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My bad yall I thought I hit upload on this hours ago lmao



Love the content!


Right when I got home nice! Haha


No one reacted to the "how good Endeavor looks" comment. I'm dead. xD

Devin B

Wintertime really does suck for Bakugo cause his quirk relies on the amount of sweat he produces and he can't do much if he's not sweating.


I remember bakugo telling deku to kill himself in the first episode 💀


yeah roshi? you know what u said, you're stupiddd 🤣


I keep forgetting that the hero rankings are only for Japan and that there would be other countries with powerful heroes, like Captain Celebrity who is based in America. I'd also like to know how Japan's villains like Shigaraki and All for One stack up against other countries' villains.

Smash Bran'Discootch

"Endeavor's a handsome man. I'd smash." Respect, Roshi. Respect.


A way to explain Deku's second quirk to people without mentioning OFA would be to say his strength quirk works by building up a special type of energy in the muscles of his body, and that Black Whip is the release of this energy, that in the past would try to exit his body but be unable to thus cause injury to himself.


& like an Endeavor said, that isn’t an excuse. You don’t always have the luxury to warm up


So we gonna ignore Roshi saying he’d smash endeavor🤣🤣


I think it's cool for Deku to learn from someone who had to get stronger little by little (like he has to) unlike All Might who could use OFA at 100% instantly.


so no one caught what roshi said about endeavor lmao


This season has been pretty disappointing besides 2 or 3 episodes, the pace is all over the place and next week it's gonna be a filler episode.... like wtf. At least the manga is good.


Considering no other country seems to have had a history of being controlled by a single person, it stands to easily reason All for One is top villain out there. All Might however, is world renowned, so he is the best. And Once Shigaraki transcends...If you don't have OFA you aren't stopping him.

harmony mcnealy

your definetly one of the people who probably downplays hori's writing for his character and DEVELOPMENT NOT TO MENTION episode 1. what ep are we on again?

Devin B

Yeah that's true cause most of the time All Might would tell Deku to do it by feeling but Deku is too methodical to go based on that. He actually needs step by step instructions on what to work on and how in order to improve faster.

yasmina C

@yaboyroshi and friends (lol) are you guys still gonna react to Dororo? I remember seeing it on your board of upcoming anime :DDD. p.s. thanks for the reaction!


I think you may have answered your own question there.


I love that Roshi pointed out that Sonic guy. I wouldn’t have caught that. In fact when I watched this on my own, I didn’t catch it.


I know people gonna be here in the comments complaining about the anime still being mid. Guys I understand but think of it as big build up. If you just give it some more time everything after this current arc which will end in like 2 episodes (because of the dumb filler episode so it is 2 now) we will start getting peak MHA story and it has been continuous peak MHA all the way up to where the manga is at now which is probably around the beginning of season 7 or end of season 6 in the timeline. We had to establish the class b characters for the future and show the current growth of class a for reference of where they started to where they are now. They needed to start the build up of Deku getting multiple quirks. This arc with endeavor is literally endeavor plus the big 3 getting character growth and BUILD UP for the big war arc that will happen in season 6. Trust me. Anime only people give it some more time. They flipped these arcs around so it is taking some more time than expected but the next arc in a couple of episodes will start peak writing of MHA so far. I hate it as much as some other fans do as well. I still enjoy everything season 5 has to offer but in comparison to the manga this is a joke. The manga has been leagues above this in the past couple of years.

Jay Johnson

That sounds like a lot of work just to lie to all your friends.

Damion Middleton

Me: Thinking about stepping out for the night. *sees notifications* Me: On Second Thought…

Ted Cali

I see people rightfully commenting on the "Endeavor handsome, would smash" bit, but are we just leaving the last thing alone? Beating your meat with IcyHot? Is that a thing? I just... why though? Call me old-fashioned, but I make it a personal rule to let my junk have as little in common with Shaq's back aches as possible.


its crazy but endeavors philosophy on getting stronger is literally what one for all is which is hilarious considering his entire issue stems from his inferiority complex with all might and one for all. If he knew what the ability actually was and how it worked he probably wouldn't of turned out way he did lol.


So nobody hear Roshi say he’d smash Endeavor?😂😂😂😂😂

Braxton Brown

Oh shit, is the animated into remastered? I don't remember being able to hear all the sound effects so clearly before

Devin Jersey

I was about to say the same thing. Makes the intro even more fire then it already is.!


like how nobody said anything about roshi saying he would smash endeavour


So we're just gonna ignore the fact that Roshi said he'd smash Endeavor? Okay lol


first, it was Nightwings cheeks and now Endeavour... Roshi you got something to tell us? lol

The Pebble

Security in your sexuality let's you admit some real shit dawg.