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The tough life of Kiritsugu


Dud3 itsj3ff

so they're supposed to land a plane at an international airport... Somehow keep all the ppl away from the plane, he's supposed to get onto the airfield somehow... help her break a window without the hundreds of police around him arresting him and then once he gets her out, they're supposed to blow the plane up, on the runway, and then just leave???


Ur excuse is dogshit Fred. Nobody said flying a plane is easy. But guess what. That doesn't matter. She was flying it just fine, and quite literally said that aviation was sending pilots to help her land safely. One bee could lead to disaster? And? They wouldn't get out in the first place unless she somehow crash landed, which wasn't gonna happen. The fact you kiritsigu dick suckers act like he's not a shitty character is comical. The equivalent of itachi dick riders from naruto. Actually, worse. He's a trash character who consistently kills for no legitimate reason and claims it to be justified "just in case". Case in point, there was no reason to kill his master. And definitely no reason to kill kayneth and his wife, whom he literally had under a GUARANTEED contract that they would leave the grail war

Gabriel Souza

@Jahmar Gez, you're so stupid that ever hurt to read this shit, just quit any shows with complexity, go watch Dragon ball

Deshawn Smith (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:22:27 It's crazy because, this episode aired on Mothers Day in Japan
2021-07-09 03:22:27 It's crazy because, this episode aired on Mothers Day in Japan
2021-05-25 03:10:55 It's crazy because, this episode aired on Mothers Day in Japan

It's crazy because, this episode aired on Mothers Day in Japan


When does Violet evergarden get uploaded?


damnn poor natalia



Jake Thompson

If you remember Kotomine was reading off a report of Kiritsugu's work as a mage killer, he mentions "he blew up an entire passenger plane just because his target was on it."

Ranginald Vagel

"You're family to me" *Fires Stinger missile directly at her* Yeah who wouldn't do that to family tbh

Scott Riley Adrueno

To clarify, he and Natalia not only hunted evil mages. They were essentially gun for hires. It's just that Kiritsugu want to dispose of everyone and anyone who seeks to do evil things, it just so happen a lot of them were mages. But yeah, his wish is essentially to end all tragedies, not just the holy grail war and not just those caused by mages. All tragedies in general.

Gaelynn Hartmann (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 03:22:22 Kiritsugu's life looking like the most depressing infomercial ever: "But wait, there's more!"
2021-07-09 03:22:22 Kiritsugu's life looking like the most depressing infomercial ever: "But wait, there's more!"
2021-05-25 05:15:17 Kiritsugu's life looking like the most depressing infomercial ever: "But wait, there's more!"

Kiritsugu's life looking like the most depressing infomercial ever: "But wait, there's more!"

Solivigant Kaiba

Look the only thing I feel like doing everytime, is wrapping Kiritsugu in a blanket and hugging him. Like, man needs happiness. Even if just a smidgen. Give him happiness.

James Woodson III

These last three episodes are honestly my favorites in this show. Just seeing how Kiritsugu became the person we see throughout the show is beautifully tragic. And what happens at the end of the war...(sorry for being a subliminal spoiler guy but I like the reinforcement of the themes surrounding his character in the end)

None None

A bit at the end that I think flies over most people's heads in the west is that Kiritsugu's has a strange habit of using "boku" to refer to himself, which isn't something a grown-ass man would do. At the end of the episode when they're connect him saying "I... (boku wa)" as a kid to saying "I... (boku wa)" in the present, they're implying that he has that weird speech quirk because the situation just traumatized him to the point of emotionally stunting him. He can never really outgrow being the boy on the island watching his babysitter beg him for a mercy killing.


Jeez the ending to this episode just leaves you speechless

Joshua W Capute

A straight up perfect example of why Dubs and even localization shouldn't exist whatsoever, because I guarantee they did not properly translate this in the dub. Not only should the average population be able to read relatively well, but if someone truly likes and it's interested in Anime this goes twofold as the Anime should only be watched in it's original form with the Japanese language (this also means that at least a rudimental search of basic culture and language differences is pretty much necessary as well) but if you are truly into a series it should be a given to read the Manga, Visual Novel or Light Novel at some point also. This means the only excuse for not warning to or be able to read is a legitimate reading or learning disability that hinders the ability to actually be able to read. Only a handful of examples of the multiple gender specific Japanese pronouns exist in anime where there's meaning behind which is used relevant to the story (or better yet a joke like in Kimi No Na Wa) which not only cannot technically be translated but doesn't even work at all when the gender specificity is ignored.


This is very incorrect. Anime is not a very good source to learn japanese from because the japanese used in anime is not how japanese people actually speak. This is a very good example of that. Grown men do use 'boku'. It's not a strange habit that Kiritsugu has. Anime has just made you think that 'ore' is how adult men have to refer to themselves which is not true.


Are they gonna end up uploading vivy? Saw that they said they’ve been watching it

None None

According to Japanese polls, less than 5% of Japanese men age 18-22 would ever be caught dead using boku around people they knew well. There's a reason it's used to codify childish characters in anime. Hearing it come out of a hardened assassin's mouth is absolutely meant to feel off, and these episodes explain why.


does anyone know how to change the quality of this video player. it doesn't give me the option to set the quality. it changes automatically

Leaky Peach

Do you have a source on those polls? I'd actually like to check them out.

Spearbearer Josh

Best you can do is copy paste the title into the search so you watch it on a page with no other video thumbnails loaded


That got me in the feels the first time I saw it, and the second time. He was holding in those tears for a damn long time. And idk if he even cried after that time on the boat after blowing up the plane. Also last episode I saw before my hiatus, so now I'm gonna be watching again on my own before your reactions drop each week lol.

Jaime Ruiz

They could've landed it in the water, she could've broke the windows of the cockpit with his help... and then blown it up. That was dumb af

Jason Li

An expert pilot could land possibly land it in the water, possibly, but Natalia was no expert pilot. Breaking the windows at that speed and altitude=death


I'm thinking that she could have landed it, THEN have kiritsugu help get her out of the plane by busting a window. Once that's all said and done, then they could easily blow it up from a distance. None of the vampires could escape as long as all the exits are shut either. Just seems like they ignored other solutions to make it more dramatic and to build up Kiritsugu's character.

Fred Then

You think flying a plane is that easy? Also, one bee out means a whole city will be in disaster. You are right on them building up his character but it's not about being dramatic. Kiritsugu just couldn't take any risk anymore.


Also, insects fly. Some can get out when they break the window. Something on the plane probably breaks off when they crash land as well. Better blow it all up.


lol your big brain plan would not only kill the pilot but everybody else as well when the insects get out of the plane