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Ep 2 and Fate currently exporting!



Roshi is right humans are trash

Kwaku Afari

Probably mad late for clarification but it's the wise woman who ratted her out not the old lady. The wise woman got jealous since she was actually healing people.

Kameron Renae

OMG YESSSS I love this show


I love you so much guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


Perfect ⏱ing

Lua Tomarelli-Lu

the lady that was just there getting medicine from Lisa isn't the one that was snitching on her. That was the first time that they had met (you can tell from the conversation). Also since that's the same lady that goes to the house to lay flowers and trusted Lisa as a doctor, not believing when everyone was calling her a witch.


Everybody gotta go!!! Also, the woman who snitched was the dead skin powder scam artisit


I dont wanna repeat what others said too much but the lady who snitched was the old wise woman of the town not the old lady she helped.


Was it the old woman who got her killed? I thought so too, but when the bishop said "old wise woman" that could be referring to the woman the older woman was talking about. The one who was giving old dead skins from her foot as medicine .

Deshawn Smith

The one who snitched on Lisa was the old wise woman. She was probably feeling spiteful and was just jealous of her.

Solivigant Kaiba

LOL! That intro, Roshi a menace!!!


I knew they were going to get clapped in the comments for the whole snitching thing.

Joshua Burns

It wasn’t that lady she helped it was the old wise woman she brought up that ratted her out the one that she said gave them old foot shaving as medicine the old lady was just there


You know, at least that old bitch wasn’t just like, faking his belief in god to manipulate people. He was genuinely just a delusional religious nut


lmao i love the intro "that wasn't my uncle this is the wrong town!"


I like the show. I like the art. I like the animation and the story. I like the sounds and I like the voices of the voice actors, but I sometimes don't understand what the voice director was going for with the voice talent.

john segun doe

I fukin love roshi. Everybody gotta go I felt that way too cuz i fucked with dracula so much lmaooooooooooo

Dougie Fresh

Sheera be popping off and clapping herself lately. It was the former fake wise woman who switched on Lisa.

john segun doe

The wise woman got her killed not the lady she was helping. The wise woman is the lady who was a doctor before her. and she got jealous


Clapped LMAO


I know it’s easy to clown on Godbrand but it’s important to see the state of Dracula’s war from his perspective and the others. It’s the opposite of what you guys were thinking where Godbrand wanted destruction and to pillage rather than having order. That’s what the war currently is, just mayhem everywhere and people like Godbrand want there to be order and structure to do accomplish things faster.

Ebony Conner

Lol I thought Lupa would like the doggo 🤣


Bruh i almost forgot season 1 was sooo short.


just like history, everything was going good. then the catholic church came along

Oui Oui

“Good catch” did y’all both not recognize her at all?


Their attention to detail sometimes is non-existent 😭😭


Ok im glad i wasn't tripping. when sheera started getting upset at the old woman i was like wait didn't he just imply that it was the previous wise woman who told them?

Illusary Illustrater

it wasnt the old woman in the house it was the wise woman the old lady was talking about


Shawty had a centrifuge in the 1400s 🤣 no wonder they thought she was a witch. Also, atleast sheera knows roshi would burn the world down for her if they had her at the stake

Revstarallstar .

Yh Godbrand was making sense and giving some good explanation to the war. “Get the fuck out and mind yo business” Guys gotta notice that not everyone is an asshole and everyone is an asshole, they finna say some good smart shit. Direct the energy to Dracula if anything this nigga a whole boss character remember. Plus old woman who was a fake doctor a witch snitched on Lisa.


Hellsing Ultimate Abridged Episode 8 :D https://youtu.be/DQG2Ma4sedk?t=51


Y'know, from that last conversation with Hector and Godbrand, I'm starting to think that the reverse of what Dracula said is true about them. Where it's actually Godbrand that wants it over quickly, while Hector wants the humans to suffer. Godbrand said, "It could be done in less of a..." Before Hector cut him off with a death stare

The Pebble

Sheera it wasn't that same lady that snitched....It was the shitty wise woman that was giving people her foot shavings that told the church.


Even in an animated medium, I love how excellently they portray Dracula's heartbreak and utter exhaustion at this whole situation. He wanted fire and vengeance before but he has no taste for it and just wants it over so he can mourn.


No Sheera...it was the old wise woman who was a jelly bitch

Gennadiy Mishiev

It wasnt the old lady patient that snitched. It was the wise woman, the old "doctor" that gave people powder from foot skin. She snitched because she lost her business of duping people.


You can see how devastating secondary effects Teleportation has, since it basically deletes the air etc in the target area, so there's suddenly a "vacuum"/imbalance there (of course the air from the origin point is also transmitted to the destination, but it's different air than what was there, so the pressure, humidity and other such differences really fucks shit up), causing shockwaves


Was about to say something like that. Lol clapped in the comments

Guerry Nine (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:04:09 I got confused when you guys posted s2 after s1ep4 but then I remember that castlevania s1 was short af lol
2021-07-06 15:07:17 I got confused when you guys posted s2 ep1 after episode 4 but then I remember that castlevania s1 was short af lol

I got confused when you guys posted s2 ep1 after episode 4 but then I remember that castlevania s1 was short af lol


Especially next season you'll know who I mean if you've watched the show


Season 2 let's gooo!


its 1400s where the fuck yall want these people to go? lmaooo people in the 1400s couldn't just up and leave their homes whenever they wanted to.


It wasnt the old lady that she helped that turned her in. It was the "old wise lady" that the sick lady mentioned made her powder out of her foot skin. Clearly she was trying to get rid of competition :(

Smash Bran'Discootch

Um....yeah they could. How tf do you think uninhabited areas got settled? My dude, you might wanna crack open a history book sometime.


So no one saw aaliyah?