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Surprise!! Adding this gem into the mix! Bungo Stray Dogs coming later tonight!



Where was the TVA in Spiderverse??

Killah_ Raze

i rewatch this and every 5 second these 3 talk alot without truly understanding this


Woah this was a nice suprise! Glad yall are reacting to it




Bro y'all are OGS for this


Damn that’s a surprise




Great ass surprise



Cameron Smith

Let’s gooooooioiooooooooo




Damn let’s fucking goo!!!



Kalib Holland

Ayeee was not expecting this



Joshua Burns

A show that’s not anime, whaaaaaaaat?!?! 😂


You guys are amazing for this, thanks and hopefully you'll do all the D+ marvel shows!

Luis Rodriguez

This must be that new anime everyone is talking about. Marvel don’t even bother looking at this channel 👀 👀 👀

Big Daddy Dre

Let just hope y’all don’t Constantly clap yourself throughout this series 😂😂


Oh hell yeah I didnt expect this but I'm here for it

Cleven Anthony

Yo I came here after the notification cause it said Loki but my brain was like “what anime is that?” 🤣🤣 this is so dope you guys are the best 😁


Do more stuff that’s not anime. I dig it


Loki top 5 character in MCU this not a debate


First came the western cartoons, now live action shows, what a time to be alive...

mitch anderson

Well well well. Let’s get it


I like the part where loki is a jobber, infinite stones are a joke, and female loki who is just loki *who is a jobber* but female is the big bad that the space cops who consider loki to be a joke can't handle, in their everything is set in stone nothing really matters cause 3 lizards know it all universe.


Y'all stay giving us these WTF moments lol but I'm not big on the Marvel Fandom so imma skip this one but enjoy Marvel fans😁😁😁


Hope we get these types of reactions so hype for this series

Mozart Waddell

You guys are dope for this


Yo Roshi, could you please add subs for the next reaction? would appreciate it, thanks in advance

Devin B

His character is definitely one of the most interesting in the MCU imo

Devin B

My dude Casey just casually has 15+ Infinity stones while Thanos spent most of his time just getting 6.


no wayyy 😂I was just about to head to bed but now I gotta watch this reaction!

Bob Denver

Lupa with the Whitest Kids You Know reference had me howling.


Had to double check the post to see if I was trippin 😂


It seems the other loki is setting the multiverse in some kind of madness


You guys should do more live action shows/ movies.

Mordecaix Rigby

Why dont yall watch shows like Lucifer,the umbrella academy, warrior nun, and lovecraft country lol like anime is cold but you have to have a good mix of alot of things


YOOOO. You have no idea how much I wanted to see your guys' reactions to the Marvel shows


lmfaoo the plane was loki as DB cooper a famous heist thats still unsolved IRL

Jaime Adam

Why is sheera always on point it’s scary


I guess they never heard of D.B. Cooper.


Where the heck were these people when Thanos showed up!?



Jada Merritt

As a general rule in the Marvel Universe/Multiverse, especially in the comics, Infinity Stones are rendered useless outside of the universe in which they were created. The TVA exists outside of all universes and timelines, so what we previously thought were the most powerful objects in existence are nothing more than colored gems there. The stones in the drawer may have come from other universes or from variants who had possession of a stone for too long.

Wassaza Martin

This show gon make me act up


It was suppossed to happen, so they didnt need to.

Michael Pamon

The stained glass painting isn’t a Mephisto reference, it’s a reference to Loki. The horns on the devil figure are the exact same horns that Loki wears

Brian Conner

I'm Loki coming with a Glorious Purpose


After taking the stones from each timeline, they had Captain America return the stones to the same exact point in time. Thus erasing any deviations. The exception of course being Loki escaping. But it seems that the time police probably corrected things. They mentioned it in the movie. But that was 3 hours long, so forgetting that is forgiven.


I know they play it up for reactions, but man would I hate to sit next to Lupasan if he's like this in theaters xD


Infinity Stones only work in their own universe for anyone confused about why they were inert.


Oh wow when I first watched this I thought it would be interesting if you guys reacted to it since most of the stuff we get to see is anime/cartoons. Very keen to see how this goes! Especially if Lupa is anywhere near as into Marvel as he is DC!


Let's gooooo I'm hype y'all are watching this

Leaky Peach

I'm normally that one guy who constantly whispers jabs about the movie to my friends, so I know I'd love to sit next to Lupa in the theater.

Vincent S Deluca

People running around with Infinity Stones are also prime candidates for people messing with the Original Timeline, makes sense they’d have a lot of em. Infinity stone users are the crowd that they probably tend to have to go after


Just to clear things up, this Loki also has not had much Character development. He hasn’t gone through Dark World, Ragnorak or infinity war. All he has done is Thor and Avengers. So he hasn’t really bonded with Thor yet.


any chance we could get subtitles? Its fine if that can't happen, I'm just deciding to watch along with yall for the first time so I didn't wanna miss any dialogue


My guy found whole infinity stones in a junk drawer next to some sauce packets, screws, and random rayovacs

stanley drury anderson jr

I’m never unsubscribing yo y’all Patreon y’all are literally the best on YouTube😭😭😭

stanley drury anderson jr

I didn’t even notice this at first but if you look when they first arrive at the TVA the Tesseract loses all its power


Idk if y’all knew but the whole plane scene was a reference to the case of DB Cooper, and if you’re interested then I recommend this vid on it https://youtu.be/CbUjuwhQPKs


yooo so glad yall are reacting to this

Keshawn Malone

First off clapped bc u said test when it's edges theme song lupa


didn’t expect this 🤯


Yo, y'all really watching this? Truly the Kame House have been blessed with glorious purpose! Even though they're over, would love to hear y'alls quick thoughts on WandaVision & TFATWS! Bless!


anyone know what timezone they're in?


whatever timezone Florida is in I guess


i need more of this!!


Why don't the retards at TVA everything-proof their operatives gear? Especially when it's simple shit like fire-proof, kinetic-proof, electricity-proof, gas-proof etc? If you can fucking time-travel, you can invest in some Stasis Field tech, yea?




Plot. Some of em need to be fodder to further the plot & to justify loki being asked to help

Gennadiy Mishiev

You're all taking so much asking questions and discussing theories that you miss all the details of what you are watching and then you have more questions because you missed it :|

Mellow Cho

this is a pleasant surprise


Yay!! Would have loved to see y'all react to Wanda Vision too 🤣 But I'm here for the multiverse hype~


You guys are truly goated I’m so happy to be supporting y’all. Keep taking my money


Does anyone who watched episode 2 know what music was playing in the final scene?


when they said the criminal from the blue box it was a doctor who joke lol

Bob Bob

Could you guys please activate subtitles.


Plz turn on subtitles. Even lupa stopped the talking to hear what was said. Not trynna be rude

Nikolai Cannady

It would really help hearing challenged people if you guy could please turn on subs for all shows


For everybody asking about subtitles, Roshi mentioned while streaming yesterday that he couldn't find a video file with subs for episode 1, but he's definitely aware and will hopefully have them going forward 👍


Roshi, Shira , and Lupa here's the details "no spoiler" in the comic the TVA are time police yes, but the reason the stones don't work is because the TVA existed outside the MCU in a pocket dimension where they are not effect by Thanos snap, and the time resets do reset the whole timeline back the way it was like Loki never left so that End GAME won't be affected and what the other Loki skeem is.......... well yall going to have to use yall great detective skills to find out but overall I luv the reation this show going to have yall brains storming

William Abbott

After this series is done I hope we get some more live action series. I wonder which ones they havent seen.


Alright. They speculated the same thing I did. Let's see how wrong we are.


Current theory I have is that Loki is meant to CREATE the multiverse and that the war that was referenced that made the time keepers create the sacred timeline hasn't happened yet

Storm Blade

They are referring to D.B. Cooper in this episode. A man who did a heist with a plane, jumped out the back of it mid flight, and was never found. here's a video explaining it in great detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbUjuwhQPKs

Milian Seeve

ill keep being a shameless plug, yall really gotta get on Castlevania next, all three of you guys would absolutely love it, and the animation is some of the best out there


First invisible, then Mortal Kombat, now Loki. This is gets better and better.

Charles Darcy

as entertaining as it is, an easy way to not get clapped in the comments is to maybe stop theorizing on the fly so much. yall were going a mile a minute coming up with ideas only for the show to literally explain what you were talking about a few scenes later


Lupa’s nike headband is upside down lol. “Just don’t do it”

Ace Overton

Best thing I can say is just accept getting clapped by the comments, cause this show goes all over the place


I feel Guilty IMAO..My Cousin is literally one of the studio artist who working on this show

Ravon terrell

So happy when you guys caught the terra references

Trequan Williams

Actually guys if you think about it Loki is kinda right because remember the universe was a multiverse before the time keepers showed up so Loki is kinda right.


Yep. Who gives those other guys the right to decide. Only Stan Lee can control the timelines.

Alejandro Rodriguez

The main guy behind Loki was a writer on Rick and Morty and a lot of Rick and Morty people came to work on the show so you know this multiverse shit finna pop off


i dont think yall understood it but the "escape" of loki that he showed when he said "you were db cooper!". what it is is that db cooper was a guy from one of americas top unsolved mysteries in real life, took a plane hostage, stole money and jumped out by a border somewhere midair and he and the money where never found to this day. what they did with loki was a little joke, easter egg, and or play (however u wanna call it ) on the real life version/event with loki having been db cooper in this mcu canon.


Infinity stones come from that race that died a long time ago, there's more than just five.

michael myers

If you didn't notice the tape didn't end when he got his neck snapped it ended when the ship exploded so loki probably thinks thor died during the explosion


cant believe they didnt get the DB cooper scene shit was so funny


Where does this take place after? I'm so lost


Yes!! I appreciate y'all for reacting to this! Please do more live action marvel/shows


Welp, Lupa made the "Low Key" joke at the start and now I'm required to post this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-CNlNYIRw4g


my favourite reactors hell yeah

Oui Oui

Y’all seem to have missed quiet a bit of stuff


Infinity Stones only work in their respective universes if you take them to a whole other dimension like this they just don't work.

Miguel Svjr

Yea talk about not stop talking

Adrian Valiente

Wasnt Endgame about taking the infinity stones from another universe to their own?


they show it in the intro but i understand how it could be confusing it takes place after Avengers Endgame, because tony lost the tesseract in endgame and this loki got it and escaped

Gabriel Velez Colon

I swear to God my memory is ass! Thought I had not seen ya'll reaction to Loki, but nope.... I did!