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this shoulda been up yesterday but i have no internet until Monday, currently bumming wifi off a friend lmao. Ill try to get Violet Evergarden up later!


Izzy Mark



Tokyo revengers?


we normally watch that on Mondays, the times we dropped on Saturday were a lucky exception lol


Literally just finished vivy then this came in, Love the timing😂

Otis Cunningham

Yah gotta watch the chainsaw man trailer!


Is Tokyo revengers coming today too?


I think Lupa forgot Hawks is undercover working to expose the villians in the beggining lol


You guys should watch the slime diaries, it shows stuff that happens between arcs of the main story line, and it’s a pretty fun watch

Vincent Ruacho

Dude whats cool is that its not even the trailer its just the Pv (Promotional video) im glad i read all the manga


Man said season 4, title says season 4, Roshi just all outta sorts with no internet! 😂


My man Roshi did the equivalent of saying "I see..." with a blindfold on when he tried to read that book lmao


Roshi: "Damn that's a BIG bag"


Roshi screaming yes to Shiggy at the end of the intro was all of us manga readers lmao


There will be a break for next episode so it’ll come out on the 10th (my birthday😏). Also will you guys react to the chainsaw man trailor?


The intro was nice until the “merry go round” part, it completely killed the song for me


Glad they liked the op just shows that every opening doesn’t have to be over the top for it to be dope


I like slower paced OP's too but this one just feels lacking in a lot of senses. Hope MHA comes out with a better one by the end of the arc

The Pebble

The visuals for all the openings are always amazing, but this new one and the very first opening from season 1 are the only ones with actually good music, makes me laugh how often I disagree with the majority cause everyone loves all the openings and a lot of people dislike this one. Feels good to be niche minority.

Devin B

In terms of song and visuals I really like Opening 4 the best. This one isn't bad but I felt like it could've used a little more visuals to it. The song is dope though.


I actually liked this opening too


I'm so dead @ Bakugo calling Hawks a "spoonbill"

Jose silva

Yes we need more violet


Servant of the Stars spittin....


will u be posting tokyo revengers today ?


So it sounds like this liberation army wants to do away with the concept of heroes being responsible for the actions of others? Interesting.

Izzy Mark

Hahah that’s funny my homie said he saw an invisible girl figure too hahaha I thought that shit was soooo useless 😂😂😂


Ok thanks for explaining why it wasn't up


This is season 5 by the way


I love how the intro is kinda like a sign telling us how it’s gonna dark! Also I’m guessing what they’re doing is after this arc is finished they’re gonna do like a “__ days ago for the mva arc like on what happened before the agency arc” and then for THAT arc in season 6 it will be like the present


Their are a lot of mixed opinions about the opening but I think it is a banger. They did a good job of not spoiling much but the looks of the characters.

Earphone Jack

I'm glad y'all like the intro! It really is lit! The song is awesome and I think the visuals are just the standard anime visuals like in the other OPs. Meanwhile people were having temper tantrums on Twitter yesterday because it didn't show what they wanted it to show. Like if you don't like an intro, fine. But don't be an asshole about it. And while I liked the first intro to this season, I can admit that this one is better haha.

Damion Middleton

I really like how this is going on with the intro 😈 Also, who’s ready for the Violet Evergarden drops? Nobody? Yeah me neither. 😢


Why do they always end up skipping over endings on anime? They don't even give it one good watch the first time around? Like they rarely ever do it for as long as the patreon has been going on.


Peep that Chainsaw Man trailer fam!

darnay mayberry

yo is anyone else having problems with patreon?


The only time i can think of off the top of my head is JJK’s first ed


This may be a dumb question, but what are the schedules for Fate and Bungou Stray Dogs series? I'm new and I'm still confused about it.

Beef Gristle Mill

All My Hero OPs suck except for like 2, but strangely I liked that one, it wasn't the best but I liked the rock vibe it had


Fun Fact: Gojo and Hawks share the same VA.

Alex cleveland

Come on MHA S5!!!! Im sorta missing that hype that I use to have for early MHA. Demon Slayer, AOT, JJK, and other big shounen r coming strong asf. MHA needs to step up, especially wit these new OPs😂. They aint bad but they aint great imo....


Im tired of lupa saying ain't nothing going on with his channel. Like i don't be popping up in them streams the moment I get off work

Daniel Gonzalez

The manga has some events going on hasnt really stopped actually so these could be the last moments of calm we get in this show


No Mha episode next week ;(


Maaan i wish Lupa would make content on youtube mainly gaming content. Like maybe a single player series? Or a game that he loves and make a series out of it. Sheeeesh hope he does it besides just going live.

Desert Penguin

Need more Young Justice!!!


When will roshi do the manga reader dance during the opening?


Bro the OP is gas 🔥 the vocals and vibratos from the lead singer are tough 😭👌

kurumi Tokisaki

Imagine being called number two everywhere you go lol