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tbf its a common theme in mythology. Keeping humans from getting too powerful as to no longer need gods. ie zeus punishing Prometheus for the fire thing . Or that one philosophy whos origins I can't recall that hypothesizes that humans were originally 4 armed hermaphrodites that were split into male and female by jealous gods, so now everyone is looking for their soulmate, aka their other half. That is an incredibly pessimistic interpretation tho.

matt B

I think that was also Greek myth but I may be wrong


Bro what? season 1 feels like the trial season for the show, all the other seasons feel way more coherent and the pacing is better.


@weavyboo CONGRATS CLOWN. You found out threes different interpretations of god and the bible and your beliefs' are not superior to anyone else's. amazing, right!


Mondays are becoming my favorite day of the week solely because of these Castlevania reactions

Josh 96

Yesssirrr, always look forward to these Castlevania reactions

The Pebble

Nothing like a good show to bring the comment sections together

Baren Nerab

animation mondays here we go!


Only good thing about mondays

Anthony Coley

I think what sypha was talking about god getting jealous and striking them down , does it have something to do with the "god is jealous" theory?


Seriously. Give this studio Berserk!


Season 2 is the weakest season of this show. The pacing is so slow and it's padded with action scenes that contribute nothing to the story. It really feels like they were greenlight for more episodes after the success of season 1 but only had 2/3 of the story needed to fill it.

Daniel Gonzalez

Yeah i think thats even more why i think of S1 as episodes 1 -12 of the show because otherwise although i liked it overall S2 and 3 are definitely the weakest for me


Has to do the the Tower of Babel story in the Bible


Cap season one is trashhh compared to literally all the other seasons


Where’s s1 ep5?


Season 1 only has 4 episodes. Season 2 has 8, and season 3 and 4 both have 10 episodes each. So there isn't a s1 ep5.


Whaat why?


Dang yo no reactions on ep5. Y they gotta skip some episodes?

The Pebble

Read the reply to your original comment dude, this is literally episode 5 of season 2 and season 1 only has four episodes, how much clearer can we make it?

Daniel Gonzalez

I love Sypha but cant stand Carmilla also not too big a fan of how they treat Hector makes me think we wont get a Curse of Darkness spinoff but what im really hoping for is my boy Soma Cruz to show up and maybe a look at the 1999 war mentioned in games

Cian Perkins

I love their reaction to Sypha’s story so much, because they’re right, that’s generally not how you’re supposed to interpret that story. But it’s so her lol


I just seen some vids from dreamcon and shoutout to you for sponsoring it i love seeing people in the creative community come together and celebrate each others success

Jimmy Martin

Why does Dracula give me Mr. Freeze vibes from Batman TAS. His melancholy and his lack of caring what happens is what gives me that feeling.

WeavyBoo (edited)

Comment edits

2022-12-31 20:51:25 Splitting of languages at Tower of Babel. ok. To prevent human cooperation??????????? Girl what??
2022-10-01 01:13:44 Splitting of languages at Tower of Babel. ok. To prevent human cooperation??? Girl what?? Bc God hates ppl cooperating..????

Splitting of languages at Tower of Babel. ok. To prevent human cooperation??? Girl what?? Bc God hates ppl cooperating..????