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I know Sheera n I still owe yall Violet, bouta get clapped by this Hurricane real quick though brb



Stay safe y’all!!

Lady Jie

Hope you stay safe


I know this is random but just wanted to tell y’all that Young Justice Season 4 already has 13 ep for broadcast and is by Studio Mir (who did the awesome and praised animation for Legends of Korra)

Alex cleveland

lmao the description 😂😂😂. hope yall good tho


Bro said brb .be safe


Be careful out there you guys🙏


Yall be careful out there!


Man as a fellow jamaican I know how horrible it can be. Just stay safe you and the fam

Mozart Waddell

Kyouka statement about luring and killing the guard gives off O-Ren Ishii vibes

Oui Oui

She didn’t kill her parents. Demon Snow did. And no she didn’t tell it to kill them

Heavenly Demonic Emperor

Man Florida is eating shit right now man 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ fuck


Stay safe guys. Btw, what did you think of To Your Entirety?

Oui Oui

No one spoiled anything. I guess you didn’t even watch the reaction. Just headed straight to the comments.

Leaky Peach

You're clarifying things that get answered in S3. That's the definition of spoilin'

Oui Oui

No one is spoiling anything. Why are y’all so stupid? They even just said “Demon Snow killed your parents” in this episode.

Leaky Peach

Ah. So you're a troll who spoils to bait people like us? Well played, but still scummy.

Oui Oui

Just shut the hell up. No one spoiled anything. No one is baiting. Wish idiots like y’all would stay off the internet.

Wilbert Gauna

Are the doing slime again?


It was me, Dio!


Ay Lupa watched food wars, first 3 seasons were peak


And when did the episode itself clarify that she didn't kill them? I don't give a shit what the reactors said, they say a lot of dumb shit. Doesn't give you the right to come in and spoil it.

Oui Oui

No one spoiled anything you fucking retards. It’s called common fucking sense but I guess you sensitive ass babies don’t have that. It clarified it in the beginning. She was an orphan before Port Mafia got her. She them got her first job to kill. You can’t be an orphan if you’re parents are alive. Meaning they were dead when Port Mafia got her. And they literally said in the episode “Demon Snow killed your parents”. If she killed her parents then they would have said she did it or that she used her ability to kill them. And no one was talking about the reactors so go sit your retarded ass down somewhere.


Be safe!

Sierra's pichu

They live in Florida???? How'd I not know that..


Oh shit, fuck these videos focus on keeping yourselves safe and sound, we can wait we'll be right here once that shit passes


No worries, stay safe guys we'll be here.

Oui Oui

Didn’t spoil it. Look up the definition of spoil and stop calling everything spoilers. No wonder people on Facebook shit on this community.

Demarquise Wimley

Yooo the fucking caption🤣🤣🤣🤣

Leaky Peach

Except that clarifying something that gets properly explained in S3 (especially since you felt like they needed it explained to them like they were children) is pretty much spoiling them.


Could be wrong, thought they started it last week. But you are probably right.

Oui Oui

It gets clarified during this episode. And no. I didn’t explain it to them like they were children. But I see how their community sees them. Nothing was spoiled. But you idiots will keep saying the same thing over and over.

Oui Oui

Just because y’all were too stupid to notice it doesn’t mean everyone else was.

Leaky Peach

Ok then, cool. If you weren't explaining anything then what was the point of this post? Why even bother taking the time to type anything if you're gunna claim it was pointless to begin with?

Oui Oui

And now you’re saying random shit. Where did I say that I didn’t explain anything? Where did I say that it was pointless? Maybe stay off the drugs and you won’t make yourself look like a complete dumbass. Man this is funny as hell.

Leaky Peach

Ikr!? Crazy what happens when you feed into the troll. You're a crazy fun baiter, troll.

Oui Oui

Not baiting and not a troll. Why don’t you do everyone a favor and just shut up? Is that too advance for someone as slow as you?

Leaky Peach

XD nice one, troll. Tell you what: you delete this spoiler, and I'll stop responding.

Leaky Peach

You're quite funny. I guess neither of us have a life if we're both continuing this. That's the logic you just used.

Oui Oui

Nah. You’re the only one that doesn’t have a life. I just have plenty of time since I’m my own boss.

Leaky Peach

Riiiiiight. Judging from your insults, I'mma guess you're in high school. I see you, you little rebel, you. Be your own boss.


They did say "Demon Snow killed your parents" in the episode, I have no qualms about this. The problem some of us have, as Conf3tti mentioned, the episode never confirmed "she didn't kill them", *YOU* are the one who made that confirmation. Your reasoning makes 100% sense, but many authors may set plot twists in their stories to surprise readers/ reactors. No matter how logical the idea was, before it is officially confirmed in the anime, it is still a guess, a reasonable guess at most. Stop assuming that you are not spoiling and call other people retards and idiots. What will you gain from this anyway?

Oui Oui

Funny how you try to edit your replies afterward. And not the logic I was using. And no. Not in high school. In college. 2 more years until I get my PhD. Got my own business as well. Probably doing better in life than you. Well that’s obvious since you have no life.


take care guys!

Leaky Peach

Oh. My. God. That's far worse. At least as a high schooler, you'd have a reasonable excuse for behaving this way. But a graduate student? Actually the boss of his own company? ... I feel sorry for your employees dude...

Oui Oui

Lol don’t have employees. And so your behavior is excusable? That’s hilarious. Just shut the hell up already.

Oui Oui

And Victor anyone with a brain can make the confirmation. Especially if they were paying attention to the episode. And if you read what I said before then you would understand that they did confirm it. Because if she did kill them then they would’ve said that. Not assuming I didn’t spoil anything since I didn’t spoil anything. What will y’all gain for not minding y’all’s own business and trying to prove someone wrong and fail? Nothing.

Leaky Peach

I didn't say anything about my behavior being excusable or inexcusable. Btw, how does it feel knowing you've shown yourself to be a bonafide man-child? Let's return to the point of this slap fight: why you spoilin', bruh?


F to roshi

Leaky Peach

Honestly, I've lost track of who's trolling and who's falling for the troll at this point. Initially, it was you. But now, I think you're just biting onto the hook and can't let go.

Oui Oui

Didn’t shown myself to be a man-child. But you shown yourself that you are. So ask yourself that and you’ll get your answer. Not spoiling anything. You’re just butt hurt that you’re the definition of incompetent

Oui Oui

Never trolled and never got hooked on your bait.

Leaky Peach

Whatever you say, troll. Enjoy the bait on the end of the line ;^)

Oui Oui

Not a troll. Not taking any bait either. Enjoy being an annoying parasite

Devin B

In the last BSD post Lupa commented saying they saw the first 2 eps

Devin B

They mentioned it before but the only reason that the Port Mafia is going after Atsushi is cause the Guild are the ones who put the bounty on his head in the black market. Plus like Roshi said the dude just wants Atsushi to make him a part of his collection.


They have seen some episodes it but it doesn't drop until Friday. 2 eps/week


I've been noticing you in some of their reactions comments and you just seem to overreact and then call ppl who challenge u babies or throwing very shallow insults at them... though the ppl that challenge you are not always very mature but you probably need to take a chill pill cuz it seems like you enjoy getting some kind of negative reaction/attention from ppl

Oui Oui

I really don’t. And I don’t need to take a chill pill. You’re assuming something completely wrong. You tried to analyze me and failed. Horribly. Because everything you just said is false.

Oui Oui

And no one has been “challenging” me. Love how you went after me though. Why not tell them?

Cleven Anthony

Lmao this long ass thread just so ppl could complain about something you could figure out by paying attention. Y’all gotta chill starting a whole arguement like your their personal watch dogs. It’s isn’t that deep. 😂


Right I can't imagine getting this pressed over someone telling you not to spoil. Like even if you didn't, no need to spend your time responding.

Oui Oui

No one is pressed. And it seems you’re misunderstanding who he is talking about. No need to comment on something that’s over. But here you are.


...The correct plan seems like it would just be to take the battery out of the phone

I’m me

it was voice mail. guessing