucking fire. It actually kinda distracting lmao


People be saying Takamitchy just trying his best? What's his best? Not moving anything but the jaw muscle? Damn son


Takemitchi doesn’t need to be physically strong to do his thing. There are plenty of strong fighters. For instance Mikey, draken, mitsuya and them. But his mental strength is what really sets takemitchi apart. All of this again is very new for takemitchi and hard on him he’s really trying and doing his best with the information he’s given. And takemitchi isn’t worried about fighting because he’s trying to connect all the pieces on saving baji and what he needs to do. Not every hero needs to be physically strong.

Devin B

I mean they're trying to kill him too so I don't think he could just move on from this point


where tf was kisaki during that fight

D'Angelo Harris

Buddy killed his brother. He gotta die for that 😂


Doesn't seem like you noticed, but Kisaki wasn't fighting, he wasn't even shown. Also, Mitchy can barely fight, that's been a fact since the first episode, so why are you expecting him to shake off five punches and kicks to the jaw, jump up a pile of cars, and fight off two criminals older and far stronger than him? I doubt he'd even be able to throw a rock up there.


We just gonna ignore Roshi's crispy hair cut??


i guess a physically strong skull doesnt run in the family T_T


We also gotta factor in that draken can't even get to Mikey so how the hell is takemichi going to 😭😭


I’m calling the dude with the pigtails snoop dogg lmao

Spring time

Listening to niggas that can't fight tell someone to fight is hilarious.

Cleven Anthony

Nah bro he not human lmaoooo 4 fatal blows ? Kicking homie with precision with a whole person on his leg ? I want some of them powers And y’all gotta chill he’s shaping into the hero he needs to be. He got the life beat out of him and they might’ve lost with without his yell buff and when it matters he always does what needs to be done lol


Think about it for a sec tho..takemichi already knows exactly what's gonna happen. He knows Mikey is gonna survive based on the future. He really only needs to stop one specific thing and not risk getting literally killed or knocked unconscious by trying to do more than he has to. Like I agree he's frustrating sometimes but that's legit the best possible decision he can make


It's even worse too cause he doesn't remember specific details about the past. Legit all he knows is that he needs to stop Mikey from killing kazutora


Well I feel like Mikey surviving those hits are that outrages considering its just some random pole he picked up from the ground v.s. the huge heavy tool he hit his brother with

Daniel Turner

Where was baji and kisaki doing


Lmao is it next week saturday yet.


this may just me but this man is the defintion of "fight back nigga"


Even if takemichi ran to help Mikey he would've been clapped immediately by the captains of Valhalla. Same outcome either way. Give my man a break 😂


"fuck this kid, dude" - roshi, 2021


mikey kills kazutora after Baji dies, so you cant be mad at Takemitchy because he wants to keep things the same except his one change which in this is gonna be saving baji

jesse almonte

God I keep thinking of the future arcs and I'm waiting for a season 2 announcement

kurumi Tokisaki

Mikey gotta squat 400 pounds and draken gotta bicep curl 500 pounds to make this make sense


Not gonna lie...this fight episode was kinda trash 🤣 Also, I usually defend Takemitchy, but he seriously pissed me off. I was wondering why he went running into the fight with everyone at the end last episode, like my guy, you can't fight. I actually had faith he was gonna try, dude just stood there, then was crawling on the ground 🤦🏽‍♀️ You're friends with gang members! Ask one of them to teach you self defense! I'm not asking for him to be a great fighter, just know enough so he can defend himself, because if he dies that's it.

Mikal Adkins

I was wondering that too! Like, nigga you know you can't fight. Why the hell you running towards them like you actually about to do something?

miss millie.

i think they mostly blame takemitchy because he's the main character; he knows what's going to happen but he isn't doing anything to stop it. i agree and disagree with them though. if takemitchy got better at thinking faster on his feet, then maybe they wouldn't be so hard on him. but at the same time, he has little to no fighting skill whatsoever so i dont know what they want him to do against two highly skilled fighters and a nigga with a steel pipe?


Damm this fight looked kinda weird animated but was still fire

None None

Takemichi has no way of knowing if Mikey getting his face bashed in with a pipe even happened in the original timeline or if him being there changed Mikey's actions slightly.


My head tells me that metal rod had to have been really, really hollow, because if it wasn't, Mikey should have been killed 3 times over. I ain't mad tho.


Your braids are fire 🔥


At this point sheera just hates the writing on this anime 😂😂


Rant below but basically, I think the story thread is Baji is gonna try to stop Mikey but get knocked out, and Takemitchy will have to appeal to Mikey in a way that only he can(since he's the only one free atm) probably, then get backed up by everyone else. -minor rant below- I mean it's a show about a useless guy learning suddenly he has time travel powers and that he can make a change, the story is him constantly having to confront his perceived uselessness, struggle agonizingly and overcome it; constantly trying to remake the past by essentially remaking himself, which is really fuckin hard lol, and at times paralyzing. This dude is literally tryna fight his demons n save everyone else in the process. Also yeah hindsight is 20/20 he shoulda asked people to help n this that or the other, but 1. This is a who


Where the F is Baji is very good question.


the takemitchi slander icb i knew this would happened, im crying stay strong homie


I’m not going to lie sometimes watching Takemitchy annoying bro like why the fuck just standing there 😡😂 you been doing this since ep 1, I know probably character development etc but but like bro you can time travel by now you should learnt how to fight you know damm well you joining a gang and have inside information matter fact you know the past and the future 💀


How the fuck he gonna learn to fight when hes constantly trying to change shit. He aint gonna magically get stronger just cuz he has time travel powers


Bro everyone mad at Takemitchy, but like there's 150 other Toman niggas there who can see their leader getting clapped. We all know Takemitchy is weaker than most of them, so why we not mad at the other niggas who aint doing anything? Why we not mad at Draken or nobody else? You don't have to be from the future to see your leader is dying.


Roshi was the only one that paid any real attention to what was going on in this episode if i'm being honest

Alrick Campbell

Takemitchy's super power is literally getting punched in the face. Jokes aside though, Takemitchy is a terrible protagonist. He literally has nothing going on for him but the fact that he can time travel and take a punch. This man can't fight, he doesn't strategize, he doesn't think, he doesn't know gang history, nothing. I think the writer is setting him up to be the leader that can incentivize and galvanize his subordinates and his crew will make up for his many shortcomings. He's just your typical shounen protagonist who doesn't give up and will achieve everything through willpower and friendship and tbh, it's played out now. However, the storyline is kinda intriguing imo, which is why I still keep up with it. Tokyo Manji Revengers is a guilty pleasure for me.


Takemitchy just needs to learn how to fight honestly


he just needs to learn how to tip the police off. That would've prevented this whole event. lol


i love yall but like how the hell do u expect takemichi to do anything in that situation kazutora had the upper hand and if mikey the op beast was in that position then takemichi would literally die. he needs to stop baji from dying and keep mikey from killing kazutora. Takemichi is doing all he can so thank you sm roshi for appreciating that.


how y’all gonna expect takemichi to run up there and help mikey when even draken- the number 2 of the gang- couldn’t even take 3 steps without getting knocked by hanma

Alvin Smith

The thing about Takemichi's time travel is that he can't go back. Like every second counts cause 1 second in the future is 1 second in the past. And if something happens in the past he can't go back any further. He really doesn't have time to learn how to fight cause he's always looking for clues and learning what changed in the future. His time is pretty occupied.


yo im like 1000xs sure hanma is kisakis brother or something. They got the same eyes and crazy laugh and shit. He always is always involved when kisaki doin fucked shit and seems to know whats goin on.


What does sheera want takemitchy to do lmao

FaytScar gaming

If Draken can't get through the crowd what do you think Takemichi is gonna do?


why takemitchy looking like a delinquent Ventus tho

Elizabeth Thomas

Look mikey just built different lmaoo

Lupa is Dadi

I'm with Lupa takamitchy is straight useless.