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Oh, so Caster really has shit under control huh?



Yo Archer is sexy no cap.

None None

Of course Archer is sexy. Shit, everyone on the internet in the mid-00s was using the word "gar" for like five years because of him. Edit: Turns out people were using the term all the way up through the early '10s.


For the record because i see you checking every episode; only 7, 18, 25 have post credit scenes


Lmao nice basketball analogy Roshi XD I really do like how the first half of this episode is a wholesome date. Really helps to develop the characters and their chemistry. Plus it was nice to have those good vibes before shit hit the fan so hard. During that picnic convo Saber was probably thinking, "Okay, for the love of Merlin, can you two just find a room and fuck already?"


Lupa full of YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYEAAAH's between the shenanigans of both Roshi and Sheera lmfao.

Most Sane Oreimo Fan

Just to let y'all know, the song they used for the credits this episode is a cover by LiSA of the original song from the visual novel.

Apinity ExMachina

Aight since its been revealed Caster is Medea of Colchis also known as the Witch of Betrayal. She is most known for being the wife of the Hero Jason of the Argonauts who fun fact Heracles was a part of. She was cursed by Aphrodite to fall in love with Jason in order to help with his journey. Her title stems from the fact that she betrayed her father, King Aeetes in her love for Jason and helps him to obtain the Golden Fleece. Her father pursued her with her brother who she sliced apart. She bore Jason several children but Jason then took another king's daughter as his wife and put Medea aside. She then appeared in their wedding and killed them all except Jason. She also in some myths killed her children too.

Waka Flocka Flame

No Rin genuinely likes Shirou that's why she stayed over. Remember Rin is like the queen of tsundere's along with Taiga


Caster, The Master of Masters.


ahhh yall we got OP 2 next episode


When you're from EU and you get a wonderful post every morning, now that hit different


I think we getting a misunderstanding here. I think Osenbei Sensei thinks that you are talking about Fujimura Taiga lol. Usually when you refer to the queen of tsunderes, we talking about Taiga from Toradora. Though honestly Taiga was more violent Tsundere while Rin was definitely much more laid back. Best girl Rin always be there for Shirou


Thank you for clearing that up Don lmao. I was like, Fujimura Taiga is soooo not a tsundere as far as I know XD. The only thing I know her to be besides a teacher is a jaguar. ;)


Ok to explain the grail. The lesser grail is that golden cup shown at the end of fate zero. It is just a pool of mana that holds the servants souls and then uses them to summon the greater grail which can actually grant any wish.

Oui Oui

Can’t wait until s2ep8. Also love how they say “she’s a child” but kept it going with Rin lol


its kinda crazy cause you're not supposed to know that Kirei is a badass untill the third route. That scene with him fighting is legit just filler because zero came out first


Roshi I promise if you do that finger tapping joke one more time 💀💀💀 I’m gonna die

Mikal Adkins

I accidentally watched this reaction before 11 and it threw me way off. XD


could you guys please react to akame ga kill on netflix it’s really good‼️


Is he sad? No he’s stabbed! Haha


That face when you realize shiro's food is so good they made a whole ass spin-off anime about it. (and it's good)


If you recall Irisviel was the lesser grail, she turned into the grail, that’s what the lesser grail is.


Doesn’t that mean gay for archer?


Damn, forgot how hard that og FSN song hit when I first saw this

Daniel Gotenks

can we all admit that Shirou is an annoying main character


I know yall said yall weren't, but watch Fate/Apocrypha after Heaven's Feel


Compared to who? Just curious how is he any more of a shounen MC than a Deku, Goku, ect... His ideals don't make him stand out or anything. But the story surrounding him makes him a far more interesting character. I think they could have done a lot worse than Shirou IMO.


shirou is actually one of the most well written characters there is tbh, ufotable just couldn't adapt a V novel into an anime while keeping it up to par writing/dialogue wise.

Corey Pearson

I really enjoyed that show. It would be dope to see a big page react to the anime. Even though it's like an alternate timeline you get to see and recall so much stuff from the first two animes that makes it enjoyable. I hope they at least do a poll to see who all would like to see them react to it.


Yeah he is. That's why most people can't get into Fate series past Zero

Viela Guay

"Oh she's into submission" lmao how correct and wrong you are. Visual Novel Rin really is quite the firecracker

Big Juls

"I'm the dirty one?" YES SHEERA LOL u were wild'n talking about nipples in a movie abt a depressed deaf girl! 😂😂 It's just that Roshi is the lvl 99 raid boss of perversion on any other day

Viela Guay

The dichotomy between anime shirou and VN shirou is always the saddest thing, because I too remember absolutely disliking him as an MC when I'd only seen the anime's, but then you read the VN's and he's legit one of the best MC's in the modern protagonist landscape. The adaptation did a lot of things well, but what it definitely did not is adapt his character well.

Corey Pearson

In response to Shira saying she's a child, illyasviel is actually older than Shirou. She's 18 so she's actually legal lol compared to y'all cracking dirty jokes with Shirou and Rin lmao. So she isn't a child, just looks like one. great reaction btw

Stephen Delong

Its a cheesecake with gelatin and fruit on top. 👌


This makes me sad. I'm pretty much waiting for the Apocrypha reaction. I think it's a good balanced mix between Fate/Zero and UBW along with more than twice the amount of servants involved and huge massive battles.

Daniel Gotenks

he is so useless and very annoying. Like, listen to saber instead of interfering in her fight and getting ur command stolen. Like the way, he was speaking to caster felt like he was going to do something but instead, he got in the way of his allies and ended up being stabbed by saber which is his fault again to begin. Like I get his ideals on wanting to be a champion of justice and I'm all for it but man, I've never met a main character as useless as him. yes, interesting things happen around him but the animation and fight scenes and other characters like archer make me like the series, not the main character. Every time Lupa be roasting him, I just get reminded of why I don't like him. Deku is way better than him and I don't even like Deku.


Weirdest thing is that Saber is just there when you have Fate Stay Night version where Shirou is romantically involved with Saber and in this route she is just lurking around.


I didn't like Shirou either until I watched HF and understood that he has flaws. I don't mind if character is boring but I hate characters that are perfect and don't have flaws of their own and have nothing to question themselves of (Tanjiro from DS for example). Shirou wanting to be 'hero of justice' is cool and all but I couldn't fuck with it if he didn't understand the hypocrisy that comes with it and I missed his inner monologue about this at the end of UBW on first watch. In HF I finally catched this when he made his decision regarding this and wanting to become...(would be spoilers to explain further). Anyway that was enough for me to go from not liking him, to start like him as a character because of his flaws and him acknowledging them and still staying true to his ideals. I can respect that and that definitely made him a well written character to me and like him a lot as a MC.

Scott Riley Adrueno

Yeah, I think that was for continuity sake. This show was made with the mindset that you already watched Zero after all.


About the Grail and only one servant left. Remember there were multiple servants left when it was summoned last time, one of which is still present (Gilgamesh).

None None

Oh right. I know they glossed over it a bit, but servants aren't supposed to be able to summon servants and Caster had to abuse some fuckery to summon Assassin. As a result of his makeshift summoning, he just dies if he tries to leave those stairs. Which is why Caster never does anything with him besides making him guard the temple.

Chinese Cartoons

Anime Shirou can be annoying because the anime does a shit-ass job of portraying him

Hakurei Oni

Since Caster's identity and noble phantasm were revealed this episode, she is Medea. An ancient Greek sorceress who traveled with Jason and the Argonauts including Hercules. Her Noble Phantasm is one of the more OP powers in Fate lore, since she can nullify magic she can basically do anything she wants, there are no restrictions to her magic so long as she has the mana for it. Which is why she is able to collect servants like Pokemon and completely break the rules of the Grail War. Also sidenote, but it's interesting to think about what would have happened if Kiritsugu had summoned her as a caster in Fate Zero instead of summoning Saber. Medea and Kiritsugu seem like they would get along very well in a professional sense, and her abilities to surprise enemies, break rules, and capture servants fit his style very well.


So don't know if it's mentioned here but FUN FACT: Illya is actually 18 and older than Shirou and Rin

Son Gokhan

Lesser grail equal dragon balls Greater grail equal superdragon balls

Symmetra Senpai

pasrty chef incoming. sooo about the orange cake. yes it is very possible. they top the cake with bascally a thin layer of jello and sliced fruit. so the build for that cake from top to bottom was orange jello, cake, cream filling, and cake, then plate lul. enjoy


IKR!! 🤣 the dirty joke ratio between Sheera and Roshi was like 10:1 this reaction LMAO


compared to the shitty main characters we have nowdays like Itadoru Yuji i would say he is pretty high up on the ranks. at least he is above 90% of MCs out there. Its just that MCs have a low Standard when it comes to being a good character. Most MCs are trash so shiro stands out


Day 1 of asking the gang to react to the Garden of Sinners


ik yall only plan to watch what was on the poll buti beg watch fate/apocrypha and or grand order


He really isn’t annoying nor is he really useless especially at this point in the story. Also even without the inner monologue I don’t think its hard to see his flaws or the fact he feels guilty he survived tbh.


Top tier song. Love how they used it as the opening for the 2006 version


Since yall reacted to my 2nd favorite anime of all time in Fate/zero, I'll be waiting for the fateful day yall react to my 1st in Steins;gate. That'd be amazing.


Brave shine next episode!!!!

Trequan Williams

Ima ask 100+ times but can y’all check out diamond no ace it’s like haikyuu


HOL UP, SHE BROKE THE RULES. You have to announce your Noble Phantasm before you use it or else how would someone counter it? smh game

James Yoder

Down bad today aren't we?


Lol honestly anime watchers only would come to that conclusion. Shirou is a great MC besides just the anime he has so much depth to him and is one of the most interesting characters I can think of. I mean he is definitely more interesting than any one dimensional characters like Goku who have nothing going for them besides the fact that they can fight and that's it.


Please watch the three Heavens Feels movies after you finish UBW ! !


They said they will, and that's as far as they'll go, no Grand Order or anything


Anyone else think that ubw is garbage compared to zero? It feels less like a battle to the death between seven Masters commanding servants from legends of the past and more like a shitty high school slice of life.


Nah, I got bored of zero tbh. But UBW I enjoyed thoroughly all the way through.

Viela Guay

She's very dominant to other females (she's the one who initiates a 3-some between saber, her, and Shirou, and spends the entirety of said 3 way pretty much doing prep work on Saber and helping shirou), but is hyper submissive to males (In the UBW route when her and Shirou end up fucking he is super aggressive and pump-n-dump to the point of it being apparently very painful according to Shirou, and he ends up feeling bad about that later, but in Hollow Atarxia where a far more gentle approach is taken, turns out she only likes it really rough and uncaring for her).

Evan Andrews

I stopped watch UBW because I got bored. I like the premise, but they don't do character development very well in this one. In Zero there was more fighting, plus the characters were mostly flat (except the student dude and kiritsigu), so silly writing didn't detract from the story. I also like the softer art of Zero


They are both a tad bit too long, even apocrypha suffer the same bullshit. But i guess thats what happen when you make an anime with such large premise with no buildup


like i said in other video Archer has hots for saber because his timeline is similar to the Fate one where shirou and saber were a thing,


UBW picks up now. Its basically non stop battle till the end.

錦源 劉

While they are both set in the same universe, they are written by different people and thus have different styles. Zero is more akin to a Greek tragedy as we watch Kiritsugu at his peak slowly spiral down his own personal hell in pursuit of his ideals, whereas UBW is a story of self exploration of Shiro working to better himself in order to reach his ideals. It isnt really fair to compare the two. Not to mention the reason UBW was written was to sell an Eroge, so the fact that the story stand on its own at all is commendable.


Anything fate after zero is trash, even the HF movies are just a very shiny turd

Random Guy

I remember there was a meme comic of that last scene, where Rin jumped expecting Archer to catch her, but archer was surprised that she jumped too so he wasnt able to catch her haha


The OG fate stay/night opening song playing in that last scene *chef's kiss* my skin crawled.

chou sion

that shit trash though, that's why I never watched even though I watch apocrya and fgo


Oh shit, THAT Medea? That’s really cool, she’s one of the few Greek female characters that’s actually interesting lol