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Nice little movie tie in!


Josh 96

I feel like this anime keeps going downhill and has been for a minute, maybe its just me


Hair coming in nicely huh Lupa

Oui Oui

Lol y’all are ridiculous


Y’all niggas complaining about this are tripping. I’m always curious & excited to see what the other students are doing for their work study. If anything, we don’t get enough of these episodes. The only niggas complaining are the ones wanting to see the villains. Manga readers & their whining can screw off


I understand the people shitting on this and I understand the people sticking up for this. It feels like studio bones is taking a shit on the series for the sake of a movie no one fucking asked for. Placing a filler right at this point when we are on the edge of the my villain academia arc is super irritating. First they swap the arcs for MVA and endeavor agency. Therefore it makes the shit even more complicated than it should be. It is confusing as hell when you swap two arcs like this especially when so much fundamentally went down before this arc to understand what is even going on and we don't get the arc that explains that fundamental stuff until after this. Hell even trying to explain this is confusing my ass as a manga reader. If they weren't so damn worried about a movie they might have been able to pace everything so much better and not have had to switch the arcs around. People would be super hype right now because we would be in the middle of the my villain arc. Right now it is stretching the string so damn thin that most hype is lost and people are losing interest. This is because of the class vs class having messed up pacing and too much fluff to stretch it out for an entire 12 episodes. Also because it is unnecessarily complicated due to the arcs being switched around. Now we have this stupid ass filler episode that should have been placed elsewhere because everyone is annoyed that they are having to wait so damn long for the MVA arc.


Thank god I can just watch along with your guys. Your commentary is always hilarious and make these shitty episodes bearable.


Manga readers know how much the writing and story and character progression shoots up when MVA and everything else starts but it is understandable if anime only people feel turned off by this kind of shit caused it feels so dragged out at this point. Although I will gladly shit on the anime only people saying MHA is mid and not good when they don't even fucking understand the build up and read the manga to know what is coming up. So they might wanna kindly shut the fuck up and wait to see what happens or go ahead and check out the manga. If anything the manga will get you way more hyped than the anime. Just turn on some MHA soundtracks and read from around 220 and onward. Be warned though the arcs are switched here in the anime. You will start off around the my villain academia arc and after that comes the endeavor agency which only has one more episode worth of content here in the anime cause it is super short. MHA has the best art in shonen jump so it gives you some good visual stimulation to go through it and hypes you up pretty well.


I hope Uravity becomes a cool and dependable hero in the future. She could do so much if Horikoshi would let her.


She's a much more interesting character than deku even without as much screen time. Hopefully they give her some love.


Them talking about them not have kids lives gonna hit different when they see manga deku


Roshi, congrats on making it into MHA! Don’t know why you are taking drugs though, your quirk can take out anyone with trypophobia without you needing any steroids.

Devin B

My hero vigilantes is actually a pretty dope spin off and I hope it gets animated sometime in the near future

Jdogzero Silverblade

ochako wants to ask deku out but she is a responsible girl and chose to let them focus on their dream instead of their feelings towards each other. so yea they are oblivious that the other likes them they arent making a move cuz it would be a distraction from all the hard work they need to do.


MVA better be worth the fucking wait bro


Ahh yes the ep we’ve all been waiting on, placed perfectly to progress the story 🥸

Daniel Gonzalez

Who said it was the same voice? Theres 2 Izuku voices the main one in the show and the narrator one whos telling us the story of how he became the greatest hero

Candice Blair

Meh whatever. Western side always act like the sky is falling and the anime is going downhill. Meanwhile Japan is loving the anime. They could careless how the Western fans feel. lol

Candice Blair

I want to see what the rest of Class A was doing while the other 3 are with Endeavor because are they not included in something big that happens in the manga?

Jay rellim

guess yall are gonna have to change lupa's avatar in the intro soon bc his hair is growing mad fast lol

Ted Cali

Can... can someone check in on Bones, make sure they're good? Suspicious that Mineta willed himself to life and started taking hostages. The unironic, honest-to-god beach episode has landed this season in horny jail. Other than that though, pretty enjoyable filler. It's awesome to see Uravity actually doing shit by herself, and that plane hijacking sequence was dope as fuck.


You look more like Lock Rock than hole-man.


For the TV series apparently, not the manga

Shawn simpson

Man yall are too funny i swear.😂 This patron is definitely wayy more than worth it. Thanks for the good content pls keep it up👍🏽


Roshi you were right. Mutant-type quirks are present at birth. Remember the baby emitting light in ep.1. It's just transformation and emitter-type quirks that develop later on.


imagine a seal coming out of you, euuugh!

Sheraya san

You really writing whole novels in the comment section 😂 pls go touch some grass