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Hope Season 2 is coming soon, clearly a lot more story left to tell!



Okay, this is just a guess, What if Aikawa’s power is an automatic transform into different identities, and Caiman is one of those identities, and the man in his mouth is Risu’s ability who got stuck in Caiman.


damn near three years and still no word on s2...

Koosha Mokhbery

Sadly I read an article that gave me the impression they did a one-season and done but there is always hope lol. We all need a second season. It was way too good


it took 4 years but......Season 2 has just been announced! Y'all better return for this, cuz I loved y'alls reaction to Season 1

Big Daddy Dre

Mappa need to stop playing and gone ahead drop that second season😂😂

Alex cleveland

MAPPA got too much on their plate rn to annonce a S2 lol. This came out 2020 so give it next year hopefully

Ayman Gebrail

You guys going to do the ova too? It’s some fun side stories


The manga is completely finished btw


You should check out the ova for this it's pretty good.

Desmond Williams

You should react to 7seeds, its a anime on Netflix


there's side story episodes for this on Netflix too. Their budget was almost zero tho


There is going to be 4 Seasons of Dorohedoro confirmed


Watch it pull anime bullshit and never have a season 2.


the manga series has 23 volumes and in the first season of Dorohedoro, the manga was not covered fully. The renewal of the anime series for season two is certain. The first season was a huge success and it gained fans from all over the world. The animation style was special and confined to Dorohedoro alone. The first season had only a few episodes confirming the release of the second season. Not only the Dorohedoro Season 2 as the manga goes long we can also get to watch the third and fourth seasons of Dorohedoro. Director of the series Yuchiro Hayashi said that the renewal of the show will be based on the performance of the first season. As the first season gained fame and became the favorite of many with Rotten Tomatoes 99% we can surely expect the direction and production team to renew Dorohedoro.




That link isn't confirmation. It's all just a guess and there's no evidence that it has been renewed (only evidence that it has not been renewed). That's not to say it won't get a second season; but saying that it was confirmed is just not true.

MitensuraTensho (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 02:18:15 LMAOO mf's just be saying shit
2021-06-15 04:05:15 LMAOO mf's just be saying shit

LMAOO mf's just be saying shit


wow you don't know what the word confirmed means.


Mans made a full paragraph based on speculations Mappa has their plate full it'll be a wait for sure

Stuart Hanmore

Call me crazy but I think Caiman has some sort of Tyler Durden Fight Club thing going on


Imo it's a bit presumptuous to declare that the shadowy knife guy "is Caiman." It's a possibility, sure, but I don't recall this behavior at all before this episode. It's kinda weird that suddenly for the first time in this season as "Caiman," he suddenly has an episode of a headache and slashing ppl. There weren't any incidents before this, in terms of what is present day in this season. Also, wtf would Aikawa he transform into? I don't think there's any transformation involved other than the spell that was cast. I do think the theory of Aikawa being the one who killed Risu is a pretty good one. I think they did show Risu being VERY shocked at what he saw when he turned around to face his killer right before he got killed.


Yeah, but that's not a bad thing. The artstyle was nice and the content was hilarious. But it's not something to watch if you have a one-dimensional mindset.


We're not saying your speculation is wrong, we're just saying that the fact is that it's not actually officially confirmed. It's good speculation, informed speculation, and there may be a pretty good chance of all that coming to pass, but it's still quite literally speculation and not confirmation. It's simply a matter of words and what they mean. Has nothing to do with doubting you or anything, so the laughing at us that you will forget to do anyway would be completely invalid and meaningless. :)

Austin S

do you think caiman could be the leader of the cross eyes?

mekhi smith

Y'all should watch Castlevania now can't wait


Also the man came out when they find caiman previous head, he heard him, i dont think he blacked out, that guy came out of nowhere and stole the head. Caiman cant be at 2 place at once,


Please watch Kaguya-sama: Love is war since you've finished this show. I swear you'll laugh your asses off and it is really entertaining.


You all should watch baki sometime

James Ancester

Was really fun rewatching this masterpiece with yall. I hope you consider Kaguya or Grand blue for this slot next.

Randle Dandle

Really hoping you guys watch Castlevania after this, three seasons of solid animation and story.

Devin B

If you look at the scene where Nikaido got stabbed you can see that the dude was wearing the exact same gloves as Caiman plus the arm's skin tone was the same as well. Also if you look closely at the shadowy figure you'll see that it had a silhouette of someone wearing an apron like Caiman. So my theory is that since Caiman been in the sorcerer's world he's been slowly recalling stuff about his past in his dreams and when he looked in the mirror and saw Risu say "you're going to kill again, a comrade" that might have triggered Caiman to maybe transform back into Aikawa. I'm assuming that he's Aikawa cause they're making it obvious with how they both used knives and other things.


you guys should watch the OVAs, 6 episodes with each of them being 5 minutes


You guys should Watch Dororo (2018), 1 season with 24 eps and its a fully complete story


Yea it's not bad. Just didn't want them to be expecting the same type of animation and be confused why its different from all the other episodes.

Rene Sanchez

you guys should watch To Your Eternity. it's still ongoing on episode 10 I think, so if you wanna wait till it's finished that's cool too. but so far I'm loving it

Melker Linderoth

Is kemono jihen coming now or did yall give up on that one?


i hope your are right but mappa doing so much probably gonna be like zombiland saga


hope a poll comes out for a new show. grand blue or kaguya would be a top pick (looking at the comments so far) but wouldnt mind something action too


86, Dororo or Castlevania. I would be happy if we get either of those next monday


really hoping for Magi: Labyrinth of Magic


Yall so off its hilarious. I doubt you'll get a season 2 so just look up the ending. The Opening literally told you exactly whats going on. All the pieces have been given to you with proper explanations already you just have to fit them together. Remember how partners actually work and Devils.


dororo would be sick

drayggenn draygenn

Such an Amazing story cant wait for season 2. As i manga reader i can tell you it gets even better


You guys put together a lot more than I did on my first watch. I can say the anime doesn't even scratch the story whole story in the manga, I'm crazy hyped for season 2.


Dorohedoro isn't renewed YET but they said it would be if it's Blu-Ray sales did well and it for a brief period did better than JoJo so it's VERY likely. Covid likely slowed production down as that happened for every anime studio.


It wasn't covid, the guys who worked on Dorohedoro are currently doing Attack on Titan's final season.


Apparently, the animators who worked on this are currently working on Attack on Titan, so season 2 will probably come after they finish that.


That too, I forgot about that; but I know both caused issue for sure.


if you like the animation style of this anime, you will probably like an anime called ''Ajin''


Roshi trying so hard to claim Lupa as clapped, though Roshi had it all wrong lmao!!


Ajin is a good story, but it's 5fps animation doesn't compare to Dorohedoro. Gave me headaches just watching it...