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Kirei out here being an evil mastermind


Drew Ferguson

they would of only been worse because of Kiritsugu's twisted past actions causing his wish to be an undesirable outcome


I have work in 5 hours But fuck it...

Pro Spartan

Here before notification, lets go

Alejandro Pupo

I think the episode numbers are messed up

Eren J

Hoping we get the next episode since they aren’t 40 plus mins anymore


This aint the bluray with 3 mins of extra content


Why wasn’t this one called episode 2? Since the last one posted was called episode 1.


so we gonna get double fate eps or not this week?


Wondering that too, normally its double episodes

Pro Spartan

Also, I think I can somewhat explain the holy grail killing everyone scenario. Kiritsugu did get his wish, but the grail stated that the wish cannot be made outside of the holders understanding. So when Kiritsugu made his wish to I guess "stop all evil", since he originally wanted to be a hero of justice, the only way Kiritsugu understood how to do that would be to kill. And that's exactly what the grail did, it just wasn't what Kiritsugu was expecting. I hope this kind of alleviates some confusion anyone might have had with that problem.


The way i saw it is that Kiritsugu didnt kill Kirei so the grail wasnt complete and it did the Flame shit to kill people as punishment.

Francisco Rodriguez

Kirei forsure got killed tho he got shot in the back. I think it was probably incomplete was because Gilgamesh was never defeated so it didn’t have all the servants the grail needed.


To explain, Master’s are necessary for Servants to remain in the world. A servant can exist without a master, but unless it’s a caster or something then it will run out of mana and quickly disappear. The holy grail does the heavy lifting for summoning the servant, but masters are required to maintain them.


YOOO, ROSHI DONT FUCKING READ THIS!!!!!!!! but yall I just noticed that Archer gave her the red diamond necklace but Emiya has it?!?!?! after watching UBW like 3 times this is the first time I caught this lol XD

Oui Oui

*5 not 6


The grail was incomplete. It’s supposed to have 6 of 7 servants in it, but both Saber and Gilgamesh were still around, so it only had 5/7

Corey Pearson

I'm not sure where you got that information from but that's not accurate with the information given. That wasn't Kiritsugu wish. Kiritsugu denied the grail because it was corrupt. They mentioned in the end of zero that the destruction caused by the grail was Kirei's wish, which was the destruction of humanity but since it was incomplete as Kirei mentioned, it only destroyed part of the city. There are plenty of articles and pages that explains this as the events that occurred as well. I don't want to spoil information about the grail since late episodes talk more about it, but overall the grail chose Kirei as a runner up to manifest itself after being denied by Kiritsugu.


Shirou finds out that Kiritsugu was Saber's master and that he ordered her to destroy the grail in the fate route. Because of this, that reveal gets glossed over in this route.

Pro Spartan

Hmm, makes sense. I don't remember where I heard it but it always made sense in my head. I guess this is why you fact check huh?

Corey Pearson

Just to clarify, they never said that command spells only show up on the master's hand. This is why Rin explains the command spells the way that she does. Rin definitely knows what she is talking about lol. Great reaction btw.


homie rly called him the Pillar men lol


Not really a "whole child"..... she's a teen closer to an adult. So yeah, a whole invalid comment there lmao. And questioning fanservice (very miniscule at that) like you've never seen anime before, that's a big oof.


Probably best not to post this at all, but yeah I feel you. I didn't even think about that til just now, and I literally just saw ep 18 last night (if only Patreon had spoiler tags like crunchyroll or discord).


Your brains were really just not working for this episode lol.


I expected you guys to be confused regarding the Master Servant pact. When a master is killed, in most cases the Servant disappears along with them because Servants are familiars anchored to the real world through a source of mana, which is their masters. The only class that's kinda immune to this are Archers because they have an innate skill called Independent Action which allows them to act independently of their masters for a certain period of time. That's why Archers in general have very clashing personalities with their masters as you've already seen with this current Archer and Gilgamesh in Fate/Zero.

Chinese Cartoons

Technically every servant can survive without a master for at least some small amount of time, it's just that Archers tend to be much more efficient. Generally Berserker's are the only ones who vanish almost instantly since they are huge mana drains and have no way to replenish their own mana.

Jake Thompson

You guys have it backwards, Servants are required to fill the holy grail, the most effective way to get rid of Servants is killing Masters (ie their tie to this world).


But Saber wasn't around anymore, just Gilgamesh, but the Grail summoned a new Archer already, Tohsaka's servant, no?


eya eya *pose*

Darren Banks

They just got confused because Gilgamesh was able to stay present before choosing Kirei after he killed Tokiomi. They also kinda left that part out during the explanation of the war this episode. It's a natural mistake in deduction. They also didn't really explain the dispositions of each class here, as Archers are the most efficient at staying "alive" after the death of their master's while Berserkers disappear almost immediately.


If they ever get to Fate/Apocrypha, they will see what Rin meant

Vincent S Deluca

Servants Will die if they don't have a master, but that doesn't always happen Immediately. Some classes are less efficient Mana-wise than others, Archer classes tend to be very efficient and can last a couple days with no master (Like Gilgamesh) while Berserkers tend to be use A LOT of Mana so they vanish very soon after, if not instantly

kaeleb white

SPOILERS*** That's how rin found out who Archer really was, cuz shirou had the necklace that archer gave back to her. Only one of those necklaces existed in the first place, she had dreams about archers past too.


This is also shown with Kirei’s father, and Kirei in fate zero, they have the command spells on their arm.


You talking about Rin or Illya, cause Illya is an adult.


I wouldn’t risk keeping this here. It’s too spoilery even with the spoilers warning.


their brains aint ever really working for much more other than rompy action shows lol but its why we love them. Natsuverse is complicated and there being multiple routes makes it even more complicated so they'll probably be mad confused no matter what.


I mean thats not why Gil and Current Archer are the way they are but yeah lmao...... Archer classes have independent action don't mean they clash with their masters.


thats not what happened at all lmfao yall gotta do some reading before you start posting non sense confusing them more.


Kirei is the best character in the series what you mean. He literally fucks with everyone at all times and its the greatest.


Also masters dont need to die just the 7 servants to complete the ritual of the lesser grail which opens up the greater grail. The servants didn't all die in the last war.


Just a point of clarification guys, as stated by Gilgamesh in the end of fate zero- it was kirei’s wish that caused the the burning mud to be released. Kirei was given the wish by the grail (in hopes of itself being born) as Kiritsugu rejected his wish. If Kiritsugu didn’t try destroying the grail, things would have been a lot worse.

Marcus Martindale

The Servants do die of they lose there master. But it tends to take a bit of time which they can use to find a new master


Yeah, it really depends on the servants skills too. Stuff like Independent Action lets them go days without a Master if their rank is high enough.

Faiz Khan

since you guys would never know the VN this is based off of has Ero scenes in it lmao


If the master is killed then the servant has no mana supply so will eventually die/vanish but can survive for a while with their own mana source and during that time they can make another pact with a master so he wasn't lying


I'm pretty sure that's only archers that can do that? Cause they have the independent skill or something


As far as I'm aware Archers have independent action that allow them to survive for a while without a master and other servants just can't last nearly as long

Drake Rage

Come on guys.. Last Episode of last season: There was a whole ass emotional segment with the Grail trying to "seduce" Kiritsugu.. but in the end he even killed his own "fake" daughter and wife to deny the Grail and refused to make a wish. Roshi even said that it was probably Kirei that made the wish since Kiritsugu refused, so the Grail revived a dead Kirei to make his Evil wish from the Evil Grail.... How did you guys abandon that theory that made so much sense into believing Kiritsugu caused that fiasco... just because Lupa kept saying it because he misunderstood everything??... Roshi you even corrected him, then accepted his conclusion that Kiritsugu caused the mess? LOL, smh.

Drake Rage

@Pro Spartan.... how you going to write a whole bunch of nonsense to try to "explain" stuff with completely wrong information, lmao.


To be honest they've always believed Kiritsugu was the one who caused it, Roshi presented the theory but then just discarded it for some reason.