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best episode yet holy shit!


Christina Scarfeo

bro, they are on the moon not the planet


I think it is so funny watching Roshi point and yell "ROBOT!!!"


Ah yes,time to see the wtf faces lol

Oui Oui

Lol I was waiting for this just to see everyone’s surprise when they find out their theories were wrong. Also Sheera did you forget their powers doesn’t work in the TVA (lol nevermind, she did)


That episode was so insane damn, when Mobius was pruned I screamed "jet ski" so hard for some reason lmao


Vampire y'all...Blade maybe?


Alligator version wtf 😂


Lupa's headband upside down. "Don't do it"


Who do y’all think is responsible for the TVA? Kang maybe?

Alejandro Rodriguez

y'all talked over them introducing blade to the MCU lol also I think the whole point of revonna saying she didn't remember what caused the Nexus event for female Loki was just that her life and everything was so unimportant and insignificant to the sacred timeline it doesn't even matter what she did


Ok so im like 8 mins in and im just thinking cant Loki call Heimdall to telly them out?

rickie woodson

she was born a girl when all lokis are supposed to be dudes. thats my theory. it could also be this: since tva exists outside of time and they can access any part of time, they know who their enemies are and so they have gone back in time to stop their enemies before they become a threat. think "kill hitler as a baby before he starts world war 2" kind of thing


My guess is that when people are pruned, the TVA sends them to (or makes a replica of) the place where they first became a variant and messed up the timeline. In the back of the credit scene, it looked like the avengers tower from the first avengers movie, and that's around the time Loki picked up the tesseract and messed things up I believe?? Could be a stretch.


Watch the creator of the TVA be a Loki

Isaiah Gray

Bro, I was literally crying when they pruned Loki, I just want this man to survive this series.

rickie woodson

revana is kang's lover in the comics. not saying kang is behind this like yall im just saying........kang is coming in antman 3, im not buying him showing up before then. we will see in two weeks

Smash Bran'Discootch

yoooooo Lupa pointing out the avengers tower in the background was CLUTCH


If you didn't know in the comics there are differents versions of Loki, so Marvel decided that we're going for a whole Lokiverse now 😂


"Shit ass Walmart costume" 💀 And Lupa who just went out of frame in the end lmaoo

Jeremy Estrella 🇩🇴

That Old man Loki outfit. That’s suppose to be the original costume he wore from his first appearance in 1962. Classic 🤣


MCU are goated for this


Lupas "IM SICK" at the end had me in tears😭😂


Thee moment Owen Wilson got pruned I KNEW that shit wasn't killing them. This is Marvel not DC. Marvel know better to than to kill a character they can develop and milk for 50-11 movies/ shows 1st.


Lupa sounded like a Venture Bros villain when he was talking about Lameentis 😭😂

X__Dead Man

There was a alligator Loki wtf


I like how sheera said. Maybe he isn’t really dead. Than Roshi was like nah that means he’s dead. How sheera be knowing these things before hand.


When Sylvie touched B-15 I immediately thought..."Markus is that you? What in the Detroit: Become Human is happening!?" Crazy episode.


The variants thing is different than the comics. It’s easier to explain how they have people working for them, because in the comics the TVA are real beings and they use millions of clones of Mobius and two other distinct TvA. agents. They probably didn’t want to have to use special effects for that. Also Ravona is Kang’s lover in the comics and they are at war with the Timekeepers and the TVA. The changes from the comics to the MCU will be fine depending on the way it plays out as long as it isn’t poorly done.

Justin Baker

I have a theory that I'm expanding on a bit, but first saw on reddit; the reason sylvie was originally taken, is because she was literally too "good". In asgard she was playing "save asgard", and then once arriving at the TVA, she was yelling to help the guy that was getting thrown around. If the TVA is everything it says it is, and mobius was being honest, to his knowledge, loki is MEANT to be evil. Like mobius said in the first episode, he is meant to kill, and hurt people, to help others reach their fullest potential. So because sylvie was inherently good, she went against the sacred timeline, even at that age. I also think this is why mobius specifically said to loki, that he can be whoever he wants to be, even if it's someone "good". Mobius has been operating under the preconceived notion that loki has to be evil, as told to him my his superiors at the TVA. Once he realized it was all a lie, he specifically let loki know that he could be good. So I think all of the lokis that our main loki wakes up to, are all "good" lokis that got taken away, and pruned. If you look closely, you can see a destroyed avengers tower in the background behind the lokis, so I would assume they're all in a completely separate timeline, that was specifically created for variants that have been pruned, and this could possibly lead to a ridiculous amount of cameos, which is really cool.


Bruh I completely skipped that end credit seen lmao

Devin B

That's the thing I don't get though why would they take her as a kid and not when she's a baby cause if they got her for just being a girl there should've been a branch in the timeline the moment she was born and knowing them they would go after it as soon as it branched. I'm assuming it's something she did as a kid that would have made her not be like the other Loki's and actually be a good Loki which would mess with the timeline cause there shouldn't be a good Loki.


I still have no clue what’s going on, but I remember wondering why the Miss Minutes video showed Earth on it, but seeing as Earth is where Loki was sent to, it makes me think that Earth has a much bigger part to play.


Maybe each variant has their own timeline they go to, so there could be an Owen Wilson pruning place, where there are a bunch of Wows.


I wonder if Roshi saw my comment on how maybe Mobius was just an Owen Wilson, or if he came up with that on his own, either way, it’s a funny thought.


on the possibility of it being two loki's falling in love that caused the spike, why could that be the case when it occurred in an apocalypse event, they with all the planet wouldn't have survived, and as we learned there was no branching in apocalypse events so how did they really find them on lamentis 1?

Malcolm Washingon

My theory is that the "sacred" timeline depends on particular versions of Loki. Loki has to be a lonely misunderstood villain who ends up dying. So ANYTIME that could change permanently it creates a spike no matter where he is because it's just so wrong. Or rather so against what whoever controls the tva deems is right. There's also the possibility that Loki's low key inferiority complex and depression holding his powers back, and falling in love and kissing Sylvie woulda released full measure of strength which may have been enough to stop their imminent death. just two theories, my money is on the first one.

stanley drury anderson jr

I’m confused as shit because the time keepers are real especially in the comics I’m just lost people keep saying they are fake so I think they will introduce them as regular people and not giant beings

Stew V

Oh shit i skip the end credit scene, btw good catch lupa for noticing the avengers tower


I realized they were fakes the moment they didn't move from the place despite 2 Variants going boogaloo. The only reason not to, would be because THEY CAN'T, logically speaking.


Hey guys, this is unrelated to the show but i recently just subscribed to the patreon where obv i paid but then it just renewed my membership again 5 days after paying for the membership? is it not supposed to renew itself after a whole month from when i paid?


Patreon renews membership on the 1st of every month. So you have to buy it on the 1st or you will be charged again in less than a month


The big three. Wizards, aliens, androids

Bully Finch

Isn't fun when you think a show's going in one direction and all of a sudden it just drops you on your neck?


Can Someone tell me what the Blade reference was?


*Watches show on on Wednesday morning and sees time keeper head* "What in the Chuck-E Cheese is this?....Yo, I've been watching to much Roshi recently" *Watches reaction video* Lupasan: What in the Chuck-E Cheese Me: Yup


Mobius mentions arresting some Krees, some Eternals from Titan, and some... ***vampires***.


This New York in the mid-credits scene isn't the NYC if Loki had won in Avengers 1 is it? Like it's a whole pruned timeline?


Maybe the "reset" charges just sever the Nexus point from the sacred timeline rather than erasing it completely. So it has no contact with the main timeline and this can't corrupt it. And so when they're pruned, they're just sent to a dead timeline

Tim Chaos

“The Day After 5 Minutes Ago” dangit I’m 💀


ok they BETTER give an explanation for why they break their own "can't create nexus events in an apocalypse" rule cuzz that shits bullshit...Also Owen Wilson better be coming back

twis tempo

when he said you could be anyone you wanna be even someone good what he meant was loki isnt just here to cause death like he said in the first episode

Scott Brown

Probably what Mobius said: It's a nexus event so ridiculously far from the norm (two variants of the same being falling in love) that it broke shit more than usual. That or they were going to survive that somehow because they're built different (Frost Giants).

Stanley Labissiere

Lupa said "caught in 480p" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH


yeaaa roshi?? lupa steady talking and being loud telling jokes and stuff but everytime sheera try to speak you tell her to hold on lol ashame